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Seeing 4 disciplines of 3 Great Influence rushing in, Chu Yan’s mouth twitched lightly, causing an evil smile.

“4! How about …”

On the ground, Chu Yan’s figure flashed, steadily advancing, rushing out.

At the same time playing against 4 people, there was no idea of ​​taking a defensive position, but took the initiative to attack.

Boom … rumbling!

The Saint Rakshasa true body behind him is like Heaven and Earth Demon God. With Chu Yan’s body rushing forward, across the void, exploding the tide of the weather, sweeping past.

However, when Chu Yan rushed to the first 4 steps of 100 people, the 4 silhouettes in front of him disappeared like smoke in an instant.

“En !? Avatar !?”

Chu Yan startled, didn’t expect, the silhouette of these four people turned out to be Avatar.

Divine Consciousness spread out, but found that the front, back, left, and right, the void in 4 directions suddenly shuddered, and 4 silhouettes rushed out, instantly encircling Chu Yan in the middle.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

4 Thunderstorms sounded, four people shot at the same time, and a fearful attack broke out at the same time before, after, and drove straight to Chu Yan in the middle.

These 4 great influence disciplines, although furious, came, after all, as the genius of Ten Directions Star Domain. Regardless of their mind and actual combat experience, they far surpassed the genius of continent in the outer domain.

So, after a simple Divine Consciousness communication, they set a simple tactic.

Lure Chu Yan into the middle, and then attack it.

If it is an ordinary Martial Artist, in such a dilemma, faced with such a powerful 4 opponents, I am afraid of death or injury.

However, Chu Yan is completely different. From beginning to end, he has maintained a high degree of calmness.

Therefore, when the siege was formed, Chu Yan ’s Rakshasa area had already expanded, and flocked to all directions in four directions.

Rakshasa passed through the waves in the field, and the void seemed to be hit hard, bursting layer by layer, like a torrential flood running over the city, and everything it passed was turned into powder.

Such a powerful prestige of the field will explode the four-sided attack at the same time.

Although the consumption is a bit high, but at the same time to dissolve 4 people, I am determined to get a trick.


At the same time, a look of shock appeared in the eyes of 4 people.

There is such a powerful realm in the field that can block the combined blow of their 4 people at the same time! ?

“explode for me !”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan’s fists slammed together, and two Golden Dragon’s fist punched straight out.

At the same time, the Saint Rakshasa true body behind him, 2 handles of gold and silver forks, lit 2 Limangs, shot straight out.


There is no suspense, the palm glow and the fork mansions have passed, 4 people can’t help it, at the same time they are hit, and the body is trembling, as if was struck by lightning.

Among the 4 screams, 4 Disciples of 3 Great Influence flew upside down, smashed into the 4 corners of Lingyun Square, and sprayed 4 blood mists.

The power of this fist is far beyond their imagination, and almost even their Divine Soul is about to explode.

At this moment, they finally knew why Jin Feng seemed to have no resistance at the beginning when he was hit by Chu Yan.

This punch is too terrifying!

Several spitting blood spit out again and again, 4 disciples, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, completely changed.

The trembling eyes seemed to have seen a ghost.

“Quick! Come on!”

In the distance, the double Top Sect Lin Elder on the podium, seeing Chu Yan’s move, abolished the four Gen Directions Star Domain’s genius, suddenly twitched the corners of his eyes, and shouted at the three genius behind him.

shua! shua! shua!

Almost at the same time that Lin Elder’s roar landed, three blue robe disciples flew out, holding three special Spirit Treasures, but they just flew into the Lingyun Square boundary and immediately stopped.

Here, there are a few 10000 steps away from where Chu Yan is now. If fighting, is this distance too far away?

But in the next moment, the three disciples of Tianya Haige, all urging Spirit Treasure in their hands, and when they fired three groups of rockets, everyone understood.

The three Tianya Pavilion’s recipes are prepared to use long-range attacks against Chu Yan.

You know, Jinfeng first, and then there are 4 disciplines, all of which were heavily destroyed by Chu Yan. Whether it is the big guys of Ten Directions Star Domain, or the genius, of course they can all see it.

This Chu Yan, who is extremely powerful, is a Martial Artist with melee combat skills. To deal with him, he must attack far.

So, at this time, Tianya Haige sent 3 people who were good at the long-range attack.

In their hands, the Spirit Treasure with the shape of a broom is called “Sky Machine Black Flame Crossbow”!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Almost at the same time, 3 zi zi burned long arrows with thick black flames, and at the same time shot at Chu Yan in the distance.

The long body of the arrow is almost completely covered by black flame, and the body of the arrow cannot be seen at all. While shuttling through the void, a long black line is left wherever it passes.

This black flame, even the void can be incinerated! ?

“En!? Mo Yan !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed brightly, but just glanced at it, and then recognized the flame on the arrow, which is an extremely rare magic flame.

As a Pill Master, Chu Yan is very clear about the spirit of the world.

This kind of magic flame, during the Antiquity period, was a life source fire of cultivation poison Pill Dao’s pill refining.

Relying on this magic flame that can burn Divine Soul, the only Nine Revolutions Poison Pill in the history of Pill Dao is refined!

It is said that this Poison Pill turned a Half-God Realm powerhouse into his slave, and was tortured by him for 1000 years. Finally, he died of Self-destruction, and no trace of divine sense remained.

However, these are all records in the Tianqi Building. Chu Yan was originally a bit skeptical, but now I saw it with my own eyes, and was also surprised.

There is no doubt that the magic flame arrows fired by the “Heavenly Machine Black Flame Crossbow” may not only attack the fleshy body, but also certainly cause damage to Divial Soul of Martial Artist.

Uh …!

After a thought, Chu Yan didn’t think much, body flashed, disappeared directly on the spot, and escaped into the darkness and darkness.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of 3 Tianya Haige disciples.

A few 10000 steps away in a flash.

You should know that Chu Yan’s power and speed will increase to the greatest extent within the space of this Rakshasa field.

It is only a few 10000 steps away, which is simply not enough.


Seeing Chu Yan appearing in front of me, the three Tianya Haige disciples were stunned.

Especially when I saw Chu Yan within the top 10 steps, a wicked smile on the corner of my mouth made the scalp of their three people explode.


Drinking a word, Chu Yan fists together, one left and one right, and at the same time hits two disciplines. Two of them were bombarded like artillery shells and flew toward the podium.

The remaining disciple was so frightened that he even threw down the “Heavenly Machine Black Flame Crossbow” in his hand and turned to escape.

“You die for me too!”

Seeing that the last person was going to escape, how could Chu Yan let go, raised his punched out, golden dragon shadow, roaring out, shaking the void, and smashing heavily on the man’s back.


A mouthful of filthy blood spewed out, and the heaven and sea disciples were blasted into the sky. The whole body became arched. Under the reflex, the sound of bone ka cha in the whole body was no less than ears.

The tom fell to the ground and almost turned into a pile of minced meat. Except for one head, it was intact, and there was no good piece of meat in the whole body.


Raising his feet, stepping the “Heavenly Machine Black Flame Crossbow” in front of him into a powder, Chu Yan’s eyes were swept toward the rostrum, Lin Elder of Empyrean Terminus Sect, snered

“Who else!?”

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