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8 Elder, who was tired of coping, found that some of these people came to make friends and have a familiar face, wanting to meet Chu Yan.

In this way, 8 Elder refused directly because of Chu Yan’s retreat.

However, there are some powerful people who, with the purpose in mind, are constantly inquiring about Chu Yan’s various news and details during the conversation.

8 Elder and the others The clan gangsters finally found out that Chu Yan ’s amazing performance in the re-war, many things, have undergone great changes.

At the same time, in Wangxing City, news about the decisive battle of the Tomorrow Emperor List began to spread madly.

“Have you heard? Chu Yan defeated Guan Junjie!”

“Guan Junjie screamed Heavenly Beast Martial Soul in a row, and many of the Tigers’ cards were defeated by Chu Yan!”

“I depend, Chu Yan of the trifling Human Race, so strong ?!”

“That is, I heard that Chu Yan didn’t even show Martial Soul, so I wiped out Guan Junjie!”

“This Guan Junjie is also known as one of Sky Spirit Sect 3 genius, which is too shameful!”

“Look, Chu Yan, the dark horse, I’m afraid it will shine again in the final battle!”

“Hehe, I watched it lively …”

“…… ..”

The entire Star City, because of the end of the reign of the Emperor List War, all kinds of gossip about the Emperor List genius, flying all over the sky.

Even Tianjilou and 9 Baoge have begun to adjust their respective handicap markets, changing the odds of each genius.

Those forces and genius who are in the top 50 ranked in the emperor list, use this crucial day to start frantically exploring the situation and details of all opponents.

As a result, Tianqi Building and 9 Baoge, the business of selling Emperor genius information, suddenly burst into flames.

On the other side, beyond 100000000 10,000 li, Ten Directions Star Domain, the Dark Temple …

The black night Martial Emperor holds the latest situation of the Continent Outer Contest in the Outer World, standing in front of the main hall with a hesitant expression.

Looking at the dark main hall in front of me, and at the room of the big young lady, Martial Emperor at the night of the night did n’t know that I should go there first.

After pondering for a long time, the black night Martial Emperor finally sighed, hooked the head, and stepped into the main hall.

Entering the main hall, on the tall dark golden throne, a tall silhouette sits on it. It is the Palace Lord of the dark temple, the moon in the sky.

“pay respects to Palace Lord !”

The black night Martial Emperor bowed, facing the silhouette on the dark seat above and bowing.


Mid-day sky slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the black night Martial Emperor, the word exit.

“Outfield continent, the reign of the Emperor List ends, the top 50 is determined, Chu Yan beat Sky Spirit Sect Guan Junling with one punch, and entered the top 50!”

The black night Martial Emperor bowed his head and hurriedly announced.

“En !?” On the dark golden seat, Zhong Zhongtian’s eyebrows flickered slightly, looking towards Heixiao’s face, with a trace of suspicion.

Hearing this stress, the black night Martial Emperor’s body shivered involuntarily, and his heart was cold, and he quickly explained

“This child, Lin Elder has already arranged, that Sky Spirit Sect Guan Junjie, who has the Sky Tiger Scorpion, and has the Heavenly Beast Martial Soul, the strength has reached the median Martial Emperor, but …”

Hearing this, the moon in the dark golden seat was in silence.

Seeing the Palace Lord not speaking, the Martial Emperor of Black Night suddenly felt that the void in the great hall had become heavy.

After a sufficient breaths time, the dark Palace Lord opened the mouth and said again

“This child, if there is a middle grade emperor with a god body, notify Lin Elder, recruit!”

A word fell on the ground, a flash of joy flashed in Heixiao’s eyes, and he quickly responded.

“Yes, Palace Lord!”

Turning away from the great hall, Martial Emperor’s steps quickly accelerated, moved towards the distance, the brightly lit room, and walked away quickly.


At the beginning of the Chinese lantern, above the main street of Wangxing City, it was very lively.

Compared with other cities of Continent in Outer Territories, Wangxing City is obviously different from some regional winds because it is close to Ten Directions Star Domain.

If you are in the Azure Dragon World domain, this time, there will only be fewer people on the street, and it will never be so lively.

Chu Yan took Little White Bear and walked on Qingshi Street, talking and laughing all the way, wandering around 4 places.

Little White Bear was extremely productive in Soul Demon Purgatory. Especially when Chu Yan merged with Chaos Spirit, Little White Bear retrieved the corpse of the blood-arm mantis and took out the demon core.

This monster core also contains the Monster Beast spirit source generated by the Chaos Spirit. After being swallowed by the Little White Bear, the Little White Bear said that the cultivation base bottleneck at the Monster Emperor level was directly loosened.

Ouyang Nantian found a copy of Antiquity Sacred Beast’s cultivation cultivation technique and passed it to Little White Bear.

Not surprisingly, from half a year to more than a year, Little White Bear will break through bottleneck and step into the realm of Monster Emperor.

So, Little White Bear, who devoured the bloody arm mantis demon core, returned to Lingyun Pavilion and chased Star Peak.

Ouyang Nantian asked Little White Bear to talk to Chu Yan. He wanted to do some of his own things, so Chu Yan should not forget the original agreement.

Without the Little White Bear of cultivation, noisy, had to go to the street, Chu Yan had no choice but to stop the cultivation and follow her on the main street of Wangxing City.

Along the way, Little White Bear went all the way to eat, all kinds of exotic snacks and food, as if she would never fill her belly.

Not long after walking, when approaching the center of the city, Little White Bear took Di Jing given by Chu Yan and disappeared into the crowd as soon as he slipped away.

Chu Yan didn’t worry, he randomly found a restaurant, ordered a few dishes and a pot of wine, and waited patiently.

Not long after sitting down, the discussion in the restaurant came into Chu Yan’s ears.

“9 Baoge released the news that Long Tianyao’s Body Refining Technique turned out to be an imperial body of the Earth Grade. It is said that in the Ten Directions Star Domain, this emperor body can be ranked in the top 500. “

“Hiss! So strong !? No wonder Long Tianyao is No. 1 in the Emperor List!”

“In addition to Long Tianyao, the Loose Cultivator Gong Ye Luo is also amazing. His emperor body is the body of the legendary Battle King! It is said to have an aptitude that impacts Half-God Realm!”

“Fuck, Luo King’s body !? During the Antiquity period, that Nine Heavens Battle King’s imperial body technique !?”

“Good! I heard that it is the body refining technique of Nine Heavens Battle King, too terrifying!”

“My God, such an emperor body, even if the cultivation base is the same, the strength is also the difference between Heaven and Earth ah!”

“What’s more, the most terrifying thing is the Wu Tianlin of that Wu people. According to the rumor, his emperor body is exactly the same as the body of the witch cultivation. What is the body of the Tian Wu? “

“Tsk tsk tsk, these genius of Great Influence, is good luck. With such a technique of imperial body, after entering the emperor realm, this strength is absolutely powerful.”

“Who said no, this time the Emperor List Battle, there are three emperor body evils above the Earth Grade, Three Great Sects from Ten Directions Star Domain, I am afraid they are going to fight!”

“Good! Good! If the top 10 of the Emperor Rankings has the right to choose, they will choose the power of Ten Directions Star Domain!”


The entire restaurant, Martial Artist at dozens of tables, is almost talking about the news of the emperor list war.

“Long Tianyao’s body of rushing towards the emptiness, the body of Battle King of Gong Yiluo, the body of Wu Tianlin’s sky …”

Chu Yan heard the sound of discussion around all around, but chuckled and didn’t take it seriously.

The importance of the art of emperor body after entering the emperor’s realm, Ouyang Nantian had already told Chu Yan.

Therefore, Ouyang Nangenius will let Chu Yan look for the spirit of chaos, transform the whole body of flesh and blood, and lay the foundation for impacting the imperial realm.

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