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9th Layer Outer heaven, Divine Realm, Snow Peak!

The snow peak of nearly 100,000 zhang high stands between Heaven and Earth. From the mountainside, it has passed through Divine Realm Lingyun Sea. The upper half of the snow peak seems to have entered another layer heaven.

On top of the snow peak closest to the sky, an ancient Transmission Great Array, jointly urged by 99 powerhouses, has just released a faint trace of Antiquity aura.

The appearance of this ray of aura, just in a flash in the sky, will become a faint purple.

“Ultra Night Purple Qi!”

Standing on the top of the stone cliff, a woman in a white long skirt saw the appearance of Purple Qi, and her beautiful eyes light up.

Not only this Goddess-like white skirt woman, but also the 99 aura powerful priests all around, all shuddered.

Purple Qi, which is like a candle in a microwave, attracts everyone’s eyes and shoots a fine mang.

“Purple Qi Purple Qi, pointing to the lower continent….”

The white skirt woman disappeared in situ, and when it reappeared, before the ancient altar, a pair of beautiful eyes, looking directly at the payment, a floating stream of purple air, swaying in the altar with the wind, softly speaking.

“Hello my goal!”

A fascinating smile appeared on the face of the white skirt woman. After a strange and cold smile, a large white cloud gathered quickly above the sky.


The thick Thunder Pillar exploded in the sea of ​​spirit clouds, and above the sky dome, the 9th Layer’s curtain shook in unison, like the sky’s anger!

Immediately afterwards, a white skirt woman waved her hand, and a large piece of sky lit up on the ancient altar.

In the sky, 3 huge stars crossed the endless starry sky and shot toward the east of the sky.

“Ten Directions Star Domain, Far East !?”

Waved again, the sky on the ancient altar quickly dissipated.

In addition to disappearing, there is a white skirt woman with a faint smile on her face and beautiful eyes shining like stars.

At this moment, the peak of 100,000 Zhang Xuefeng has returned to peace.


Outer domain continent, Azure Dragon World, 9 mountain ranges.

Chu Yan sitting in the cultivation hall, his eyes were bright, and his body was aura, surging like a violent wind and a big wind blowing in the hall.

A path of True Qi, like an arrow, shoots from Chu Yan within the body, like a hedgehog, piercing the void all around.

The healing speed of the void remains highly consistent with the speed of destruction. Therefore, the void around Chu Yan’s body seems to create 1000 holes in 100.

“I can’t control it at all, this chaotic spirit actually … is eroding my inner core!”

In Chu Yan’s eyes, the blood was constantly spreading, and his face was all dignified.

St. Rakshasa true body behind him, instill the brilliance of two colors of gold and silver, and keep pouring into Yan Yan within the body to protect the thirty two inner cores in Qi Sea.

There is no doubt at all, if it is not Chu Yan who desperately protects Qi Sea, the power of Chaos Spirit can directly crush his Qi Sea.

However, compared to Qi Sea, Chu Yan ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is more dangerous at this time.

A large piece of aura flashed 4 times in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, buzzing the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

5 respect Divine Beast Martial Soul, roaring endlessly, separated in 5 directions of Sea of ​​Consciousness, constantly releasing the power of Martial Soul, firmly holding the Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

However, it is clear that the 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls are just for defense, and there is no way to shake the Source Power of Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Because of those spirits flying all over the sky, Spirit Power is extremely powerful, and the number is extremely large, not less than 10000.

After guarding, there is no energy at all, and then strangle them.

The danger of Qi Sea, the danger of Sea of ​​Consciousness, under the double pressure, Chu Yan is now in a great crisis.

However, Chu Yan clenched his teeth, Divine Consciousness split, and the two sides fought at the same time without retreating.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s strong Martial Dao will played the most important role, causing the crisis to temporarily fall into a deadlocked state.

Chu Yan is very clear that the Power of Primal Chaos is integrated and 90% completed.

The entire fleshy body is fully integrated, and the only remaining ones are their own Qi Sea and Sea of ​​Consciousness.

As long as it can withstand the fusion of Chaos Spirit, then the breakthrough emperor realm is in sight.

In the cultivation hall, aura is as heavy as a mountain.

Every breathing time is, for Chu Yan, a kind of suffering.

However, Chu Yan will never give up. For him, he must succeed and never fail.

Time passed in pain, and in a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

At this moment, 9 mountain ranges outside.

The preparations for the celebration, with the efforts of the 9 Supreme Sect and countless people, were all ready in less than 3 days.

Today is the day when the celebration begins.

Human Race 9 respects Sect. It takes so much effort to hold a continent celebration, not for publicity.

On the one hand, it is to celebrate and honour Chu Yan, and at the same time, it is also to give prestige to Human Race.

Celebration is a declaration!

Let all racial forces and Sects of Continent in Outland know that Human Race now is completely different from before.

“Deliver 9 Respectful Orders, Celebration Conference, officially started!”

Ling Shuangtian’s drinking order sounded through Heaven and Earth, echoing continuously in the vast mountain range.

shuaa ~…

Among the mountain range, 9 Sect disciple heard the drink order, flew from the major Spirit Peak, moved towards the main peak of Lingyun Pavilion gathered.

A silhouette of a team, according to 9 Great Sect camp, arranged neat and tidy.

Headed by Lingyun Pavilion, listed on the side of Approaching Cloud Peak 2 Mountain Gate, continent welcomes the foreign domain, all parties come to congratulate the forces and powerhouse.

“Ha ha ha, congratulations …”

Before the person arrived, the laughter came first. The Great Elder of the Demi-God clan, as the representative of the Demi-God clan, brought more than a dozen Elders to arrive first.

These more than ten Elders are, indeed, the core of all Ten Great Elders of the Demi-God family. Such a lineup is extremely luxurious.

It can make the Demi-God family, the entire core Elder hall, all dispatched. It can be seen that they attach great importance to the celebration of this time, Human Race.

“It’s late! It’s late!”

Almost before and after the feet, a Brahma sound through Heaven and Earth, on the west side of the sky, in a large golden cloud, dozens of golden robe silhouettes came quickly.

The head of the person is the Number One Genius in Daen Temple, where Miaolian lives!

“Haha, didn’t expect, you Daen Temple, also run so fast !?”

As soon as he turned his head, looked towards in midair, the golden auspicious cloud that fell quickly, the Demi-God clan Jiang Great Elder, directly said with a smile

“It’s not too late! It’s just one step slower than our Demi-God family.”

Miao Lian Anju heard it, but only blinked, not at all, but instead looked awkward, body flashed, but gave way to the position behind him.

A tall golden robe old man, holding a wooden stick, with a peaceful smile, walked to Jiang Great Elder in a few steps.

Seeing this person, Ling Shuangtian I Jiang Yuchuan, Qiqi startled!

“High Priest !?”

They never imagined that the host of Da’en Temple would come in person!

You know, the entire Outland Continent is only this high priest, whose status is outstanding, and even far beyond the Sect Master of the Great Influence.

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