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Three Great Sects, coming together, is obviously not a coincidence.

Moreover, these big men from Ten Directions Star Domain all have a strange smile on their faces.

With these three big brothers, walking on Lingyun Square, the silence around all around, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became suppressed.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the three gangsters.

“What are they … coming here?”

“Depending on the situation, I’m not quite right. I guess it will definitely not be like us. It is to congratulate!”

“The big guys of Ten Directions Star Domain are usually self-proclaimed as detached. How can they come to the foreign domain continent to congratulate a Human Race disciple !?”

“Look, this is Lin Elder with Double Top Sect. Isn’t he the host of the Emperor List Battle !?”

“Awesome, Tian Ya Hai Ge, I heard that it is the Double Sea Territory of Ten Directions Star Domain, one of the Two Great Influences!”

“Don’t talk, see what they are doing !?”


Although there were some whispered comments, most people stared at them, staring curiously.

“I rely on, Loulan beauty …!”

On the main stage, beside Ling Shuangtian, Situ Yang’s gaze swept through the group of blue-strewn Loulan forces, led by the female Elder, who looked only 16 years old, suddenly letting Situ Fatty’s gaze shine straight.

“Ten Directions Star Domain, Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains 2 have beautiful women, it really is true, tsk tsk tsk….”

Situ Yang’s expression became bleak again, a pair of eyes, hanging on the Loulan Mountain girl Elder, could not move away at all.

In all of Sea of ​​Consciousness, there are all kinds of speculations, and I watched the three gangsters as they walked to the main stage.

“Didn’t expect You will come to the Human Race 9 respect mountain range, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please take a seat!”

After a short period of surprise, Ling Shuangtian’s face has returned to normal. He bowed his hands to the three gangsters and politely greeted him.

“Many thanks Ling Pavilion Lord!”

3 Zong Dao, nodded, swept the rostrum and took the main sect disciple behind them to the VIP seat of the rostrum.

These three cases, each brought nearly ten people, and some of them are young disciples, which should be the genius of the main sect.

After sitting down, the tense atmosphere on the field eased, and among the crowd below, all kinds of arguments also sounded again.

Little White Bear took advantage of Situ Yang’s side, a pair of purple eyes, and kept looking at the three big brothers, little tightly knit, poke the fat on Situ Yang’s stomach, and asked in a small voice.

“Dead fatty, what did you say they came for?”

Little White Bear’s demon consciousness has been exploring these Ten Directions Star Domain visitors. Her demon consciousness is beating, making her always feel a little uneasy.

After being stabbed by Little White Bear, Situ Yang suddenly awakened, and finally caught his eyes on Lou Lan’s beauty, and finally recovered it, just turning his hair, but found it was Little White Bear.

“Well …”

Of course, Little White Bear’s question, he heard it, so he looked at it and looked at the three gangsters before he said

“Look, Lin Elder of the Double Top Sect, I heard that in the battle of the Emperor List, the Old Guy, always looking for trouble from the big brother, it is estimated that the comers are not good!”

Touching his chin, Situ Yang said

“You know, my big brother, it’s easy to offend the person!”

“So, maybe, these three cases, my big brother has offended, so I want to take advantage of the big brother’s celebration day to come to trouble!”

Situ Yang was a little uncertain at first, but the more he said, the more he guessed, the nodded way

With a word, the Little White Bear immediately choked his teeth, and the Little White teeth gritted.

“impossible !”

Little White Bear shook his head directly, disagreeing with Stuart’s guess at all.

“You didn’t go, I went, and I know that Lin Elder of the Double Top Sect, at first, was a bit disappointed to see Boss. However, he had never seen Boss at all.

“And, later, he also invited Boss to let Boss join the Double Top Sect!”

“Well … I don’t understood!”

Hearing Little White Bear’s explanation, Situ Yang started, shook the head, his face was blank, and he turned his head towards the three gangsters on the rostrum.

At this time, Ling Shuangtian was holding the spirit wine, and just after toasting, he asked.

“Don’t know a few Fellow Daoist, this time come to Lingyun Pavilion, what’s special about me?”

Ling Shuangtian’s face was calm, with twinkling eyes, and he looked back and forth on the face of the 3 gangsters.

As the Pavilion Lord of Lingyun Pavilion, the temperament is prudent, but he does not believe that these three big brothers, Da Lao Yuan, came from Ten Directions Star Domain to congratulate Chu Yan.

This sentence landed, some of the continent bigwigs on the podium turned their heads together and looked

“Good! The three came from afar, presumably something important?”

The Great Elder of the Demi-God clan, standing beside Ling Shuangtian, echoed.

With his relationship with Chu Yan, plus the relationship between the Demi-God family and Human Race, if the three cases from Ten Directions Star Domain come to the trouble of Human Race or Chu Yan, he sits and watches.

“It’s a guest from afar, Three Fellow Daoists have worked hard! If there is anything I can wait for, let’s be blunt!”

The high priest of Daen Temple, smiling, opened the mouth and said.

Like Ling Shuangtian and Jiang Yuchuan, as a high priest, he is not afraid of these three cases, so he speaks much more directly.

3 people uttered at the same time, with obvious questions.

After all, this Human Race celebration, 3 cases of turn up without being invited, can hardly be justified.

The atmosphere on the podium changed, and all around suddenly caught sight, all looked over.

The whole audience focused on 3 Great Influence.

Everyone is very curious. At this critical moment, 3 Great Influence suddenly visited Lingyun Pavilion, what did he want to do! ?

“Ha ha….”

Facing the audience, Double Top Sect Lin Elder first looked towards the other two sects Elder. After seeing that they were both lightly nodded, they slowly rose and said to Ling Shuangtian

“Ling Pavilion Lord, Jiang Great Elder, high priest, and everyone …”

Gently bowed his hand, Lin Elder’s attitude made everyone in the audience startled.

When did the forces of Ten Directions Star Domain become so polite! ?

“I came to Lingyun Pavilion this time, and entrusted by Sect, there are 2 things to do! Of course, Loulan Mountain and Tianya Haige, and my double Top Sect are also the same 2 things, so, let me tell you ! “

“The first thing …”

The voice stopped, but Elder Lin waved his hand first, followed by a double Top Sect disciple, striding out with a gift box in his hand.

“The first thing is to congratulate Chu Yan, the top position in the continent list of the foreign domain, and a small gift, to show my double Top Sect’s heart!”

In a word, the pair of Top Sect disciple stepped forward and delivered the gift box to Ling Shuangtian.

“My Loulan Mountain also prepared a gift to show congratulations!”

“The Elder Hall in Tianya Haige, send a gift!”

Suddenly, the big brother of 3 Great Influence spoke at the same time, and walked out of the two recipes behind him, sending the gift to Ling Shuangtian.

Suddenly, three big gifts appeared. Ling Shuangtian’s face was first started. Immediately afterwards, not only did she not have the slightest joy on her face, but instead she became very dignified.

Sure enough, Ling Shuangtian’s worry is about to happen!

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