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Over time, the atmosphere on Star Peak looked more and more dignified.

On the high platform, the seven Taoist emperors made the power of Heavenly Dao surging, and various hand seals kept pressing the golden light door towards the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

Three days later, a flash of light passed through the golden light door, and dazzling rays of light burst out.

Among the ghost abyss, the old and Constant Antiquity’s voice suddenly sounded, spreading throughout the ghost abyss sky.

“The time has come, and the imperial palace opens!”

Thunder is like tide, black clouds roll over the sky, and red tide is like sea.

A tall golden palace appeared above the sky of Ghost Abyss, like a Divine City, emitting 10000 golden lights, dispelling the magical energy of the whole Ghost Abyss World.

With the disappearance of the magic energy, everyone in the ghost abyss seems to have been suppressed by the Vault of Heaven Heavenly Dao. Qi Qi roar roared, frightened, all moved towards the ground.

In less than ten breaths, all the monsters in the whole ghost abyss disappeared, all the Geniuses, long relaxed, looked up towards the sky, the emperor city of gold and jade in glorious splendor!

At the same time, on Star Peak, the same golden emperor city was suspended in the clouds of Nine Heavens, emitting golden light and spitting 10,000 li.

A large piece of golden light, like a stream of water, drilled into the golden light gate and projected into Guiyuan World.

Therefore, the Golden Divine City seen by all the Emperor List Genius in Guiyuan is the top of Star Peak, the projection of the Imperial Palace.

This is the sign of the end of the 2nd round!

At this time, looking at Star Peak, the continuous mountain range of 10,000 li, is shining by the golden emperor palace on the sky, and it seems that the world has become golden.

Looking at Star Peak Square, all the big brothers of Sect’s forces all looked nervous, watching the disappearance of the Sky Emperor List, they turned their eyes to the emperor palace.

Although the battle of Emperor Rankings cannot be seen in the ghost abyss, the final result will finally be completely revealed.

Sure enough, in an instant …

Boom … rumbling!

Yunxiao Emperor Palace stabilized, an ancient and illusory sound exploded from the Golden Emperor Palace, centered on Star Peak, resounding throughout the mountain range, stretching for 10,000 li.

In this voice, with the Heaven and Earth 10000 method, the power of Heavenly Dao is even more wrapped!

All the big names of Sect forces heard Divine Soul’s trembling, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness hummed.

“Imperial Palace … opened! The Imperial Palace opened!”

“The time of 30 days is up! The battle of Emperor Rankings is over, it is time to make the list!”

“I don’t know, who will be the new top ten in the Emperor List?”

“This round of ranking has a great influence on the 3rd round. It is said that the top 2 of the 10nd round emperor list has a privilege!”

“Great, Emperor Top 10!”


The crowds and forces from all walks of life sent Martial Artists who paid attention to the battle of the Emperor List.

To be on the list!

2nd round Battle of the Emperor List, after 30 days of bloody fighting, the final result is finally to be announced.

Soon, on Star Peak, the emergence of the imperial palace, the powerful force rushed away, like the shock wave-like void ripples, moved towards the entire outer continent rippling away.

Outtin continent, because of the emergence of the imperial palace, suddenly, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is three times richer!

The Wumen, Xing, Demi-God, Pagoda, Da’en Temple, Heijiaozong, etc. each and everyone strong Sect forces, the mountain gate where they are, was swept by this aura, each great big shots awakened, moved towards Looking in the direction of Star Peak.

The top ten racial forces, the top 100 Sect, and all the elders and disciplines are all excited.

“The Emperor Palace appears, the 2nd round of the Emperor List is over!”

“Putting it that way, the most exciting 3rd round of the Emperor List Battle, are we going to start !?”

“Haha, Long Tianyao this time, will definitely win the first place in the Emperor List! Wu Tianlin and Gong Yeluo are very strong. I don’t know who the two of them can get the second place.”

“No matter who takes the 2nd, there is no threat to Long Tianyao anyway, Long Tianyao must be the first in the emperor list!”

“This time the emperor list battle, is there a dark horse ah! Maybe it can rewrite the rank of emperor list top 10, then it is exciting!”

“Fart, this is the continent’s emperor list in the outer domain, there is no strong Sect support, heaven defying demon innate talent, then there is a chance to peep, the dark horse is simply impossible!”

“Maybe …”


The entire outer continent, the emergence of the imperial palace, the hot debate on the battle of the emperor list, so that the whole continent is boiling.

The most exciting thing is the Tianqi Building, a large Chamber of Commerce like 9 Baoge.

On the one hand, it sells all kinds of latest news, and the big profit is that, at the same time, the current top 10 of the emperor list, the multiplier game, has even set a huge market, making all Martial Artist heartbeat intensified, and the eyes are extremely red.

Not only the foreign domain continent, but even Ten Directions Star Domain, some forces are also paying attention to the outcome of the foreign domain continent’s emperor list battle, and sent a large number of envoys to flock to Star Peak.

After all, the 3rd round started, representing the continent’s emperor list of foreign domains, and it won’t take long for the final decision.

For a time, the eyes of the whole world were all focused on looking at Star Peak, countless expectations, shining starry sky.

The imperial palace opens, and all heaven celebrates!

Looking at Star Peak, countless eyes, all looking up at the high platform, the 7 emperors list, seems to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, the seven emperor list leaders, their bodies soared at the same time, and evolved into a giant like a mountain.

Immediately afterwards, 7 different rays of light rushed out of them, and the intense rays of light prevented everyone’s eyes from being opened.


Heaven and Earth roars, emptiness trembles, the 7 emperors list the tall body, burst into the sky pillar, twisted, and changed into 7 tall altars of different colors.

Above each altar, a star shines shiningly, rays of light 10,000 zhang.

At the same time, above the 7 Star Altar, the majestic Dewey is like a turbulent sea, and various amazing natural phenomena are constantly being born.

That majestic aura, Innate natural phenomenon, brought mysterious, endless, as if it had already surpassed the world, reaching Supreme extreme.

7 Star Altar, carrying Heavenly Dao, this imposing manner is enough to make the world acknowledge allegiance!

At this moment, even the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, facing the majestic 7 Star Altar representing Heavenly Dao, and the imperial palace like God Palace, are awe-inspiring and dare not blaspheme.

Among the ghost abyss, all the genius who stood on the ground and looked at the imperial palace of the sky, only saw that a path of golden light came straight out of the imperial palace on Yunxiao.

Immediately afterwards, saw a flash was wrapped in the golden light and moved towards the imperial palace.

For a time, on the sky of Ghost Abyss, countless golden lights, like 10000 flowing back to the sea, all rushed to the imperial palace and passed away in a flash.

When everyone opened the eyes again, they found that all the genius who participated in the 2nd round of the emperor list all returned to Star Peak Plaza.

It was more than 10000 when it was gone and 8000 when it was gone.

At the beginning, he participated in the 2nd round of the emperor list to compete for the genius of the emperor list. There are nearly 10000 people.

But now, there are only more than 8000 people returning to Star Peak.

In other words, in this 2nd round Ghost Abyss mission battle, nearly 2000 emperor genius was lost.

And the final ranked, Chu Yan’s 2nd round emperor ranking ranked, fixed at 3 eleven!

At the last moment, Chu Yan took back the area of ​​St. Rakshasa and controlled his rank to about 30.

With this ranked, step into the 3rd round of the emperor list.

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