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Chu Yan looked at Guan Junjie on the ground, his voice like ice, his face calm.

In the punch just now, although a trace of Chaos Spirit’s power was used, Chu Yan’s True Qi and Fleshy Body power used up to 50%.

It’s not Chu Yan’s support, but Chu Yan now, which is far from comparable before.

After returning from Ghost Abyss, Chu Yan’s body merged with Chaos Spirit, changing day and night.

Although it was impossible to help Chu Yan break through the bottleneck in a short time, he rushed to Martial Emperor Realm in one breath.

However, the transformation of Chu Yan fleshy body and meridian by the Chaos Spirit brought about the effect of almost every day, equivalent to Martial Artist cultivation of the same rank for one year.

Therefore, Chu Yan’s cultivation base, Fleshy body, cultivation technique, martial skill, and even Martial Soul have undergone changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down in unnoticeable influence.

And every time he breathes, Chu Yan can feel that his own strength is increasing in madness.

Therefore, Chu Yan, who is constantly suppressing the violent power of within the body, is naturally unable to bear in the face of Guan Junjie, who has always provoked himself and has constantly issued a powerful card.

On the one hand, Chu Yan wants to suppress part of the strength to fight, and at the same time, Chu Yan also wants to verify the transformation effect of Chaos Spirit on himself.

At this time, Guan Junjie appeared by accident, just in line with Chu Yan’s requirements.

Facing such a conscious person, how can you make Chu Yan bear it?

However, after a punch, Chu Yan saw the changes in the eyes of the three host gangsters, and guessed that they might have discovered that they had a situation of Chaos Spirit in their bodies.

So, Chu Yan walked to Guan Junjie, looked at him, and asked directly

“Serve, or not!”

“I … I … No …!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, Guan Junjie, almost contaminated by blood, contorts one’s face in agony, his eyes flushed and replied.

A “No” word was just exported, Chu Yan right hand lifted it directly, and the golden fist coagulated quickly, and it was about to blow to Junjun Jie on the ground.

“Abstain! Sky Spirit Sect Guan Junjie, abstain!”

Seeing that Chu Yan was under a punch, outside the battle stage, an Elder from Sky Spirit Sect shouted loudly.

The sound echoed the entire battle stage, everyone was expression startled, and Guan Junjie’s eyes were wide, he didn’t come up in one breath, and he fainted directly under the anxiety.

Abstention means that the battle of his emperor list is over.

Even the opportunity to participate in the qualifying battle later is lost directly and it is impossible to enter the next round.

In this round, the rematch of the 400 emperor list genius, ranking at most about 300, became his final result.

This is of course unacceptable to Guan Junjie, who wants to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat in this Emperor List Battle.

However, the presence of Sky Spirit Sect Sect Master was even more unacceptable. The genius trained by Sect was just bombed by Chu Yan on the ring.

After all, compared with the life of genius, the battle of Emperor List is lighter and heavier. As a Sect Master, it can be clearly distinguished.

In the distance, on the No. 2 battle stage, Lu Tianming heard the sound of “confess”, and suddenly his face sank.

Guan Junjie was eliminated, and Sky Spirit Sect is now only him and Jiang Jinkun.

However, now it is just a rematch. Eight Sky Spirit Sect disciple were killed by Chu Yan, and the rest were eliminated one after another.

“Chu Yan!”

Clenching his teeth, Lu Tianming, who almost spouted a substantial flame, fiercely looked towards Chu Yan in the distance.

On the 7th battle stage, because Guan Junjie abstained and withdrew from the Emperor List Battle, Chu Yan naturally won the battle.

After the host announced the end, when Chu Yan walked down the battle stage, the 7th battle stage all around still remained silent.

A few 10000 pairs of eyes, just looked at Chu Yan, walked down the battle stage step by step, and returned to the Human Race camp.

For a time, almost everyone was overwhelmed …

That Chu Yan actually defeated Guan Junjie! ?

“He … He is really a quasi-imperial rank cultivation base !?”

In almost everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, the same question arises at the same time.

“This Chu Yan has eliminated Guan Junjie, who is hopeful of hitting the top 10 of the emperor list. Is it really a dark horse !?”

“Fart, what’s the hope? Didn’t you see Guan Junjie’s hole cards? How strong? If it wasn’t eliminated by Chu Yan, I dare say that Guan Junjie made it to the top 10.”

“How can Chu Yan become like this?”

“That is, the first time to participate in the emperor list battle, from more than 700 ranked, rushed all the way to more than 30”

“Human Race … How could there be such a strong discipline !?”


As Chu Yan returned to the Human Race camp and began to adjust the cultivation, the 7th battle stage all around began to sound a lot of discussion.

Some gangsters also began to look at Chu Yan, while Divine Consciousness communicated.

“This Chu Yan, what details !?” a Sect Elder asked

“I don’t know. I have sent someone to check. It is said that this child is also amazing in the battlefield of ancient martial arts!”

“In terms of the current situation, this Chu Yan’s impact on the top 10 of the emperor list should not be a problem!”

“Let me say that the top 5 of the emperor list have opportunities!”

“The channel is inside the sect disciple. If you meet Chu Yan in the back, you can avoid it if you can avoid it. Don’t touch him hard.”

“Good! Fortunately, this Chu Yan cultivation base only has quasi-imperial rank …”

“Oh, Quasi-Emperor Order, didn’t you find that his within the body has Chaos Spirit? It has been merged nearly 50%. His current situation, I am afraid that it will not be Quasi-Emperor Order!”


On Wang Xing, because Chu Yan was shocked in the World War I, more and more people in the Sect of Continent 100 in the Outer Domains paid more and more attention to Chu Yan.

At the same time, some information about Chu Yan is spreading quickly.

Above the battle stage, the three host gangsters are also quietly Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“This Chu Yan, can you make the top 5 !?” The black robe of Double Top Sect, with a dull face.

“From the current situation, maybe, maybe not!”

The golden armor of Primeval Beginning Palace, but the head of the shook, denies it.

“Realm of Martial Emperor, the first emphasis on Fleshy body, if there is no strong Body Refining Technique, even if it is a breakthrough emperor, it is only general.”

“Not bad!”

Huang Elder of the Astrological Sect, nodded, said, “After the Emperor Realm, almost all Martial Artists are on the Golden Road of cultivation!”

“If you don’t break the limit of Fleshy body, if you want to improve the cultivation base of Emperor Realm, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension. At the same time, you can more easily peep at the legendary Half God Realm!”

“This Chu Yan, with the help of Chaos Spirit, breakthrough emperor realm, I am afraid it is Body Refining Technique, not very strong! As a result, future achievements are also extremely limited!”

The discussion of Divine Consciousness sound transmission by 3 gangsters, and soon a result came out, and all 3 people divided a Divine Consciousness and locked it on Chu Yan.

I hope to see that Chu Yan shows more details in the following battles.

As a result, when the time comes and Three Great Sects recruits, it is better to choose and open the conditions.

At this time, on the top ten gold battle stage, one battle after another, continued.

After another 2 hours, the resumption of war ended and the Top 50 of the Emperor Rankings was finally born.

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