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Hearing the explanation from the white robe, the several inverse Divine Dao powerhouse who had just rushed to the scene were all surprised.

Emperor Realm, in the inverse Divine Dao, is the lowest rank existence of cultivation base.

Even in Ten Directions Star Domain, it’s only moderate strength, not a powerhouse.

The lower Martial Emperor Realm, in many Sect, can only be regarded as Outer Sect disciple strength.

However, no one has ever seen that a Martial Artist breakthrough emperor realm can create such a magnificent momentum.

“This Chu Yan is the kid Ouyang Nantian said !?”

Golden Armored Man asked.

“Good!” Ouyang Nantian nodded said with a smile.

“How long has he been in distress!”

Golden Armored Man raised his head and glanced at the sky. From the great hall of God, the colored colored Profound Light rushed out and asked in horror.

“Twenty days!” Bai Pao’s director said with a solemn expression, and he answered very positively.

20 days! ?

Including Golden Armored Man, the powerhouses that just arrived were all complexion changed.

Ordinary Emperor Martial Artist, in which the cultivation breakthrough can take up to 8 days, and even against the Divine Dao, the genius on the Stars Ranking, the breakthrough emperor, was only ten days.

“It’s ah! Ouyang and I stayed here for 20 days, absolutely wrong. I originally thought that this kid would break out in a maximum of ten days, but didn’t expect, now 20 days.”

“This kid is the longest time I have ever seen through the emperor’s realm in the sight of God.”

“I guess it may be related to his 9-series counterparts!”

shua! shua! shua!

Among the Spirit Peaks in all directions, there is an inverse Divine Dao powerhouse, which gathers together, each and everyone cultivation base is powerful, and the divine power is tide.

As soon as they landed, they heard the words of the white robe manager, and they were all surprised that the complexion changed.

At this moment, the god saw the nine colored Profound Light column on the great hall and began to move towards all around the sky, like a ripple of water, moved towards the whole sky spread out.

Everyone’s face was shocked, but they could only wait patiently.

As for the inside of the hall, that Chu Yan gave them more expectations.

Time lapse, as fast as a white foal …

In the blink of an eye, another five days have passed, and more and more inverse Divine Dao powerhouse gathered in front of the great hall.

No one left, and when I received the news, the powerhouses who rushed back to the mountain gate station all came immediately, but just glanced at the sky, the larger and larger area of ​​the colored colored Profound Light, they were all shocked. Was silent.

The white robe director and Ouyang Nantian, as well as the golden armor Martial Artist, 3 people’s complexion, heavier and heavier.

“Tianning, in your opinion, if this continues, will this Chu Yan directly upgrade a Heaven and Earth Realm !?”

The white robe director looked at the large colored colored Profound Light in the sky and asked with a surprised face.

A Heaven and Earth Realm! ?

The Tianning Emperor wearing the golden armor, slightly trembled, turned his head suddenly, looked towards the white robe, and his eyes were trembling.

Inverse Divine Dao lasted 8 100,000 years, and there were countless genius recovered.

Among them, even the genius currently in the Stars Ranking, when he broke through the emperor realm at that time, he only rushed to the lower Martial Emperor Realm 3rd Layer.

In the words of Bai Pao, Tianning the Great did not answer, but absorbed all around and looked at it on the 100 line of sight.

Although everyone has a face that can’t believe it, but in their eyes, they all seem to have a fine glow.

In front of the great hall, the scene of counting 100 people was silent!

No one answered the question from Bai Pao, and the scene was silent.

After a sufficient amount of breath breaths, Emperor Tianning finally replied

“If it is really as Ouyang Nantian said, plus my god-level spirit source against Divine Dao, this Chu Yan may be really possible, surpassing the subordinate Martial Emperor Realm 3rd Layer, maybe it can rush to the 5th Layer!”

Subordinate Martial Emperor Realm 5th Layer! ?

The audience counted 100 pairs of eyes and focused on Tianning the Great.

That’s half a realm!

In one breath, breakthrough Martial Emperor Realm bottleneck can also improve 5th layer cultivation base realm! ?

What a joke! ?

This is the impact of Martial Emperor cultivation base bottleneck, which is breakthrough.

You know, the most difficult thing to improve cultivation base in Martial Artist cultivation is the breakthrough of bottleneck.

In this Martial Soul World, countless Martial Artists, I do n’t know how many of them, are stuck at the cultivation base bottleneck, and even for a lifetime, they ca n’t break through.

Chu Yan can really do it! ?

All the people present were stunned when they heard the words of Emperor Tianning.

However, they can all know that Tianning Emperor is by no means a person who talks indiscriminately.

In particular, the god at this time sees the great colored sky in the great hall sky, and the nine colored Profound Light rushing like a tide is really too heaven shaking earth shattering.

At least, against the Divine Dao for 100,000 years, there is no Martial Artist in the breakthrough emperor, which can provoke such a terrible natural phenomenon.

“Ouyang Nantian, you really are willing to ah!”

The Emperor Tianning turned slowly, looking towards one side, Ouyang Nantian, who was nervous with the same face, said with a smile.

“Even the opportunity to consolidate Divine Soul’s quota was given to this Chu Yan. Are you so sure !?”

Hearing the words of Emperor Tianning, this time, Ouyang Nantian did not answer.

However, the corner of Ouyang Nantian’s mouth was evoked with a touch of arc, looking at the great hall in front of him, his eyes were fixed.

However, Emperor Tianning seemed to give up not at all. He stared closely at Ouyang Nantian, his eyes flashed slightly, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, Ouyang Nantianyou opened the mouth and said.

“It’s time to say it, I said it all! Believing or not to you, but I’m sure!”

“But, one thing, forget to say it!”

“At this time, when I went to look for Chu Yan, the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion had already released the” imperial decree of the gods “, and sent out the Supreme Emperor with Double Top Sect to shoot Chu Yan!”

The expression on the face of Emperor Tianning suddenly changed.

“What !? Saint Heavenly Pavilion sent an emperor to deal with this … Chu Yan !?”

“Isn’t this Chu Yan only the quasi-imperial peak cultivation base !?”

“This … Is it …”

It seemed to be self-questioning, slowly withdrawing his gaze. When Tianning Emperor looked towards the great hall in front of him, in the depths of his eyes, the touch of fine awn was even more shiny.

At this moment, above the sky, a sound of thunder burst suddenly sounded.

Boom … Rumble!

Everyone looked up and saw that the original clear sky suddenly became dark.

A large black thundercloud, like a black tide, rushed from the far horizon, and could not see the end at a glance.

In this black thundercloud, countless thunder and lightning bursts, just like the anger of Heaven and Earth, will soon drop Divine Punishment and destroy Mortal World.

“Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation !?”

Tianning Great Emperor, Ouyang Nantian, Baipao General Manager, and a group of inverse Divine Dao powerhouses looked up towards the sky and exclaimed.

“This … this Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation from Chu Yan, why is it so big !?”

Boom … Rumble!

Thunderclouds rush, and the nine colored lightning resembles countless lightning snakes, shuttles in the thunderclouds, coagulates and breeds continuously.

In less than an instant, a large cloud of nine colored Thunder Tribulation emerged from the sea of ​​black thunderclouds, moving towards the great hall where everyone was.

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