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In the sky, the lightning created by the Great Yuan Emperor draws a long strip of light, and the speed of escape is extremely fast.

“Hmph! I still want to go!”

In the sky, South God Emperor coldly snorted, his hand was cut off and the body of the tall mountain chased him straight.

Boom … Rumble!

The silhouette flew across the sky, it was really like a huge sky peak, flying over Lingyun Square, the huge might produced, the sky and the earth shook rumble.

3 breaths less time, one after the other 2 silhouettes, disappeared on the horizon.

After nearly ten breaths time, until all Demi-God aura gradually dissipated, the big brothers and disciples on the entire Lingyun Square only relaxed at the same time and relaxed together.

Terrifying !

Too terrifying!

This reverse Half-God Realm powerhouse of Divine Dao is so strong that it makes people unable to resist.

To someone, the ordinary person sees God ’s forced coercion, it seems that the entire Heavenly Dao is suppressed.

“Ou … Ouyang Nantian !?”

Little White Bear and Situ Yang, unlike others, are all stunned with wide open mouths.

Regarding Ouyang Nantian, both of them have heard Chu Yan say that they are very familiar.

But isn’t Ouyang Nantian the only a Remnant Soul! ?

How can I see it now, but it seems that a real Half-God Realm powerhouse is coming.

It’s only a few months since I saw you, is Ouyang Nan naively resurrected! ?

Not only Little White Bear and Situ Yang, but Chu Yan on Lingyun Square also looked puzzled.

However, at this time, Chu Yan, with a pair of eyes, looked at him dullly. Above the sky of Yunxiao, the knife just left, and the marks that had not yet disappeared, and his eyes were completely distracted.

“A really strong sword!”

“This … is the true formidable power of the Vault of Heaven Number One Blade !?”

Although Chu Yan repaired Sword Dao, but this is the first time he saw, Half-God Realm powerhouse shot.

In particular, the knife left a deep mark in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, which made him a little lost. It seemed that a clear comprehension flashed, but he could not grasp the clue.

At this moment, a familiar Divine Consciousness sound transmission suddenly exploded in the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, waking him directly from the lost state.

“Chu Yan, don’t stay here for long, let’s go!”

This voice is exactly the Ouyang Nantian who has just pursued the Great Yuan Emperor.

“Ouyang Senior, many thanks!”

Chu Yan felt warm and thanked sincerely.

Although just now, Chu Yan has thought of a self-protection strategy, confidently with the great Yuan Emperor’s hand, the whole body retreated.

However, Ouyang Nantian’s shot still moved him.

“Smelly Brat, be polite to me!”

Ouyang Nantian froze for a moment, and scolded, “Hurry and confess with the people in Ling Tiange, and leave here immediately, I … cannot support it for long!”

“En!? Ouyang Senior you …” Chu Yan startled, asked anxiously.

“You don’t really think that my Fleshy body is resurrected !? Ha ha ha, let’s meet later and say that now it’s the key to hurry up, if that pole element reacts, it will be troublesome!”

Ouyang Nantian laughed and reminded again.

“En!” Chu Yan nodded.

Originally, Chu Yan also guessed that Ouyang Nantian’s impossible resurrection may have used some means to burst out the power of the Peak period in a short time.

As a result, this Lingyun Pavilion really can’t stay any longer.

shua! shua! shua!

next moment, all around A few silhouettes flashed, all surrounding Chu Yan.

It was Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan, the high priest, and Situ Yang and Little White Bear.

“Boss, are you okay !?”

“Big brother, how are you …”

“Chu Yan….”

More and more people gathered in Chu Yan all around and asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry, everyone!”

Chu Yan smiled on his face, looked towards the crowd in front of him, and said, “That Great Yuan Emperor, I’m afraid I will see through the means of Ouyang Senior, and I will return again later, I must leave!”

In a word, Ling Shuangtian and the others are complexion stiffened, his eyes slowly dimmed.

On their faces, there is helplessness and suffocation. For the Yuanyuan Emperor and the Double Top Sect, Ling Yunge’s power is still too weak.

“Chu Yan, are you going there?”

The next moment, the direction of the podium, Long Tianyao and other top ten genius, flew over and fell in front of Chu Yan.

“You guys recovered !?”

Chu Yan asked Long Tianyao to ask them

“Thanks to your Golden Pill, we are fine! Are you going to Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

Long Tianyao smiled at Chu Yan and continued to ask.

“Good! There is one more thing on the continent side of the foreign domain. After the end, I am ready to go to the Ten Directions Star Domain to experience it!”

Chu Yan nodded, faithfully reproduced.

“Chu Yan, this time, Ling Yunge is sorry for you!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s approach to Ten Directions Star Domain, Ling Shuangtian’s face showed a bit of bitterness, and sighed.

He knew that the reason why Chu Yan was eager to go to Ten Directions Star Domain was that he did not want to involve Lingyun Pavilion and worried about the revenge of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Ling Yunge has no way to deal with this.

Martial Soul World, strength is respected, the weak can only bear humiliation and be bullied by the powerhouse.


Seeing Ling Shuangtian’s expression, Chu Yan naturally understood what Ling Shuangtian thought, and quickly opened the mouth and said.

“This matter has nothing to do with Lingyun Pavilion. I had originally prepared. This time I hope to see the breakthrough of Emperor Realm after the Battle of Star Peak, but I will go to Ten Directions Star Domain to experience it.”

“Ling Yunge has taken care of me, I remember it in my heart, no matter when, I am a part of Ling Yunge!”

“It’s too late, Master, everyone, we’ll meet again some day!”

Chu Yan originally wanted to say a few more words, but in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ouyang Nantian’s voice sounded again, so after bowing to Ling Shuangtian, he bowed to everyone in front of him.

His eyes flashed slightly, sweeping through the faces in front of him, and then Chu Yan turned around, his figure rising into the sky.

Little White Bear and Situ Yang, also after the resignation, turned into one fat and one white, two silhouettes, rushed to Heaven empty, chasing Chu Yan.

Looking at three silhouettes, rushing to the sky, Ling Shuangtian and the people on the square are all complex expressions.

They all know that Chu Yan this time, going to Ten Directions Star Domain, is extremely dangerous.

However, they opened their mouths and wanted Chu Yan to stay, or say something, but even if they couldn’t open their mouths, they couldn’t say a word.

Judging from the current situation, this is the best ending.

“Chu Yan….”

Ling Shuangtian felt that his chest was particularly suffocated, and he was almost breathless with depression.

” Take care!”

As if to vent, but also to see off for Chu Yan, Ling Shuangtian’s True Qi burst out of his body, his mouth roared.

“Senior Brother Chu Yan, take care!”

“Chu Yan, take care!”

” Take care!”

Ling Shuangtian’s roar attracted all the gangsters and genius to speak in unison and roar at the same time.

Suddenly, countless angrily roared, gathered together, resounded over the entire Lingyun Pavilion, sounded 100 li, Heaven and Earth Qi Xiao.

Chu Yan rushed out of the distance, heard a roar in unison behind him, his body stagnated, turned his head to glance, and then, his mouth lightly raised, waving at the crowd below.

The next moment, waiting for Little White Bear and Situ Yang to catch up, the silhouette of the three became streamers and disappeared together on the horizon.

“Chu Yan, come to Xingjie Peak! I help you, breakthrough emperor realm!”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ouyang Nantian’s voice sounded, making Chu Yan’s expression instantly excited.

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