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Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master’s words, like a thunderbolt, exploded in the genius Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness of several Sky Spirit Sect emperors.

not simple! ?

A junior imperial cultivation base kid, with the demonic path cultivation technique, mixed more than 2 people in the 30nd round, what’s not simple! ?

Then not simple, cultivation base is placed here, quasi-imperial order.

You should know that ordinary Martial Artists play against a subordinate Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, which can deal with at least dozens of quasi-imperial Martial Artists.

Even if it is the genius of the emperor list, each has a card strength and a leapfrog battle strength that surpasses the ordinary Martial Artist.

However, in the 3rd round of the emperor list, the median Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, accounted for more than 30%.

A quasi-imperial order kid can’t get on the table at all.

So, when I heard Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, everything was stunned and puzzled.

However, as Sky Spirit Sect disciple, they knew that Sect Master would not talk casually.

The battle of Emperor Rankings is crucial for every genius.

Even if you are Sky Spirit Sect now, the weight is heavy, and the emperor list genius is valued by the whole sect. However, if you get good rankings and achievements in the emperor list battle of this time, I am afraid that after the return, the status will drop a thousand zhang in one fall.

Therefore, the emperor list battle, can not afford to lose.

The doubt expressions of several main sect disciple, Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master naturally looked in his eyes, he did n鈥檛 want to, Li Dongze 鈥檚 tragedy appeared again in Sky Spirit Sect, so he reminded

“This human brat, just beat Li Dongze’s punch, formidable power is extremely strong. Among you, I am afraid that only Jiang Jinkun and Lu Tianming can barely beat him.”

“So, if other people are in the ring battle in the back, if they encounter this child, must make all-out shots and will spare no effort to use all the cards, maybe there will be a slight chance to win!”

After the Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master finished speaking, his eyes were majestic, and he looked around several main sect disciple, his face dignified, obviously not a joke.


Several people in Lu Tianming were hearing this, they were all in shock, looking at each other, all of them look of shock.

You know, Sect’s expectation of Lu Tianming came to the top 10 of the emperor list at this time.

For Jiang Jinkun, I hope he can enter the top 20 of the emperor list.

Therefore, the strength of Lu Tianming and Jiang Jinkun is by no means comparable to that of the genius of the ranks of ordinary ranks.

Even so, Sect Master only said that the two of them just barely beat Chu Yan.

Does it mean that this Chu Yan, like Jiang Jinkun, has the strength to enter the top 20 of the emperor list! ?

How can this be! ?

“Sect Master, this child in the 2nd round, relied on the advantage of demonic path cultivation technique to get to 31 ranked, isn’t it …”

A Sky Spirit Sect disciple, finally unable to bear, asked.


Hearing this, Tianling Sect Master shook the head, another pot of cold water splashed directly to the disciples.

“This child, I’m afraid not only the demonic path cultivation technique, but also, I feel the extremely strong Five Elements Heavenly Dao aura in him.”

“Five Elements Heavenly Dao aura !?” All the disciples were shocked.

“Master, if this is the case, this child is not certain to be regarded as an elite disciple by Ten Directions Star Domain Three Great Sects !?”

In Jiang Jinkun’s eyes, a haze flashed, and a murderous aura said.

“This is what I want to tell you!” Sect Master opened the mouth and said.

“This outfield continent, I Sky Spirit Sect struggled for more than ten thousand and ten thousand years, and finally had the strength to compete with the Ten Great Influence. At this time, if this human brat, the real dark horse rises, it will surely do for my Sky Spirit Sect’s ZTE plan Make an impact! “

“So, Jiang Jinkun and Lu Tianming, you two, if there is an opportunity, meet this child, want at all costs, kill this child, and let him have no chance in his life, step into Ten Directions Star Domain.”

“When the time comes, the foreign domain continent, or the original foreign domain continent, Human Race will never have a chance to revive!”

“Yes, Sect Master!”

Hearing Tianling Sect Master’s words, a large number of disciples, all joined hands in response.

“Master rest assured that as long as I meet him, I will not let him go to the battle stage alive!”

At this time, Lu Tianming already fully understood the meaning of Master.

To deal with Chu Yan, it is not only related to the dispute between people’s grievances and emperor rankings, it is even related to the Sect plan.

Therefore, he was originally prepared to deal with Chu Yan. At this time, he made up his mind. Must was on the battle stage to solve this Chu Yan.

After all, after the end of the initial battle, in the resumption of war, with such a elimination battle, the chance of two people meeting is still very high.

“Okay! Of the few of you, I am most at ease with you!”

Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master heard Lu Tianming’s words, a smile appeared on his face, nodded said

“With your strength, it is more than enough to deal with this Chu Yan.”

Hearing Master’s words, Lu Tianming’s eyes flashed a proud look.

In this time’s emperor list battle, he has absolute confidence and can rush into the emperor list top 10 in one fell swoop, before anyone can enter the emperor list top 10 for Sky Spirit Sect.

After all, since Sky Spirit Sect was founded, he is the breakthrough Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base and the fastest Martial Artist.

At this time, not far away, the Human Race camp.

Chu Yan swallowed a Golden Pill. After adjusting his interest rate, he cultivated a lot.

When he got up and began to observe all around, above each battle stage War Zone, when the initial battle was going on, he found that less than one hour, the first battle had already been carried out.

The second battle came soon, and Chu Yan came to power.

However, what made Chu Yan didn’t expect was that the battle just now made his reputation spread quickly.

So, when Chu Yan’s first battle at first, countless pairs of eyes all around, all looked at simultaneously shua shua.

Among all kinds of arguments, the Martial Artist standing opposite Chu Yan had a nervous face and a bit of stiffness in his eyes. Looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, it was all struggling.

“I … I give up!”

In less than 3 breaths, the Martial Artist whose cultivation base reached the lower Martial Emperor Realm 2nd Layer turned out to be a direct defeat.

“What !? Admit defeat !?”

This time, all the crowds watching the battle directly exploded.

You know, this battle of Emperor Rankings is not like the battle of ordinary battles. Every battle is a knockout battle.

Therefore, it is not a gap in absolute strength, and no one will admit defeat at all.

Even if you can’t beat it, you have to work hard, maybe there is still a chance of a game.

But now, Chu Yan, the opponent of the second game, admits defeat directly, so it makes all around to watch the Martial Artist and exclaim.

“What the hell ?! Martial Emperor confess to the Quasi-Emperor Order !?”

“This guy, it’s too useless! This defeat is to eliminate, at least put it together!”

“It seems that Chu Yan’s strength is too strong, so that he has no desire to fight at all.”

“You didn’t see that, in the last game, Li Dongze of Sky Spirit Sect was beaten by Chu Yan into cripple, and he hasn’t woke up yet.”

“That’s right, I heard that the entire body of the Meridian is abolished, and Qi Sea is hurt. The key is, I don’t know how Chu Yan’s hand.”

“This kind of injury requires at least one Grade 8 Golden Pill to recover.”

“Grade 8 Golden Pill, that’s 100,000 Di Jing!”


In the argument of all around, Chu Yan just glanced at the opponent who conceded, and then turned to step down.

In fact, it is okay to admit defeat or to fight, and the result is no difference at all.

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