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The legend about Chaos Spirit has been circulated in Ten Directions Star Domain, and the three emperors have heard it naturally.

However, this chaotic spirit is extremely rare.

Starting from the Antiquity era, Martial Artist who can find the Chaos Spirit can count with one pair of hands and two feet.

However, those Martial Artists that merged with Chaos Spirit finally broke through the realm of the Holy Emperor. Is it true that …

Chu Yan’s words made the eyes of the three emperors light up at the same time.

For them, although the spirit of Chaos is rare and difficult to find, they finally have a goal. Compared with the risk that they will try to close their eyes and try to lose at any time, it is nothing.

“Then … there is another one !?”

After thickly meditating several times in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Emperor Houhai remembered the spirit of Chaos, and then hurriedly asked.

“There is one more, it is much simpler, just a cultivation common sense!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“As the saying goes, Tian Xing 9, 9 kinds of attributes have nothing common with each other, but they contain different numbers. Therefore, among the 9 kinds of attributes, there are variant attributes. At the same time, some people have several attributes in one body. , Greatly increased in strength! “

“But have you ever thought about it, in fact, the 9-series attribute is originally a kind of one!”

“A series of 9 changes, and everyone’s cultivation is just one of 9 mutations, but if, at the same time, cultivate 9 series, the 9 sources will be unified, and the force will be 9 times !?”

Chu Yan said briefly, for the three Great Emperor Realm powerhouse, it is enough.

Because, when I heard Chu Yan this remark, the three emperors, as if was struck by lightning, stood still on the spot.

Not because of the profound Martial Dao cultivation theory of Chu Yan this remark, but because, just a few years ago, the Saint Heavenly Pavilion of Ten Directions Star Domain was born and became the endorsement of Divine Realm. The cultivation theory is exactly the same as what Chu Yan said in front of me!

9 is homologous, Nine by Nine Returns to One!

Because this way of cultivation is too shocking, it almost breaks the common sense of Martial Artist cultivation from ancient times to the present.

Therefore, it is not widely circulated, and only some high-ranking senior influencers of Ten Directions Star Domain have heard about it.

However, how does Chu Yan, a native of continent in the outer realm, know this! ?

Even the elite disciple of Ten Directions Star Domain’s great influence, I don’t know yet, this Chu Yan, naturally impossible, was inquired from Ten Directions Star Domain.

Could it be that he really realized it! ?

In an instant, the three great emperors looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all trembling together, as if watching a monster.

And in all directions in 4 directions, the other people who heard Chu Yan said, like Heavenly Thunder, they were all shocked!

“Wh … what !? 9 homologous !?”

“Cultivation 9 is an attribute together, how is this possible …?”

“It turns out that Senior Brother Chu Yan’s battle strength is so strong, because of this … This is too simple, right?”

“Fart, simple !? You know, at the same time cultivation 9 strength, let’s not talk about how difficult it is, just the risk of backlash, you can kill you!”


All kinds of exclamations sounded all around Lingyun Square.

The big brothers and genius, although they understand, Chu Yan this remark opened a new way of cultivation for them, and it is far closer to the source than their previous cultivation way.

But is this way of cultivation really suitable for everyone! ?

After the audience simmered, soon, most people fell into deep thought. Everyone was thinking, even knowing whether it was possible, while cultivating several other attributes.

As Lingyun Square fell into silence, the three emperors in front of Chu Yan reacted first.

3 eyes with different colors, after looking up and down Chu Yan for a while, the emperor Houhai said

“This time, many thanks!”

“In the future at Ten Directions Star Domain, if there is any need, just come to Tianya Haige to find me!”

With a word, Houhai Emperor took a deep look at Chu Yan, took the head, turned his head directly, his figure rose into the sky, and disappeared above the sky in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, I’m gone too!”

Emperor Lou Yue, twisting his waist, brought a burst of fragrant wind, and walked in front of Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, actually you are wrong, just a pity … If you really want to go to Ten Directions Star Domain, beware of Saint Heavenly Pavilion!”

With a smirk, the long skirt flew, and the next breath, the beautiful shadow of Lou Yue’s Peak Master, had disappeared into the thunder and lightning gate of Skyrim.

Like the Emperor Houhai, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and naturally there is no need to stay any longer.

At the same time, at the beginning, each and everyone opened up a heavenly order, and they wanted to recruit Chu Yan, but they did not mention anything at this time.

Obviously, the high priest’s previous guess was correct. They wanted to recruit Chu Yan at any cost, just for what Chu Yan just said.

If, Chu Yan really agreed to join them Sect, the consequences, I dare not imagine.

On the podium in the distance, seeing the two emperors leave one after another, Ling Shuangtian was finally relaxed.


“Chu Yan, this kid, is quite smart. In this way, not only the crisis is temporarily resolved, but also the people who are interested in him by Ten Directions Star Domain turn their attention to the spirit of chaos!

Looking at Chu Yan, Ling Shuangtian smiled approvingly.

From the first time he saw Chu Yan, the most recognized by Ling Shuangtian was Chu Yan’s temperament and mind.

However, Chu Yan said the words of Chu Yan strongest’s cultivation just now, but it still made Ling Shuangtian a little hurt.

However, the immediate crisis was finally resolved.

However, at this moment, a powerful aura burst into the Lingyun Square.

“Very good! Now you are useless!”

Loudly shouted sounded, like a thunderous explosion, blasting the entire Lingyun Square.

At the same time, a powerful pole of Diwei, like a thundercloud and a sea of ​​turbulence, rushed at the same time on the sky and the ground, covering the audience.

Including Chu Yan, everyone’s expression changed at the same time, all turned around and looked.

However, he found that this person was the one who had never spoken, Great Yuan Emperor!

Double Top Sect, the first Hall Lord, the Great Yuan Emperor!


When the big hand was turned over, in the hands of the Great Yuan Emperor, there was an extra long golden halberd, a strong soldier, spitting like a snake, and the tip of the halberd pointed directly at Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, you hurt my Double Top Sect, eleven disciples, and also killed my Double Top Sect Elder, mortal crime! Today, I will replace Saint Heavenly Pavilion and let you Divine Soul go out!”

In a word, the long halberd in the hands of the Great Yuan Emperor waved, a terrifying halberd, rushing into the sky!

Boom … Rumble!

Halberd bursts into the cloud, 10,000 li lightning 4 overflows, the whole sky, exploding countless thunder and lightning, just like Divine Punishment, it is coming.

The halberd light rising from the sky, blending with the diffusely Heavenly Thunder light, in a blink of an eye, it exploded tenfold, turned into an incomparable gigantic lightning halberd, turned his head down, moved towards Chu Yan on Lingyun Square under!

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