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The entire Lingyun Square instantly fell into silence.

This move The two sides are attacking, but it is an instant matter, but there are too many surprising details.

First, the flow of 3 people is like a stream of water, which makes people dazzled and stunned.

This temporary team has such a strong cooperation, one move after another, the strength of the formidable power is far beyond everyone’s expectations.

In addition, the most amazing thing is that the last battle, the scared face of Miao Lian settled in danger, in addition to the defense is powerful, there is such a terrifying attack.

“Hehe, who said I wouldn’t beat anyone !?”

At this time, Miao Lian settled down, with a smug look on her face.

You know, the important blow to retreat from Jinfeng is his “Day Sun Vajra Seal”, which absolutely shocked everyone’s eyes.

The key is to kill Xuezang. When it comes to the key, 4 of them are amazing. This will not only make everyone look at Miaolian’s peace, but also look at mysterious high priests.

4 all directions, all the foreign continent disciplines are all a look of surprise.

In the 1st move, the continent points in the outfield gained the upper hand. This was basically impossible in the first 2 battles.

Seeing hope, they are naturally excited.

However, on the rostrum, the faces of Ling Shuangtian and the high priest were slightly sinking, and a heavy color appeared in his eyes.

Unlike the discipline of ordinary, they, as big brothers, saw the key points at a glance.

The 5 people joined forces to make the most out of the attack, and the outbreak of the attack turned the Jin Feng back a few steps, and did not cause any harm to the other party.

Moreover, this move attack, win suddenly.

Obviously, while waiting for the battle, the three of Long Tianyao, Lu Tianming and Miao Lian had already communicated and discussed with Divine Consciousness before they would burst out such an attack.

Moreover, their three people planned this move attack in advance, and the desired result is probably far more than just letting the opponent back a few steps.

“This … is in trouble!”

Not only Ling Shuangtian and the two priests saw it. On the battlefield, Long Tianyao and Lu Tianming also looked at each other with dignity and looked at each other. A bit of bitterness flashed in both eyes.

According to Long Tianyao’s plan, this move attack, he and Lu Tianming, not only played the strongest attack, but also revealed the card of Miaolian Anju.

Originally, I hoped to use this move to form the formidable power of the 3 people’s outbreak, and defeat the opponent with one move to restore morale.

In that case, as long as they win the next 2 games, their outfield continent wins.

But now, the big move is successful, but this effect is the difference between Heaven and Earth as Long Tianyao envisioned.

“Ha ha ha, the trash of the continent in the outer domain, 5 people joined forces, and it’s only this!”

Jin Feng aura was calm, and he laughed in the sky. Others heard his words, and they all started together.


Five people joined forces and all the tricks were exhausted, but the opponent just stepped back a few steps, this …

“Now, let you see what the real genius of Stars Ranking is!”

With a big wave of Jin Feng’s hand, 3 regiments of True Qi rushed out of his head, quickly condensing and condensing, but in the blink of an eye, they formed 3 huge flowers that bloomed quickly.

“3 Flower Juding!”

Jin Feng within the body, violent aura, like waves of waves, wave after wave, rushing out.

3 giant flowers, blooming one after another, the imposing manner of Jin Feng, continuously lifting Stage 3, the whole person completely changed,

At this time, above his head, 3 flowers gathered, a vast force, covering the whole body, the bursts of ray of light, just like Gods.


Long Tianyao and Lu Tianming have two pupils shrinking at the same time, and fundamentally didn’t expect, a Martial Artist’s aura, there can be such a big gap before and after.

As if it was just a strong ordinary person just now, at this time, it has become the Realm of Martial Emperor of Martial Dao Supreme.

Throughout Lingyun Square, all the continent genius and gangsters from the outer domains had just smiled, all solidified at this time.

No … impossible!

The median Martial Emperor Realm 1st Layer, how could there be such a strong aura! ?

Long Tianyao and Lu Tianming, still in amazement, saw that on the opposite Jinfeng, above their hands, the three-color light was like a torrent, pouring out frantically.

“When autumn comes September 9th, after I bloom … 8 flowers kill!”

A word of “kill” landed on the floor. Jin Feng’s face and the corners of his mouth evoked a touch of arc.

Long Tianyao and Lu Tianming’s complexion suddenly changed, and True Qi broke out all over the body, all shot together.

The Thunder Knife is like a dragon, and it becomes a circling golden shield, blocking it in front of it.

Dragon-Tiger Qi Xiao, the fist of the boxing fist, like a dragon running, fiercely hit the rushing Jinfeng.

Both Long Tianyao and Lu Tianming felt an unprecedented crisis. When they shot, there was no first-line reservation, and they were all committed.

“Everyone be careful, this Jinfeng is stronger than we thought, we must …”

Long Tianyao tried his best to urge True Qi, and at the same time quickly Divine Consciousness sound transmission to inform others.

However, he hasn’t finished a sentence.

Boom … bang!

Amidst the violent air storm, the huge lightning knife shield, and the Dragon-Tiger Shuanggang from Lu Tianming, Jin Feng, who was stormed, raised his hand once. The 3-color palm glow was continuously penetrated. 2 of them defend.


The next breath, the three-color palm glow, directly blasted on Long Tianyao’s chest position, completely blasting his body protection gang yuan.


Long Tianyao was hit with a punch, tossed into the air, opened his mouth with a big mouth of blood mist, hit the Golden Formation in the distance, and rebounded to the ground.

Although he didn’t directly hit the ground, he barely stood up, but Long Tianyao stood there, his eyes were round, completely congested, under the tremor of the whole body, 3 colors rays of light, outside his body, 4 shots surge .

Obviously, the surplus of that punch was attacking his fleshy body, making him aura riots, which could not be suppressed at all.

“Good…really strong!”

Long Tianyao’s eyes were full of fear, looked towards Jin Feng, and his face was full of shock.

“The power of trifling ants, also want to stop me from reaching the peak !? Joke …”

After the fist blasted Long Tianyao, the imposing manner on Jin Feng’s body became more and more violent, and he stepped out in one step and broke into the void, just like a Antiquity savage, one punch after another, and continued to burst out.

“Not good, quick retreat!”

Lu Tianming, Miaolian Anju, Chen Yuanzhi and Guo Yishan, seeing this scene, their faces changed and their madness scattered.

“** Sky turns, 7 kills in the night sky!”

Both hands forming seals, swept out, 7 lanes of 3 colors fist, like streamers, all night sky, straight to the fled Lu Tianming.

“Dragon-Tiger sky!”

Lu Tianming Divine Consciousness swept away, complexion greatly changed, suddenly turned around, raised his hand is punched out.


In the noise, Long Gang’s fist smashed the group of 3 colored fists directly.

However, it didn’t wait for Lu Tianming to breathe, Coming one after another’s 2nd punch, 3rd punch … 7th punch breakthrough breath burst into the air.

“Violent! Violent! Violent!”

Lu Tianming’s eyes widened, if he was crazy, he kept throwing punches, blocking one punch after another.

However, the speed was simply too late. When the fifth punch was reached, he had already reached 5 steps in front of him, and directly shattered his body protection.

Lu Tianming, who was full of bloodshot eyes, could only watch with his eyes open. His 6th and 7th punches hit his chest heavily.


There is no suspense. Like Long Tianyao, he flew into the sky, sprayed a large amount of dirty blood, hit the wall of Formation, and flicked off the ground.

It’s just that he who suffered 2 punches was more miserable than Long Tianyao, but he even struggled to stand up.

“Hmph! Another rubbish. Now, there are 3 of you, let’s die!”

With a roar, above the head of Jinfeng, 3 giant flowers illusory shadow, all bright.

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