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Tall beast, full thirty zhang high degree, the metallic scales of the whole body shining rays of light.

2 red eyes, like 2 lanterns, mouth full of fangs, spouting a thick nose, looking down towards Chu Yan.

Like an Iron Pagoda-like beast, with both feet on the ground, arms down on the knees, and a sharp barb on the back, it looks extraordinarily grim.

“Roar Heavenly Beast !?”

Chu Yan just glanced, suddenly a look of surprise on his face.

didn’t expect Antiquity Ominous Beast list, ranked 9th roar Heavenly Beast, turned out to be Jun Junjie’s Martial Soul.

This is called Heavenly Beast. It is said that only one head is born every 1000 years. Moreover, on a continent, there are only one male and one male. Before their death, 3rd head will never be born.

This roar Heavenly Beast is extremely fighting, it is said to feed on the blood of other Monster Beast, adult roar Heavenly Beast, it is based on the heart of the emperor Monster Beast as food.

In any mountain range, as long as there is Heavenly Beast, the Imperial Monster Beast will be almost half extinct.

This outland continent, rare beast are countless, but such a soul of Antiquity Monster Beast, Martial Soul who becomes a Martial Artist, is extremely rare.

Not only Chu Yan, including the host of Heavenly Chance Sect, but also all around the emperor genius, were all in shock.

No one didn’t expect, Guan Junjie’s Martial Soul would be so powerful.

At this time, the direction of Sky Spirit Sect, in addition to Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, and several Elders, and even other Sky Spirit Sect disciple, all looked astonished.

Obviously, this Martial Soul of Junjie is rarely revealed.

At this time, just after playing against Chu Yan, he immediately summoned the bottom card Martial Soul. It seems that he really wanted to put Chu Yan in Death Land.

“Chu Yan, your success angered me!”

Guan Junjie looked at Chu Yan with a proud face, sneer constantly, and said

“However, you are also very lucky to be able to see me, one of the top ten Martial Souls in Continent in the Outer World, shouting Heavenly Beast Martial Soul.”

“Even if it’s inside the sect, I have seen me screaming Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, and it can be counted on one’s fingers!”

Guan Junjie, who smiled, looked at Chu Yan, muttered.

“Top 1 Martial Soul !?”

Chu Yan is hearing this startled. Why has he never said that there are ten other Martial Soul rankings in Continent! ?

At this time, outside the battle stage on the 7th, the appearance of Heavenly Beast Martial Soul attracted a large number of genius and Martial Artists to come to watch the battle.

Even, even the big guys of Ten Great Sects, and two other big guys, also looked sideways.

Their eyes all fell behind Guan Junjie, that roared Heavenly Beast.

It can be seen that this roar of Heavenly Beast Martial Soul is really eye-catching, and its reputation is not small.

So, some Sect gangsters looked towards Battle stage 7 and that roared Heavenly Beast like Ominous Beast, all with bright eyes.

“It turns out that this Guan Junjie has been hiding his strength!”

A Sect gangster, looked towards the ring, a proud and confident Guan Junjie, speaking quietly.

“Yes! This child has the Heavenly Beast Martial Soul. It can be hidden until now. It can be seen that some temperaments are good. I am afraid that it is the genius secretly cultivated by Sky Spirit Sect.

“With these strengths, we will enter the top 50 of the emperor list steadily. Even if it is the top 30, there is hope.”

“This and that Human Race Chu Yan, I’m afraid it’s finished!”

“Good! Martial Dao cultivation is still inseparable from Martial Soul. The powerful Martial Soul will make the strength too strong. This Innate advantage can not be compensated by Acquired efforts!”


4 All directions, various voices of discussion, passed to the battle stage, suddenly, Guan Junjie’s face, the arrogance is more exuberant.

As these bigwigs said, Guan Junjie ’s Martial Soul secret has always been known only to Sky Core Sect core elders.

Moreover, Sky Spirit Sect secretly cultivated him no less than Lu Tianming and Jiang Jinkun.

He, the roar of Martial Soul Ranked Ninth, Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, is rarely revealed to others. Until today, the battle of the Emperor List was opened to the public, the purpose is to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

And now, Chu Yan will be the stepping stone to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

At this time, in the Sky Spirit Sect camp, a group of disciplines and Elder, but turned their heads together towards the Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, all eyes full of doubt.

Because before, Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master said that only Lu Tianming and Jiang Jinkun were sure to defeat Chu Yan.

But for now, Guan Junjie is screaming Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, impossible do not know.

“Don’t underestimate that Chu Yan, although Guan Junjie has a roar of Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, but he wants to defeat Chu Yan, but not at all you think so easy!”

Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, when I saw inside the sect Elder and the discipline, both looked towards myself, and naturally their meaning was obvious, so they explained.

“What !? It’s not that easy to defeat Chu Yan !?”

Hearing Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, all Sky Spirit Sect is started together.

“You don’t think that Chu Yan doesn’t have any cards !?”

Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master spoke again, looked towards Chu Yan, his face was still dignified, and there was even a hint of worry in his eyes.

hearing this, all the disciples and elders of Sky Spirit Sect are started together.

No! ?

That Chu Yan, but the Martial Artist of Human Race, and Human Race is continent in the outer domain, is only a 3 stream Sect, what card and means can be compared with Guan Junjie.

However, looking at the expression of Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, it does not seem to be cracking a joke.

Could it be that Chu Yan really has what Sect Master said, and also has a hidden powerful card.

“Also, that kid, who can fight in the 2nd round of the Emperor Rankings, rushed to ranked 3rd eleven, I am afraid there are really some unknown means and cards.”

“It makes sense, this child is weird, or be careful!”

“Yes, senior Brother is hopeful, but he can’t be careless about breaking into the top 30 of the emperor list.”

“Shall we talk to Senior Brother, let him pay attention to this child !?”

“During battle, Divine Consciousness is too dangerous …”


A group of Sky Spirit Sect disciple whispered, they would not doubt the Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master.

Moreover, before, the battle strength shown by Chu Yan was indeed out of the ordinary,

Therefore, the authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear, making them, like Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master, begin to worry a little.

At this time, Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master heard all around the discussion, eyes flashed, a little deep pondering, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission directly.

“Junjie, don’t be careless, do your best!”

This sentence sounded in Guan Junjie’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, and suddenly made his face startled, turning his head gently, looking towards the battle stage, the direction of Sky Spirit Sect.

At this glance, I saw Master nodded, although Guan Junjie was stunned, but still nodded.

After taking back his gaze, Guan Junjie, who had a proud look on his face, looked towards Chu Yan and changed completely.

“Yun Longtian is furious!”

With a stern drink, Guan Junjie on the battle stage was surrounded, and the majestic True Qi boiled suddenly, turning into a dragon shadow True Qi natural phenomenon, hovering, moved towards Martial Soul above the head, rushing straight away.


Red Dragon Shadow’s True Qi natural phenomenon rushed into the Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, and suddenly made his Martial Soul’s power burst like a frenzy of raging sea, spitting out a large piece of True Qi and pouring it back into Guan Junjie within the body.

Suddenly, Guan Junjie, who was originally imposing in a rainbow-like manner, aura soared again, and his strength has more than doubled.

“Tianah! That’s one of Sky Spirit Sect’s 3 cultivation techniques … Yunlong Sky is angry!”

“Strong! Really strong! This Sky Spirit Sect is worthy of being known as battle strength. This cultivation technique, in the Emperor-level Earth Grade cultivation technique, is afraid that it is the top-level. It is not worse than the ordinary Emperor-level Heavenly Grade cultivation technique. . “

“Didn’t expect, this is Junjie, and he has the cards!”


Seeing that Guan Junjie broke the cards again, the cry of No. 7 battle stage all around sounded.

“Chu Yan, die!”

With the exclamation of the audience, Guan Junjie, who was so imposing in the imposing manner above the battle stage, had already shot.

a A fierce fist with a fierce fist, blasting straight out, blasting layers of void all the way, blasting straight towards Chu Yan across.

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