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Three stars were used at one time, but they were easily drawn by Chu Yan’s Martial Soul.

Chen Yuanzhi could not bear it there. Under the urging of the hand seal, in midair, 9 stars were shining all at once, and at the same time stormed down from the sky.

9 Starlight, pulling out a long star tail, like a meteor shower, Chu Yan moved towards the center of the battle stage, smashed away.

In Chen Yuanzhi’s eyes, full of fine awns, True Qi almost urged to the extreme.

You know, Chu Yan’s cultivation base is now sealed, and the loss is at least 70%. This is the best chance to defeat him.

Just a Martial Soul, even if you are strong, you can beat 9 Divine Item! ?

Therefore, without any hesitation, Chen Yuanzhi directly displayed the strongest killing trick of 9 Stars Tower, and 9 Star was violent.

This time, 9 Star appeared, and even the star screen in midair was dimmed, and the entire golden battle stage was trembling.

in the sky, the powerful Power of Stars, squeezes the air to the extreme, and the force of suppression is getting stronger and stronger.

“Vermilion Bird, Qilin, come out!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan did not hesitate to urge the “Five Elements of the Sea” in Sea of ​​Consciousness to integrate into the Qi Sea inner core, and suddenly the two two inner cores, which stagnate the operation stagnation, quickly and quickly.

roar! Tweet …!

With a roar of tremors, Qiling Martial Soul stepped on the five-color auspicious clouds with a loud phoenix sound, and broke out of the air.

In midair, a flaming red bird, flapping its wings, spitting out a 10000 fire star, soaring into the sky.

“Give me up!”

White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Qilin 3 respect Divine Beast Martial Soul, and appeared at the same time, Chu Yan raised his hand, shouted.

Suddenly, the White Tiger Martial Soul stepped out and rushed down to the sky to 9 powerful stars. The tiger palm lifted up, and the first one was the golden star.

In the sky, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul has a big mouth, a hot line of fire, shoots straight, hit the 9 child stars, red fire star.

Bang! Bang!

2 In the explosion of sound, the Gold Star and the fire star of the 9 sub-stars were blasted back at the same time, and the momentum of surrender stood.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately afterwards, White Tiger Martial Soul and Vermilion Bird Martial Soul completely dominate the sky, blasting 9 stars and flying 4 times, and the momentum of the storm was suddenly broken.

And Qilin Martial Soul, standing in front of Chu Yan, occasionally stars rushed over, Qilin Martial Soul just stomped his feet, and the five-color lightning that rushed out, directly blasted the stars back.

This scene fell in the eyes of Chen Yuanzhi and other spectators, and all of them were stunned.

In particular, they found that Chu Yan had 3 Martial Souls, but when he was 3 students Destiny Martial Soul, they were even more shocked.

3 Health Martial Soul, although rare, is not uncommon in continent and Ten Directions Star Domain.

However, Martial Soul, who can fight against Divine Item, is the first time they have met.

More importantly, the 3 Martial Souls summoned by Chu Yan, one is stronger than one, and the 9-child star can’t break the defense of any Martial Soul, let alone attack Chu Yan true body.

Moreover, with the 9-child star, every time it was flying, the originally brilliant stars of light would be dimmed, while the distant Chen Yuanzhi, that black Little Pagoda, would be dimmed.

Less than ten breaths, a brisk sound rang, and mutation suddenly took place.

ka cha…!

Above the Black Little Pagoda, a crack suddenly exploded, Chen Yuanzhi was shocked all over his body, and his mouth spouted a big mouth of blood.

“No … not good! I admit defeat!”

Without any hesitation, Chen Yuanzhi was full of panic and shouted loudly.

“Give up! Giving up!”

“Pagoda Chen Yuanzhi admits defeat!”

“Quick stop, stop those Martial Souls!”

Not only Chen Yuanzhi, the towering gangsters who were fighting in the battle stage in the distance, when they heard the crisp sound, their eyes were looked towards 9 Stars Tower, but just glanced at it, they were all shocked soul flies away and scatters .

Because, as 9 stars were continuously beaten by 3 Divine Beast Martial Souls, several stars rays of light were lost, the speed was greatly reduced, and even on the verge of collapse, and 9 stars Stars Tower, was even bombed A few cracks.

Divine Item…. Broken! ?

This is the Race Protecting Treasure of the Ta clan, which was actually shattered by 3 Martial Soul.

Under such circumstances, Chen Yuanzhi dared to fight Chu Yan again and hurriedly confessed his defeat.

If it is a little bit later, all 9 stars will lose their star glow. I am afraid that the entire 9-star Stars Tower will be directly converted into powder.

shua! shua! shua!

As Chen Yuanzhi’s hand seal turned sharply, all 9 stars returned to Stars Tower.

Holding Stars Tower in his arms, he looked down and saw three small cracks appearing above the tower.

Suddenly, Chen Yuanzhi’s face was ashamed, almost crying.

The Race Protecting Treasure, the Stars Tower of Divine Item 9, was really burst by Chu Yan’s Martial Soul!

shuaa ~!

On the tower side, a group of silhouettes flashed, and a dozen or so gangsters mobilized movement art. Just a flash, they reached the battle stage, surrounded by Chen Yuanzhi, and looked towards his 9 sons Stars Tower.

With a glance, more than a dozen wrinkled faces were all dead gray, and when they looked up at each other, they all looked like they were crying.

Crack … crack!

9 sons Stars Tower, really cracked!

The owner of the town clan is damaged. This time, the elders in their clan can be eaten by the patriarch and Supreme Elders.

“Chu Yan, you …”

The leader of the tower tribe 3 Elder turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all bloodshot.

Not only him, but also other tower clan Elder, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all angry.

Just now, when Nine Sons Star Zone cracked down on Chu Yan, all the expressions on his face were excited and arrogant.

“You guys, you can change to a Divine Item and continue …”

Chu Yan looked at each and everyone’s crimson-eyed Tazu gangsters, shrugged, softly opened the mouth and said.


The word fell to the ground, and the Elders of the Tazu 3 only felt a rush of breath, almost spitting out an old blood.

Change … Change a Divine Item! ?

You think Divine Item is Chinese cabbage, plentiful and easily available! ?

There is only one Divine Item from the Antiquity inheritance of the entire tower family. Not to mention the tower family, even if it is the entire outer domain continent, the number of Divine Item can be counted by a hand.

In midair, the three host gangsters, standing dull in the air, were all shocked.

“What … what is Martial Soul !?”

Primeval Beginning Palace is old, looking at Chu Yan behind, the 3 statues release Martial Soul, who is full of Heavenly Might. His face is unbelievable.

You know, he is the Great Elder of Ten Directions Star Domain Primeval Beginning Palace, and Martial Soul he has seen countless times.

Even, Primeval Beginning Palace Scripture Pavilion, all the classics, back to the back, but never seen, Chu Yan now called out these 3 Martial Soul, what is it.

If only a Martial Soul did not know, Feng Lao would not be so shocked.

The key point is that Chu Yan does not know any of the 3 Martial Souls!

“No … unlike the ordinary beast Martial Soul, especially in the middle that, you see it at the foot of it, it is actually walking on the 5 colorful spirit clouds, this … this is not reasonable ah!”

Not only Feng Lao, Huang Elder of the Astrological Sect, but his eyes twitched all the time, and he couldn’t stop.

“Is it a special variant Martial Soul !?” Lin Elder asked in a whisper.

“Fart, fart, and variant Martial Soul are all double attributes. You didn’t see that these 3 Martial Souls have the power of pure single attribute Martial Soul!”

When Feng Lao heard it, he bluntly spoke directly.

3 respect for Martial Soul, which shocked the hearts of the three big brothers.

“I’m afraid that Chu Yan’s imperial body has exceeded the imperial high grade!”

After a long silence, Feng Lao finally flashed his eyes and said.

what! ?

Beyond imperial high grade! ?

Lin Elder and Huang Elder, the body trembling together, stunned, glared at the eyeballs that burst out of their eyes, staring straight at Feng Lao.

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