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After half a breath, all the people of the Ming tribe have reacted.

what! ?

What did Chu Yan just say! ?

He even said that all the 1000000 Ning clan here will die! ?

What do you mean! ?

Could it be said that he meant that he could kill all the 1000000 Ming clan here? ?

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, did you arrive at Ten Directions Star Domain and entered Divine Dao, thinking you were invincible!”

A ming ancestor of 10000 tribes, with a straight waist, does not raise.

Other clans clansman, all with a sneering face, just like hearing the most funny jokes in the world.

Although they know that Chu Yan’s battle strength is very strong, especially the leapfrog battle strength, killing a lot of Holy Son Saintess.

However, it is a single fight, can it be the same? !

Not to mention the 1000000 clansman here, even if it is the 20 ancient powerhouses standing in front, any one is enough to match Chu Yan.

You should know that these ancient powerhouses that were resurrected from the “Zongxuechi” are not weaker than the upper Martial Emperor.

It is by no means the youth genius of the Ming tribe, comparable.

What’s more, there are 20 ancient powerhouses, which is 20 higher Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

In the war of conquering the continent of the outer tribe, don’t say 20, even if only 5 are dispatched, ten ancient powerhouses are enough to sweep any Sect except ten Great Influence.

In front of such a powerful military force, this Chu Yan, even dared to speak out.

“Situ Yang, start!”

However, just as everyone looked at Chu Yan with a sneering face, like watching a joke, Chu Yan grinned and moved towards the rear suddenly waved.

Immediately afterwards, 9 mountain ranges in the distance, in the direction of main peak of Lingyun Pavilion, a row of black shadows came rushing.

“Big brother, here! Hehe …”

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads towards towards, but I saw that in the distance a huge silhouette, rushing to the front, followed by a string of dark things.


Mo Zihua fixed his eyes and saw 9 black altars with a dozen zhang highs, following behind the fatty, moved towards the direction where they were, and flew out.

At a glance, there are 9 black altars. Looking at the shape of the Spirit Mark on the altar, it looks like a big form of spirit.

“Did this Chu Yan bring back the cards from the reverse Divine Dao !?”

In my mind a flashes of consciousness, Mo Zihua and Mo Xing, glance at each other, deep in the fundus, and a flash of surprise at the same time.

“Everyone, quit … Huh ?!”

shouted loudly, I hadn’t finished shouting, but I saw that the fatty, pulling a long string of altars, turned suddenly, and moved towards the mountain peak underneath towards towards the mountain peak.

“What the hell !?”

Mo Zihua’s face was full of doubts, and he didn’t understand at all, what exactly did Chu Yan do!

shua! shua! shua!

Like a string of meteors, lined up across the sky, and turned hurriedly, moved towards the mountain peak below the mountain fell sharply, and suddenly fell on the top of the mountain.

Situ Yang, who was full of meat on his face, waved his hands, and nine black altars were lined up directly on the top of the mountain, occupying 9 positions and forming a formation.

“Hehe, it’s time for the Young Master to show off!”

Lifts the head, looking at the sky, a group of squads staring dumbly at themselves, Situ Yang grinned, and then turned his hand over, shaking out a few black demon bones, with a few golden silk threads shining on it.

“This … this is the abyss” Demon King Gold Yuan Bone “!”

Seeing the magic bone pulled out by Situ Yang, Mo Xing and Mo Zihua were complexion changed at the same time.

As the powerhouse of the Nether tribe in the Antiquity period, how could they not know the abyss monsters, or even say, be memorable.

But the next moment didn’t wait for them to react, 9 black light, soaring into the sky.

weng! Bum … buzz …!

The disappeared Antiquity 9th layer Great Array unfolded in an instant, and the large black light appeared as if the sky was double-opened. After rising to the sky, moved towards the sky and dispersed quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the original nine colored rays of light Great Array had all been turned into a dark color.

In an instant, the original clear and cloudless sky was instantly covered by the Great Array, and the light of the sky disappeared. Between Heaven and Earth, it suddenly dimmed, as if it had become a night.

“What !? They moved Antiquity 9th layer Great Array here …?!?”

Mo Zihua buzzed in his head, completely ignorant, these Human Race, this Chu Yan, what are you going to do! ?

This kind of mountain gate Great Array can only be used for defense, there is no offensive at all, he moved this Great Array to the battlefield, what are you doing! ?

Not only is Mo Zihua, including Mo Xing and all the Clansman of the Ming tribe, all have a look on their faces.

However, above the sky, there are some different Antiquity 9th layer Great Array, but it has already begun to wrap all 1000000 Hades, including 9 mountain range 10000000 Human Race Martial Artists.

“Chu Yan, what are you doing !?”

Mo Xing 2 Elder looked up towards Chu Yan, but found that a strange smile hung on the corner of his mouth, which made him feel straight hair.

Not long ago, that bad hunch reappeared.

“Do nothing !?”

Chu Yan shrugged and chuckled, “Close the door and beat the dog, I’m afraid you just ran away.”

what! ?

I’m afraid we ran away! ?

Nearly 1000000% of our 30 clan army is from the Emperor Realm powerhouse, there are 20 Guming powerhouses comparable to the superior Martial Emperor, and Guder Elder personally sits in battle.

To deal with a small Human Race, you still need to run! ?

Wait, it seems wrong here! ?

It should be running, as if it were your Human Race! ?

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, didn’t you understand that the Great Array you made, let you Human Race, no chance of escape!”

Mo Zihua laughed all over his face, he hadn’t encountered such a cooperation before.


Seeing the other person’s smirk smug, Chu Yan’s eyes were suddenly cold.


Almost at the invisible speed of naked eye, Chu Yan’s figure turned into a black lightning and swept past.

When everyone responded, while shua shua looked towards Chu Yan, he had returned to his original position, as if he had never moved!

Moreover, there is one more person in hand!

So fast!

How could it be so fast! ?

All Mingzu powerhouses, Qi Qi complexion changed, but when they looked towards Chu Yan in their hands, were caught holding their necks, like a chick who was struggling and writhing, all eyes were wide at the same time, and their mouths opened violently.

what! ?

Mo Zihua! ?

I can hardly believe my own eyes. An ancient powerhouse and cultivation base reached the upper Martial Emperor Realm, and even half a breath, they were caught by the enemy! ?

How can this be! ?

“You … you let him go !?”

In Mo Xing’s heart, that bad hunch grew stronger and stronger, raising his eyes, looking at Chu Yan in surprise, and shouting anxiously.

“As long as you let him go, I can spare you!”

“Let him go !?” Chu Yan sneered.

Immediately, the right hand was lifted up, and Gang Yuanhua grasped, holding Mo Zihua’s entire head in his hand, and fiercely twisted it.

Ka cha !

A sound of broken neck bone sounded, and I saw Mo Zihua’s whole head, which was screwed down alive, and the blood spurting from the neck rushed out half a foot.

“What !? You … bold !? dare kill my Gu Ming Elder!” Mo Xing exclaimed.

“Let you go! I said, all of you people, all … die!”

In a word, Chu Yan threw Mo Zihua’s head to the opposite side, and at the same time, a very violent aura behind him suddenly exploded.

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