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Chu Yan asked Little White Bear to protect Situ Fatty, his body flashed, and rushed to the clansman tide.

The black marsh lion scorpion followed Chu Yan, and every time the scorpion tail flicked, there were dozens of Nether tribes, which were exploded by him.

Chu Yan did not look down on the ordinary Ming clan at all, and specifically looked for those ancient powerhouses to start.

After being bombarded by him for 7-8 consecutive times, dozens of Guming powerhouses remained, only to wake up and form a special battle formation, surrounding Chu Yan in the middle.

This battle array is extremely complex and requires 50 ancient powerhouses to be urged at the same time.

However, after 7 or 8 people were killed by Chu Yan, the remaining 40 were cast and the formidable power of the battle formation was weakened by more than 30%.

A 9-person attack and 9-person bondage caused Chu Yan some trouble.

However, Chu Yan, who killed the red eye, directly pulled out Clear Sky Sword, and the whole body of Sword Intent broke out. With only 3 swords, the sky and the dark fog of the battle array were cut to 7 8 1.

With another sword, the heads of 8 Guming powerhouses flew, black blood ran across, and the corpse flew to the ground.

Sword light has passed, there is no enemy at all, the power of Clear Sky Sword, vividly and thoroughly, 4 scattered Sword Qi, so that the other Ming family powerhouses within 10000 steps are all affected, and some people are constantly being divided corpse.

Chu Yan, who holds Clear Sky Sword, is like a human-shaped Killing God. The flesh and blood, and the black blood are everywhere.

In less than breath breaths, more than 40 ancient ghosts all died on the spot.

All the chopped corpses were mixed together, and there was no way to tell who was who, and the flowing black, which dyed 10000 Jiang Square, to black.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

In Chu Yan’s mind, the killing intent is like a tide and cannot be suppressed, and the Sword Intent tornado around him is constantly skyrocketing.

Rushing into the air, Sword Intent is turned into a sword tide, like a sky river full of sword light, sweeping the sky, sword cry sound heaven shaking earth shattering.

Countless corpse, dropped from the sky, above the sky, the black blood rain began to pounce.

After an hour, 10000 Jiang Zong finally became quiet!

At this time, in addition to 10000 Jiang Zong, the few 100,000 disciple that had survived, only Chu Yan and his Yin Puppet.

The entire 1000000 army of the Ming tribe, plus 50 ancient Ming powerhouses, and Moxian Great Elder, do not have a live mouth.

On Chu Yan’s side, the only one who lost money was Situ Yang!

One of his nine black altars was overwhelmed and completely destroyed.

It ’s not the skill of Spirit Mark of Stuart Fatty, what ’s wrong, but it ’s just that the nearly desperate Scorpion army was killed, and it madly attacked the 9th Layer screen Great Array of the sky, wanting to break through the Great Array, escape alive!

More than a dozen 10000 Martial Artists of the Nether tribe have used all one’s strength. Whether it is Spirit Treasure, Spirit Armament or Martial skill, most of them are smashed on the Great Array of Sky.

There is even the elder elder, who hit the Great Array Spirit Screen directly, even if the head is broken, there is no stopping crazy collision.

Relative to the collapse of fleshy body, the group of abyssal ancient demons behind them is much more terrifying.

A skin, like steel, an Emperor Artifact, a spiky hand, like a meat grinder, wherever passed, the ghetto powerhouses, Fleshy body turned into powder, Divine Soul was directly swallowed by those ancient demons, one by one, all swallowed.

This kind of Divine Soul extinction is the clansman of the Ming tribe, the most feared way of death.

Therefore, in this extremely asymmetrical war, only one hour was fought, and the frightened 100,000 Hmong clan army gave up directly and attacked the 9th Layer scene Great Array.

Under the crazy attack, one of the 9 Great Array Altars was finally destroyed.

“9 Nether, good job, let them clean the battlefield!”

Chu Yan waved his hands, ordered to the Nether and Ancient Demons behind them.

In the Lingyun Pavilion, Chu Yan found a lot of wealth from those ancient powerhouses.

They attacked the Sect forces of continent in the outer domain, and the wealth they robbed was extremely amazing. Even Chu Yan was shocked.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Yan will not be cheaper than 10000 Jiang Zong, and quickly let them clean the battlefield.

With the last experience, 9 Ming brought ancient demon, starting with the corpse of Great Elder, then the ancient Ming powerhouse, and the elders of the Ming family, none of them.

Soon, 1000 stores of Jade Talisman arrived in Chu Yan’s hands.

After appeasing a few words, the 10000 Jiangzong disciples who survived, Chu Yan took the fatty and Little White Bear and left 10000 Jiangzong directly, moving towards the north all the way.

Chu Yan’s goal is, of course, the Hmong headquarters!

Flying all the way, after one day one night, Chu Yan went to the Netherworld!

There was no option to kill the mountain, Chu Yan stayed in Netherworld Sovereign, the first Great City of the Netherworld, the closest to the mountain.

Among the huge and luxurious restaurants, Chu Yan, who has been easily renovated, opened a room.

After repeated fights, Chu Yan and 9 have spent them all.

Therefore, Chu Yan is ready to prepare for a good interest rate adjustment, and then has a rash of effort, killing the malignant mountain, and seeking mother.

In the evening, after adjusting interest rates, Chu Yan sat in the room and took out all the 1000 Jade Talisman in the Rakshasa Space.

Tomorrow’s World War I will face the Hmong Headquarters, and it is very likely to fight against the Bloody Saint.

Therefore, Chu Yan must be well prepared.

To Chu Yan’s surprise, among the 1000 Jade Talisman, Di Jing is countless, and at least it is also a giant of 10000 100000000.

In the Jade Talisman, the storage of Mo Xing, there are as many emperors as there are ten hills.

Although Ten Directions Star Domain uses Star Coins, Di Jing can also be used. In this way, Chu Yan does not have to worry. After arriving at Ten Directions Star Domain, he is worried about money.

Next, it is to find a variety of high rank Spirit Armament, used to equip them 9 meditation.

10000 In the battle of Jiang Zong, with the abyss ancient demon of the top grade Emperor Artifact, the battle strength was obviously improved a lot.

Therefore, Chu Yan took out all Spirit Treasure that can be used in all Jade Talisman, and assigned them to 9 ghosts one by one.

With these Spirit Treasures, the Battle Strength of the Nether and Abyssal Demons has at least doubled.

Including the black marsh lion and scorpion, Chu Yan gave him a defense against Spirit Treasure, I am afraid that even the Holy Emperor, don’t want to easily break its defense.

I am most happy with Situ Yang and Little White Bear.

All the top-level materials that can refine Spirit Mark and Spirit Array are given to Stuart fatty, and those Monster Crystal magic cores that are not less than the number of Emperor Crystal are also given to Little White Bear.

With these things, the strength of 2 will soon soar again.

Early the next morning, Chu Yan took Little White Bear and Stuart Fatty out of the Netherworld Sovereign city, moved towards the mountain range of the Netherworld, and flew straight away.

In less than one hour, for 100000000 million years, the illusion under the sea of ​​blood-colored spirit clouds appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This battle will be Chu Yan’s last battle in the field continent.

The opponent in this battle is also the strongest enemy that Chu Yan has encountered since cultivation.

Ming tribe patriarch, Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, Blood Emperor!

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