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Punched out, the huge sarcophagus coffin lid was directly blasted away.

Chu Yan released an Avatar, moved towards the sarcophagus, and leaned over to see the sarcophagus.

Among the huge sarcophagus lies an ancient demon corpse.

There is no damage to the whole body, even the skin is completely present.

Moreover, the magic core of the ancient demon with the body is also intact without any damage.

Can this luck be any better! ?

I didn’t expect, the first tomb I entered, the first sarcophagus opened, and I encountered such a good material.

You know, this is 100 10,000 years ago, the ancient magic powerhouse of Antiquity era.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan waved his hand, took out the magic core, and threw it to Little White Bear. At the same time, the ancient magic corpse in front of him was photographed.

“5 claws !?”

At a glance, Chu Yan found that the ancient demon had 7 sharp thorns, and his eyes suddenly shined.

Ordinary abyss monsters are based on the number of spiked claws to judge the level of strength.

From one claw to 9 claws, it is divided into 9 levels and 3 levels.

In front of the eyes, the five spiked claws in both hands are dark red and green, which is obviously an ancient demon with 5 claws.

Such strength is almost equivalent to the median Great Emperor Realm powerhouse!

At the moment, Chu Yan did not hesitate at all. He greeted Situ Yang and directly applied the Yinyue refinement method to begin refining this Yinyue.

Although, after refining, the strength of this ancient demon, impossible returned to Peak state.

However, with the strength of the five-claw mid-level Fleshy body alone, it is definitely not weaker than the strength of the upper Martial Emperor level 5th Layer.

Situ Yang heard Chu Yan say hello and quickly urged Spirit Mark to help Chu Yan refining.

Under the combined strength of 2 people, within less than breath breaths time, a powerful 5-claw mid-level ancient demon was finally refining completed.

Recognising Master is completed. The fragmentary memory of this ancient demon is transferred to Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, Chu Yan’s brow furrowed as soon as he swept through.

Originally, the Yin Yang refined by Chu Yan will continue to use the previous name, but the name of the ancient demon in front of him has more than 30 characters, which is extremely screaming.

“Forget it, just call you Naza!”

Chu Yan thought for a while and only took the first two words of his name, which made it easier to call.

Immediately, Chu Yan waved his hand and handed Naza to the Tower of Sea of ​​Consciousness to 9 Ming. He got up and took Situ Yang and Little White Bear to the next sarcophagus.

In the following month, the sound of fist bursting into the sarcophagus cover continued to sound in this underground stone palace cemetery.

Chu Yan did not expect that one of these 4 Elephant Demon Markets had such a large number of ancient demon corpse.

Chu Yan collects corpse, Little White Bear devours the nuclei, and Stuart searches for Antiquity treasure in 4 places.

3 people in the underground stone palace of nearly 100 li, very busy.

A month’s time passed quickly.

Nearly 100 li of the underground stone palace cemetery was swept away by all 3 people, blasting more than 100 sarcophagi, and successfully refining ancient demons, ten or eight.

Among them, after an ancient demon refining, its strength reached the next level Great Emperor Realm, which is only one line worse than 9 Nether.

In the end, Chu Yan locked his eyes on the last stone palace, which is located in the middle of the ancient tomb group, the most massive stone tomb.

This ancient tomb is definitely not simple, so Chu Yan deliberately left it at the end.

Walking to the stone gate, one left and one right, two piles of black mounds of high mound piled up, were swallowed up by St. Rakshasa.

Situ raised his face with a smile, and eagerly went up and collected all 2 piles of magic bones.

Compared with the ordinary stone tomb, the color of this demon bone is obviously different. The black hair is bright, like black crystal.

After entering the stone gate channel, the grounds of the incomparable gigantic stone hall are all paved with golden shells.

In the Antiquity era, the abyss demons used this golden shell as currency.

Just looking at the number of these golden shells, we can know that the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb is definitely not simple.

In the middle of the empty stone hall, there are one big and one small and two sarcophagi.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept through, found nothing unusual, and then punched out together, blasting towards the two sarcophagi.

Bang! Bang!

Among the 2 loud noises, the coffin covers of 2 sarcophagi fluttered, one black and one red, and two death airs rushed out of the coffin and turned into a cloudy wind. They roared in the stone temple, just like 2 ghosts howl, send cold shivers down one’s spine.


body trembled, an Avatar rushed out and moved towards 2 sarcophagi.

Although Chu Yan had not encountered any danger in this month, Chu Yan remained cautious.

Among the 2 sarcophagi, there are one man and one woman, and two ancient demons.

The male ancient demon, wearing a purple crown on top of his head.

Obviously, this is a cemetery where an ancient demon king and his queen were buried together.

2 magic crystals are taken out, and there are 3 golden threads on it, which is completely different from ordinary magic crystals.

shua! shua!

After throwing it to Little White Bear, he was swallowed directly.


A violent force instantly exploded in Little White Bear within the body, and the rushing air wave was like a mountain peak traversing, pushing Chu Yan and Situ Yang together for more than ten steps.

In Little White Bear’s eyes, the Purple Fire burst into flames, sat cross-legged, and began to refining this violent power.

This is Little White Bear. If ordinary Martial Artist, such a violent force explodes within the body, it will directly explode and die.

Soon, Little White Bear’s body was completely shrouded in purple light.

It took a full 3 hours before the purple light slowly dimmed and slowly returned to Little White Bear within the body.

When Little White Bear eyes opened, 2 purple thunder and lightning burst into the void and exploded all the way.

“I’m relying on, even broke !?” Situ Yang was startled and exclaimed.

“Ao ao ao ao… ..”

Little White Bear bounced off the ground, and excited ao ao called out.

For a whole month, she devoured 100 magic nuclei insanely, and finally let her monster cultivator break through.

Median Monster Emperor 1st Layer!

From the lower Monster Emperor, breakthrough to the middle Monster Emperor, a big step.

You know, Little White Bear is less than a year away from the breakthrough Monster Emperor environment. In such a short period of time, the breakthrough again. Such a speed is also unique in the Monster Beast world.

Chu Yan, who was all smiles, was also very happy.

Next, Little White Bear swallowed several Golden Pills and began to consolidate the monster cultivator after the breakthrough to improve the Fleshy body cultivation base.

For Monster Beast, Fleshy body cultivation base is more important than Monster cultivator.

Chu Yan and Situ Yang went to the two sarcophagi and began to prepare for refining.

An Antiquity Demon King, an Antiquity Demon King, before the damage, the strength has reached the realm of the Holy Emperor.

It took Chu Yan a long time to refining these 2 ancient demons with the technique of Yin Puppet.

The will of these 2 ancient demons is extremely terrifying. Even if the demonic path will remaining in the fleshy body after millions of years is lost, it is not Chu Yan’s current cultivation base at all.

Fortunately, with the help of Situ Yang, Spirit Mark piece by piece, constantly impacting the will of the two ancient demons, making it impossible to form a joint force.

A stalemate situation appeared, refining lasted one day one night, and the progress was extremely slow.

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