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After some conversation, Chu Yan basically figured it out. This time, the Nethers attacked the power of 9 mountain range.

There are more than 20 so-called Guming powerhouses, plus 1000000 Mingzu clan army, the number is not large, but the most important thing is that 20 Guming powerhouses.

According to the news from the investigation, the power of the Ming tribe is almost relying on the 20 ancient powerhouses, sweeping the powerhouse power of the other party first, and then the 1000000 clan army surges up.

Therefore, to defend 9 mountain ranges, the most important thing is to stop the attacks of these 20 ancient powerhouses.

At this point, 9 mountain ranges are much weaker.

In addition to Ling Shuangtian and Yuanba, the cultivation base has reached the upper Martial Emperor. The others are basically the median Martial Emperor, and the number is less than 2.

If you use this power to fight against the 20 ancient powerhouses of the Ming tribe, the result can be imagined.

“Hmph! The Nether Race came to me!”

Chu Yan pondered, of course, he knew that the Ming tribe sent this army to advance all the way, pointing directly at the 9 mountain ranges, the purpose is to meet themselves.

At the very least, they believe that if they go to Ten Directions Star Domain, they will also retaliate against Lingyun Pavilion.

Even if it was 2 months ago, Chu Yan asked the power house of the Ming tribe to take the words back, and they also intended to send such a power to come and try.

But at this time, their wishful thinking is afraid that they will fail.

“How much come! How much kill!”

Chu Yan interrupted the hall, a group of 9 Elders discussed, directly opened the mouth and said.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, 8 Elder was taken aback.

“Chu Yan, the 1000000 clan army, it’s okay to say that my 9-sect army of Sects also exceeds 200000000 million. Even if they are weaker, they are not afraid to deal with it!”

“However, those 20 ancient powerhouses are in trouble!”

8 Elder fell to the ground, the other Elders in the hall were also nodded, their eyes flashing.

“Good! According to reports, the ancient powerhouse of the Ming tribe, it is said that each of them has the strength of the superior Martial Emperor Realm!”

“I heard that there will be a special imperial technique that can control the opponent’s blood energy. Even if it is a powerhouse of the same rank, several people are siege, and they are not their opponents!”

“These guys who don’t have Martial Soul, who cultivate are all aliens, very strong!”

“What to do !? Should we run away !?”


Among the great hall, a lot of 9 Sect gangsters, when they heard the words of 8 Elder, immediately discussed spiritedly.

Chu Yan looked quietly, listened, did not speak, nor thought about it, to interrupt them …

In the face of the powerful Ming clan, swept across with a powerful name, under great pressure, panic is inevitable.

In particular, even the Wu clan with the first Great Influence in Continent in the Outer Territories was wiped out by the Ming Clan within 3 months.

Such a Nether tribe, coming at 9 mountain ranges, how could they not be scared.

However, for Chu Yan, the problem is not big.

Only one battle is needed, but these people can be rejuvenated.

At this moment, no matter what is said, the effect is not great. It is definitely not as good as a victory.

“Big brother, they brought it to their own door, don’t we have to go to the Ming Clan !?”

Suddenly, Situ Yang seemed to think of something and asked.

“En !?”

Chu Yan startled, then turned his head, looked towards 8 Elder, and asked.

“This time, who will lead the Ming tribe !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, 8 Elder was also stunned.

“It seems that the newly appointed 2 Elder of the Ming tribe is named Mo Xing!”

“Moxing !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, Sea of ​​Consciousness thought for a long time, but did not expect that there is such a person in the core of the elder of the Nether.

Regarding the situation of the Ming tribe, Chu Yan is very concerned. Every once in a while, he will contact Tianqilou to purchase the top secret information of the Ming tribe.

Especially after having the Ear Emperor, almost regularly, the Ear Emperor will directly summon all the news about the Tian Clan Tower and the Ming tribe.

In addition, there are countless battles between Chu Yan and the Ming Clan, and they also know a lot about some of their core Elder.

However, this Moxing seems to have never heard of it.

“This Mo Xing, and the new Great Elder Mo Xian, seem to be Gu Ming powerhouse! I don’t know what’s going on, it suddenly appeared!”

8 Elder saw Chu Yan thinking, and quickly added.

“Suddenly popped up !?” Chu Yan looked up, looked towards 8 Elder, and said, “It seems that the bottom card of the Ming tribe is here!”

“The Wu people were destroyed by their sneak attack in a short time, precisely because of this!”

At this time, Chu Yan dealt with the Ming clan, and the only worry was the Ming clan.

“Despite what came out of him, just do it! Ao ao….”

It seems that he found Chu Yan’s dignity, Little White Bear shouted directly, and shocked Chu Yan for a while.


Despite what he does so much, the battle is all that is needed!

With a good idea, Chu Yan no longer tangled with the underworld of the Ming tribe, turned to look towards Master Ling Shuangtian, opened the mouth and said

“Master, ready to fight!”

In a word, the entire Lingyun great hall was quiet for a moment, everyone’s eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Ling Shuangtian.

Staring closely at Chu Yan’s eyes, Ling Shuangtian saw confidence and determination, then immediately nodded, and announced that

“Tell me 9 orders, and immediately, 9 Sects are ready … Sect Life and Death Battle!”

The sound of the subpoena fell like a thunderbolt drum, resounding throughout the Lingyun great hall!


“Battle! Battle!”


In the hall, 9 big brothers of Sect shouted together like a battle intent, which instantly flooded the great hall.

Next, the nine Sect gangsters all rushed away from the great hall, and each returned to Sect, summoning the army and powerhouse to prepare for war.

Inside the hall, Chu Yan and Ling Shuangtian, as well as Yuanba and Mu Feihuang, and several other bigwigs are still discussing.

And at this moment, on the other side, 100000000 miles away …

10000 Jiang Zong, a 2-stream Sect similar to Lingyun Pavilion, is now a corpse 10,000 li, blood flowing into a river.

The whole mountain gate, all the elder brothers, are all lost.

Except for a small part of the lucky escape, all others died in the hands of the Ming clan army.

At this time, a few 100,000 Ming clan disciplines are collecting corpse, ready to be brought back to the Ming clan, and thrown into the “Zongxue pool”

On the top of the mountain, in the main hall of 10000 Jiangzong, a group of gangsters of the Ming tribe are gathering together to discuss the next attack target, 9 mountain range!

“It’s not difficult to destroy Human Race! But …” An elder clan said.

“but what!?”

Above the throne, Mo Xing is refining a mass of blood cells. Hearing the elder’s words, he suddenly looked up with bloody eyes, shooting straight down.

“However, the 9 mountain range where the Human Race is located, the Great Mountain Array, has been strengthened by Chu Yan and turned into Antiquity 9th layer Great Array. It is really a bit of trouble to break it.”

“Antiquity 9th layer Great Array !?” Mo Xing hearing this, his face stunned.

As an ancient ghost, he knows better than any other. This Antiquity 9th layer Great Array, formidable power is extremely strong, even in the Antiquity period, they are top-level Great Array.

“Human Race, how could there be Antiquity 9th layer Great Array !?” Mo Xing’s face was low and he asked.

“Beside that Chu Yan, there is a Spirit Mark division named Situ Yang, who is said to be the Spirit Mark division of Antiquity bloodline. He should have arranged the Human Race!”

An Elder quickly replied.

“Antiquity Spirit Mark division bloodline !?” Mo Xing heard, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

For these ancient people, the Martial Artist qi and blood of ordinary has little temptation to them, but the antiquity bloodline, which is rarely used, is a great supplement to them.

“Okay! The order will continue, tomorrow’s army will be promoted, and three days later, they will start to attack Human Race!”

Mo Xing right hand fiercely squeezed, the blood cells exploded in his hand, and a large blood mist was sprayed throughout the great hall.

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