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Just when Zhou Xiaoyun looked up at Chu Yan and the Sea of ​​Consciousness was blank, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and took the storage of Jade Talisman on I Dongping’s body and the Spirit Treasure glove and earned it from Rakshasa Space.

“You … you killed Yang Sect disciple!”

Zhou Xiaoyun finally reacted at this moment and said to Chu Yan in a shocked face.

The relatively dead and confused Yi Zhiping, like Zhou Xiaoyun, couldn’t believe it. The black robed youth in front of him was a sword and a powerhouse of Heaven and Earth Realm higher than his cultivation base.

“You … who are you !?” Zhou Xiaoyun is exceptionally intelligent. Of course she knows that the black robed youth she met was definitely not simple.

“Chu Yan!”

Without looking at Zhou Xiaoyun, Chu Yan waved a hand, and a black long robe flew up from the Rakshasa Space, falling straight on Zhou Xiaoyun’s bright and exposed body, and his voice was coldly replied.

“Chu Yan !?”

Hearing this name, Zhou Xiaoyun’s body shuddered suddenly.

The name of Chu Yan, most recently, is continent in Outland. It can be said to be prestigious. Before she came to participate in the battle of the Emperor List, she had heard some rumors about Chu Yan in the division.

Just didn’t expect, here today, I will meet Chu Yan and be rescued by him.

Zhou Xiaoyun stared blankly at Chu Yan, a pair of spirit eyes, gradually shining.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoyun didn’t speak, Chu Yan waved a Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire and burned I Dongping’s corpse burn to ashes. Immediately, he stepped out of the cave and was ready to leave.

“and many more!”

Seeing Chu Yan leaving, Zhou Xiaoyun was anxious.

“I … can I be with you ?!”

Zhou Xiaoyun, who lowered his head and concealed his blush, slowly stood up and wrapped the black robe tightly around his body, and the voice was as thin as a mosquito.

“En !?”

Hearing Zhou Xiaoyun’s words, Chu Yan slipped and almost didn’t stand still.

“You … follow me, what are you doing !?” Chu Yan didn’t understand and looked back towards Zhou Xiaoyun, concealing his doubts.

“That… that…”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Zhou Xiaoyun started, and immediately shyly concealed his face flushed, and he stopped talking for a long time before finally saying

“You killed me as the disciple of Yang Sect because he saved me. If they get revenge, I … can help you!”

Zhou Xiaoyun didn’t think so, but the girl’s family, some words are really difficult to say, they verbally explained.

“It’s all right!”

Hearing Zhou Xiaoyun ’s words, Chu Yan chuckled and said the head

“No one else knows about today’s things except you and me. Naturally, Yang Sect will not know!”

“It doesn’t matter if you are Yang Sect understood, one is Yang Sect, one is not more, one is less!”

After saying this, Chu Yan bowed his hand and said goodbye, then he stood up, and the silhouette disappeared into the thick black fog.


Zhou Xiaoyun saw Chu Yan leave, followed 2 steps, and stopped again. Among the pair of spirit eyes, concealment was disappointing.

Suddenly on the spot, for a full breaths time, Zhou Xiaoyun went away with a falling face.

At this time, on the other side, look at Star Peak Plaza …

When Yang Sect Sect Master, Lin Xiufeng was originally happy, looking at the rank list of the emperor list, two of the three principals of the main sect broke into the top 3 of the emperor list.

This is definitely the first time in the history of Dang Yang Sect.

As this year’s Yang Sect Sect Master, Lin Xiufeng was naturally very excited and excited, with his eyes staring straight at the Tianmu Emperor List, with a smile on his face and folds.

You should know that when Yang Sect’s reputation is not very important, only rely on this ranking to improve Sect’s reputation.

Therefore, Lin Xiufeng is naturally in the emperor list battle and ranked, very important.


Just when Lin Xiufeng concealed his face, suddenly, the golden light flashed on the list of Emperor Tianmu, and a name instantly became dim and disappeared.

The concealed smile instantly solidified.

Lin Xiufeng shook his head vigorously, and True Qi filled his eyes, moving towards the sky and fiercely glaring away.

At a glance, the name of Yi Dongping, which was originally ranked 200 76th in the emperor list, disappeared.

Lin Xiufeng and a few Yang Sect gangsters, Divine Soul Qi Zhen!

Not only was the boss of Yang Sect, but also the bosses of some other forces, he also discovered this sudden change.

Wang Xingshen Square immediately set off a wave.

When Yang Sect is notorious, it is undeniable that when Yang Sect’s strength is not low.

Especially this year, the ten disciples are all hopes of hitting the 100 emperors.

But it’s didn’t expect. After more than ten days, Idongping, ranked more than 200, actually lost.

You know, this Idongping, from three days ago, from more than 3 people, rushed to more than 400 people at once, to improve the speed.

In the past 3 days, there has been no movement, and apparently the rate adjustment is recovering.

After his recovery is completed, he can continue to improve upwards, and he hopes to rush into the 100.

But now, Ito is lost!

“Tsk tsk tsk, it’s a pity ah! When Yang Sect also lost a genius, stop at 200 76!”

“This Yi Dongping, if not dead, is likely to break into the top 100 of the emperor list!”

“When Yang Sect still has 3 people, I hope there are still some!”


After some discussion, no one paid any attention to being Yang Sect.

After all, in this 2nd round ghost abyss, every hour, there are people lost, so when Yang Sect’s Ito was lost, not at all caused too much attention.

“Check me!”

Lin Xiufeng’s roar resounded throughout Star Peak Plaza.

“I Dongping has a body protection Spirit Treasure, the monster of Ghost Abyss, which is simply impossible to hurt him! Someone must have a sneak attack!”

“No matter who it is, after the Battle of Emperor List, I want this person, die without a burial site!”

When Yang Sect’s ten disciples, especially this Idongping, almost exhausted as Yang Sect, all the resources accumulated in the past 100 years were waiting to be in the emperor list battle, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

But now, it’s just such a loss, when Yang Sect’s loss is extremely huge.

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Not only Lin Xiufeng, but also a few gangsters in Yang Sect, he was also angry.

In the continent of Outer Realm, apart from the ten major racial forces, they were the only ones who killed others when Yang Sect was killed. When did they fall into someone who killed them when they were Yang Sect.

Such a person must not be forgiven!

Lin Xiufeng’s eyes are bloodshot, emperor’s breath, rushing to the four sides. If it is found out that Yi Dongping did not die from the monster, but died from the hand of other emperor list genius, it was shot by himself, and must not be spared.

On the other side, among the ghosts.

Chu Yan flew all the way, moved towards the depths of Guiyuan.

Seeing that, soon to enter the core area of ​​Guiyuan, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, I can feel that the nearby Dibang genius is getting less and less.

Gui Yuan is dangerous and countless monsters.

The core area is more dangerous, so most of the disciplines are reluctant to go to the core area, just kill monsters in the outer areas and earn points.

However, Chu Yan is different from what they think.

After all, no one has ever visited this ghostly place. It is very likely that there are some ruins of Antiquity.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, look for it, and maybe you will gain something.

Flying fast along the way, when encountering some weak monsters, Chu Yan will also shoot and kill it.

While points are steadily improving, time has passed.

“En! ?? really strong monster qi!”

Just stepped into the core area, not far away in the valley ahead, there was a powerful monster qi, rushing.

Obviously warning other monsters, do not set foot in this valley.

Obviously, this valley has been divided into its own territory by a powerful Monster Beast monster.

“Blood King !?”

Chu Yan sensed it carefully, and then there was a look of joy on his face.

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