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In the next black great hall, as soon as he entered the hall gate, Spirit Qi, which filled the hall, made Chu Yan feel excited.

The full hall of medicine pill, Spirit Treasure, heavenly materials earthly treasures, almost filled half of the great hall.

Chu Yan’s pupil with a sharp dilation, swiped casually, and saw the presence of several top grades.

These top grades have Antiquity skills, asura collected by Asura, and some spiritual sources, all of which are top grade.

Even Chu Yan saw that a few drops of blood essence were contained in several jade bottles, and the magic energy was strong. Within ten steps, even Divine Consciousness was impacted, as if it was about to collapse.

With panting and heavy breathing, Chu Yan took out 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls and summoned them all out. Under full urging, Divine Beast’s Martial Soul swept the force and suppressed the magical energy of Supreme Treasure piece by piece, quickly Received.

Fortunately, the aura of 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, restrain the demonic path aura, and the suppression of the power of Rakshasa of Saint Rakshasa true body, these demonic path Supreme Treasure can be successfully obtained.

If this changes someone else, at least 50% of the treasure in this temple can be seen or not.

In less than one hour, Chu Yan was full of heavenly materials earthly treasures and great treasure ’s great hall, which were swept away by Chu Yan.

Tsai carefully checked back and forth 3 times, even let 9 meditations, smashed the great hall’s void, to see if it was hidden in the special space in the sky, and confirmed that there was no omission, Chu Yan left with a face full of excitement. .

Back above the square, Chu Yan went directly to the main hall to the north.

In the middle of the great hall, on a huge black jade crystal table, a human figure sits.

Black jade crystal table, crystal clear and near-transparent, within the crystal, vaguely visible, black air surging.

“This … what is this !?”

When Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is swept away, it can be found that this black crystal table is definitely not a mortal thing. Aura is even more powerful than the Grade 6 spirit source that Chu Yan has seen.

Above the crystal, that fleshy body is immortal, and the human figure sitting with closed eyes should be nourished by this black jade crystal table to maintain for millions of years, but it is like sleeping, without a trace of corpse.

“Asura Demon God !?”

Chu Yan looked up, looking towards the figure sitting on the side, and the pupil light kept shaking.

This person, presumably in the Antiquity era, demonic path Supreme, rumored to have destroyed a continent with his own hands … Asura!

demonic path Half-God Realm powerhouse!

Looking at him, there was no trace of wounds all over his body.

Obviously and rumored, the rumours of being chased and killed by Ten Directions Star Domain powerhouse are completely inconsistent.

According to Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, it seems that in this Asura cultivation, cultivation deviation and True Qi backlash are damaged!

However, what makes Chu Yan wonder is, what kind of cultivation can make his cultivation base reach Half-God Realm! ?

“Is it …”

Pupil suddenly shrink, looked towards Asura on the black jade crystal stage, Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, flashed a stunning consciousness.

There is only one possibility for Half-God Realm powerhouse to be damaged during cultivation.

That is, this Asura should be backlashed by some powerful force when it hits the Divine Realm, triggering a force that exceeds his cultivation base, and it can only be damaged if it cannot be resisted.

This kind of power has definitely reached … Divine Realm!


At the thought of this, Chu Yan unable to bear, suck in a breath of cold air.

Ghost Abyss is located at the boundary between Continent and Ten Directions Star Domain. This place has a power comparable to that of God.

Is it true, as the Green Armor Giant and the Southern God Emperor said, the power of Divine Realm can penetrate the Ten Directions Star Domain! ?

When I think of it, last time, the Green Armor Giant and the Southern God Emperor both said to themselves that there was not much time.

At this moment in the depths of Chu Yan and Divine Soul, a chill rose, and the entire body of hair fell instantly.

It seems that sooner or later he will meet this Divine Realm power.

didn’t expect Today, I saw the result myself …

Even the Half-God Realm cultivation base, the Asura known as the demonic path Supreme, has fallen under this force, that is it! ?

“No! You must improve your strength as soon as possible!”

Chu Yan fiercely clenched the teeth, with both hands clenched tightly, the flame rises in the pupil light.

In any case, in this Martial Soul World, never allow your destiny to be in the hands of anyone.

“After this time the emperor list war, you have to find a way to Ten Directions Star Domain!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath and made up his mind directly.

Later, Chu Yan raised his head again, looked towards Asura in front of him, but found that there were 2 things in front of him.

“This is a demonic path cultivation technique, and … a token !?”

Chu Yan waved his hand and copied the cultivation technique and token at the same time, held it in his hand, and checked it.

This token must be the Sect Master token of Asura Divine Sect established by Asura in the Antiquity era.

It’s just that after millions of years, this Asura Divine Sect doesn’t know if it still exists. At least, Chu Yan hasn’t heard of it.

In Ten Directions Star Domain, in 9 Great Influence, there seems to be no Asura Divine Sect.

Such a long time, Cang Hai, Asura Divine Sect, must have been lost.

And that cultivation technique is a demonic path cultivation technique, which should be the demonic path cultivation technique of Asura cultivation.

“This cultivation technique should be very powerful, but unfortunately, cultivation is not as good as the Half-God Realm like you …”

Shook the head, Chu Yan directly incorporated the cultivation technique and token into Rakshasa Space.

These two distinct things, if it is 100 10,000 years ago, I am afraid that it is beyond the existence of heaven defying Supreme Treasure.

But after so long, it is worthless.

However, if there is a chance, take it out for auction. Presumably, Ten Directions Star Domain, the powerhouses of the cultivation demonic path, will definitely purchase at a high price.

Next, Chu Yan looked around the hall, except for the black jade crystal table in front of him, as well as Asura’s Fleshy body, there was nothing else.

“This Fleshy body can be used to refine Yin Pup, but my current cultivation base …”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, staring at the black jade crystal stage, Asura ’s Fleshy body, a look of bitter smile.

Yin puppetry, the heaviest material!

Now, Chu Yan encounters such a powerful refining material, but can’t refining it at all.

After all, the Half-God Realm cultivation base, even if it is the breath of breath remaining in the fleshy body, is by no means Chu Yan’s current quasi-imperial rank cultivation base, which can be refined.

“Accept it first, and wait for breakthrough emperor realm, one day, it can be refined!”


With a wave of his hand, he took the piece of black jade crystal table and included it in Rakshasa Space.

With the nourishment of this black jade crystal table, the fleshy body of Asura can be maintained to the greatest extent.

Wait until Chu Yan cultivation base is enough, and refine it into Yin puppets, the strength is definitely more than 9 Nether.

Chu Yan, full of excitement, was full of ecstasy on his face, Chu Yan came out of the great hall, and moved towards the last great hall.

However, the last great hall was empty, and there was nothing to make Chu Yan extremely disappointed.

Next, Chu Yan explored in the cluster of palaces for 4 times.

It took nearly 5 days to turn the entire Asura Palace upside down, but there was no surprise.

After 5 days, Chu Yan left the Asura Palace, returned the same way, exited the ancient tomb, and returned to the abyss.

At this moment, as soon as Chu Yan appeared, he received intense news from 8 Elder.

Divine Consciousness took control of Jade Talisman and Chu Yan couldn’t help smiling.

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