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Chu Yan’s killing method is much stronger than that of Long Tianyao seen by Ling Yuanzong discipline.

There is even a feeling that Long Tianyao, compared with Chu Yan in front of him, is like a gap between a little child and a real giant.

At this time, apart from kneeling and begging for mercy, Li Yude and they did not dare to think of anything.

On the other side, look at Star Peak Plaza …

Ling Yuanzong Sect Master, He Baode has a gloomy face, the whole face is so dark that it can drip ink.

Just now, Ling Yuan Zong Tian was Zhang Boye, and he was actually lost!

You know, Zhang Boye has already ranked 107, and as he sees it, he will rush into the top 100.

However, in the blink of an eye, the name on the emperor list suddenly dimmed and disappeared.

No matter He Baode saw 1 people from 1000st place, he never saw Zhang Boye’s name again.


Such sudden loss made all the gangsters of the Nguyen Sect Master, including Sect Master, look shocked.

You know, the 100 emperors list, it is Supreme glory, and the reward is extremely scary.

According to Ling Yuanzong’s previous prediction, Zhang Boye is absolutely sure to enter the top 100, and even hit the top 50, there is hope.

But now, everything is in vain.


At this moment, the sky was shaking again …

Everyone raised their heads in amazement, looked towards the rank of Emperor List on the sky, but I saw it, representing the name of Ling Yuanzong Huang Tianhua, suddenly lit up, and then quickly dimmed.

“Wh … what !? Yes … Huang Tianhua!”

A gangster of the Yuan Yuan Sect, in horror, directly lost self-control, cry out in surprise.

Ling Yuanzong Number One Genius, Huang Tianhua!

He Baode’s face twitched abruptly, completely clumped together, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

Not only the Spirit Yuanzong, but the sudden mutation made the entire Wangxing body square shake.

“Huang Tianhua of Ling Yuanzong !? Oh my god …. Lost !?”

“Impossible! I heard that Huang Tianhua played against Long Tianyao in the past. He was unbeaten in ten moves, and his strength was ah!”

“Yes, the monsters in Ghost Abyss are indeed powerful, but Huang Tianhua’s powerhouse of this order is simply impossible in distress!”

“Strange, Ling Yuanzong just lost a person disciple, and now …”

“This matter is strange, as if I heard that the Lingyuanzong discipline sent a summons not long ago …”

“What ?! Putting it that way, the disciples of the Spirit Yuanzong all gathered together !?”



In a hurry, everyone looked up towards the ranks of the emperor rankings on the sky, and their eyes were all trembling.

Someone with good deeds began to look for the names of several other disciples of the Lingyuan Sect, and wanted to know whether the disciples of the Lingyuan Sect were gathered together as rumor has it.

If it is true, even Huang Tianhua is damaged, then other disciples of Ling Yuanzong …

It should be known that in the previous battles of the Emperor List, in addition to the first test, when fighting for the Golden Seal, and the chaos in the chaos, the second test and the 3rd pass have rarely suffered from the loss of discipline.

In particular, the ranked discipline is not only powerful, but also has a lot of body protection. Simply impossible is so easily damaged.

But now, all the bigwigs who are directly watching the Tenjin Emperor List, have discovered a strange situation.

That is, the past few days, one after another, had the top genius lost in the emperor list, in number, and even the number of genius lost after 1000, extremely close.

This simply doesn’t make sense!

1000-days away, the strength is weaker. The longer the fighting time in Ghost Abyss, the greater the chance of damage.

However, the top 500 ranked in the emperor list are all powerhouses above emperor realm.

In the face of the monster in Ghost Abyss, even if you can’t beat it, won’t you escape! ?

Between genius, because of the existence of Sect background, there is very little fighting with each other, after all, so many big guys are watching.

So, no matter what you think, when Yang Sect disciple, the disciple of the Yuan Yuan Sect, and the continuous loss, it is a bit weird.


Just when everyone was inexplicable, suddenly, the Emperor’s List shook again.

“Look, this is the Yuanyuanzong discipline!”

Some people who have just stared at the disciple of Lingyuanzong, immediately discovered that the reason for the celestial vibration is the name of Jiatianhai, Lingyuanzong.

“What !? Ling Yuan Zong Jia Tianhai !?”

The genius of ranked 1st 100 3 12 has a shiny name and then dims … disappears!

Another Lingyuan Zong Tian was lost!

The whole Lingyuanzong gangsters were shocked, their faces simultaneously shua shua black.

However, in the next scene, Ling Yuanzong directly exploded the pan and broke out completely!

Buzz …! Ling Yuanzong Li Deyu, lost!

Buzz …! Ling Yuanzong Li Yiji, lost!

Buzz …! Lingyuan Sect section 100 squares, damaged!


In less than breath breaths, nearly 8 disciples of Ling Yuanzong were all lost.

The entire Tenjin Emperor List,

All Lingyuanzong disciplines are to be delisted!


Looking at Star Peak Square, He Baode exploded in a sudden burst of breath, making a roar of thunder, and the entire Spirit Peak shuddered.


He Baode’s eyes were blood red, and he roared loudly. “Who dare kill my Lingyuanzong discipline, I will destroy his whole clan!”

“Check it for me! At all costs, I must find it out!”

All the gangsters of the Yuan Yuanzong were all divine Soul trembling, and Sea of ​​Consciousness was messy.

Looking at Star Peak, not only Ling Yuanzong, but also several other 100 Sects, all of them are Sea of ​​Consciousness tremors, and they looked at the Sky Emperor’s List in amazement.

They can’t believe it at all …

Who is this, with such strength, will participate in all the Lingyuanzong disciples in the battle of the Emperor List, all will be destroyed!

Long Tianyao! ?

As a ranked 1st Long Tianyao and a cultivation base, he has reached the median Martial Emperor Realm 7th Layer and his strength is amazing.

However, the disciple of Ling Yuanzong is good at battle. With three players as a team, the battle strength can be doubled.

Now there are 8 disciplines gathered together. Even if Long Tianyao meets them, it is impossible to kill all of them within thehundred breaths.

In addition, Long Tianyao and Ling Yuanzong have a good relationship, impossible kills them!

Could it be that Wu Tianlin ranked second, or Loose Cultivator ranked night 2rd! ?

No, it’s unlikely!

Wu Tianlin’s points are rapidly increasing, and he is obviously fighting with a large group of monsters …

And Gong Yiluo, as Loose Cultivator, is so impossible to offend such a blatant force so blatantly that it has no advantage for him.

But at this time, beyond 100000000 10,000 li, in the dark temple of Ten Directions Star Domain.

“Great Young Lady, just received the news …”

Heixiao quickly walked into Yue Linglong’s room, looked towards the beautiful shadow standing at the window, softly speaking.

“En !? Uncle Black, do you have Chu Yan’s news again !? Say …”

The young lady in the dark temple, who was just in a daze, heard the voice of the night, turned around quickly, and a pair of spirit eyes shone like stars, hurriedly urging.

“Yes, it’s about Chu Yan!” Black Night nodded, his face full of wry smiles.

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