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Above the blood-red of the sky, the 8 emperors of the Clan clan watched 2 powerful attacks quietly, without any intention of shooting.

Even, in their eyes, there is a trace of strong disdain.

Immediately after them, the bloody emperor raised his hand with a wave, and the blood cloud under the sky rolled at the same time, just like a frenzy, and countless red light rushed out of the blood cloud, instantly condensed into a Cloud wall.

Bang! Bang!

The attack of Yuanba and the high priest blasted on the cloud wall and exploded 2 regiments into the weather waves, which could not be shaken at all.

The power of the Holy Emperor’s Venerable is not something that their 2 higher Martial Emperors can fight.

Roar! roar! roar!

After blocking the attack of two people, the cloud wall began to twist and change rapidly as the air wave rolled.

In less than one breath, the Blood Soul evolved into a huge red skull, with a large mouth full of fangs and a roaring sky.

The winds and ghosts screamed and swept Heaven and Earth instantly.

Boom … rumbling!

With a blast, the huge bloody skull suddenly rushed down from the sky, just like a meteor. It was picked up on a mountain peak below and instantly crashed the entire mountain peak.

Even with a few 10000 continent Martial Artists on the mountain peak, they were instantly swallowed by the monstrous blood light, and the sky and sand dust rushed to nearly 1000 zhang high, and even the sky was covered.


The high priest who just shot, looking at the mountain peak that crashed and collapsed, his eyes were full of look of shock.

Although a thousand zhang mountain peak, he can also destroy it, but the attack of the bloody emperor just now was obviously unfolded. I am afraid that even 1% of the strength is not used.

In the wave of hands, mountains bursting and ground splitting!

These strengths can only be achieved by the strength of the Holy Emperor.

Not only the high priests, including Chu Yan, but all continent powerhouses in the field were surprised by the complexion change.

In this battle, it is the key to defeat the Nether clan and deal with Cangxue Shengdi.

What’s more, in front of Cangxue Saint Emperor, there are also 8 Emperors of the Clan Clan. The strength is strong. I am afraid that in the Great Emperor Realm, there is Peak.

“Ha ha ha, the ants who reachreaches oneself!”

Seeing the mountain peak below collapse, the bloody Saint Emperor’s face, a pair of eyes are full of bloodthirsty rays of light, said with a big smile.

To be honest, even if the 100 forces on the continent of the Outer World united and attacked the Dark Mountain, the Cangxue Saint Emperor never put them in his eyes.

In his eyes, no matter how many ants, they are also ants.

Killing a ants, and killing 100 1000 ants, just step on a few more feet.

“See the power of true body. By now, you should understand that if you dare to come to the Underworld, you must be prepared to die!”

“You guys, give me!”

In a word, in front of Cangxue Saint Emperor, 8 Emperors of the Ming Clan rushed out.

“Guarding our continent, rush ah!”

The wooden scepter waved in the hands of the high priest. Suddenly, a large number of silhouettes rushed out from the mountain range below, and greeted the 8 emperors from the sky.

At the same time, in the main peak in the distance, a large red tide was surging and moved towards here.

The army of the Ming tribe, dispatched!

The forces of both sides broke out, a black tide, a red tide, a relative charge, like two torrents, sweeping through Heaven and Earth.

The war finally broke out in full!

One side is a powerful Ming tribe that almost occupied the outer domain continent, and the other side is a defender composed of 100 Sect forces from the outer domain continent.

The collision of these two kinds of blood volume is almost the entire outer domain continent, the two forces of cream of the crop, which determines the world collision.


Then the outer domain continent restores peace.


Outland continent has since become a land of the Ming tribe, and all other races and forces will be wiped out or fled from their homes.

This war has a great relationship, and any Martial Artist on both sides will do their utmost.

In terms of powerhouse power above emperor realm, the continent alliance may be stronger.

However, the battle of Martial Soul World has never been won by quantity.

An Emperor Realm powerhouse can sweep through several Martial Artists in the Martial Realm. Similarly, a Great Emperor Realm powerhouse can also sweep over 1000 superior Martial Emperors.

Therefore, the 8 emperors of the Ming tribe, together with the battle strength of the bloody emperor, are enough to make the balance of this life and death war completely tilted.

In the sky, on the ground, and in the mountain range, battles are taking place everywhere. The entire mountain range, within a radius of 10,000 li, is full of gas explosions, rays of light caused by martial skills and imperial techniques, and 4 chaos.

Almost every breath, there are countless Martial Artist damage, powerhouse annihilation!

Above the mountain range, the dead Martial Artist corpse, piled up like a mountain, and the blood that flowed from the top of the peak almost merged into a waterfall, rushing towards the plain.

This is the continent of Outland. Nearly 1000000 years, in addition to God and Demon Great War, the most tragic battle occurred.

There are sparks everywhere, corpses and broken limbs, groups of disciplines, gathering together, or forming battle fronts, or fighting alone.

Hades all around, the battle is fierce, far beyond everyone’s imagination.

However, unlike the battle between the ground and the mountain range, in the sky, the Peak military force on both sides has not started.

Not because there is no killing intent between the two parties, but because the continent of the foreign domain, Ling Shuangtian and other big brothers, were all stopped by Chu Yan.

“Master, this battle, because of me, let me finish it!”

Chu Yan stood in front of Ling Shuangtian and the high priest and the others. The decisive color on his face could not be questioned at all.

“Chu Yan, but …”

Not far away, the 8 emperors of the Nether tribe are ready to go, especially the 4 witch kings who have just invested in the Cangxue Saint Emperor.

“Relax, I am alone, enough!”

With a word, Chu Yan turned around and strode out, just walking on the void, 8 emperors moved towards not far away.

Seeing Chu Yan alone, coming over, the eight emperors were all stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

This kid, how come alone? ?

Is it …

“Boy, are you alone !?”

Emperor Beiming looked at Chu Yan, brows slightly wrinkle, shouted coldly.

It’s not because, in front of this cultivation base, only Chu Yan of the lower Martial Emperor gave him any pressure.

It’s because, this black robe kid, his current identity, is not a member of the inverse Divine Dao, but Ten Directions Star Domain, comparable to the existence of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Looking at him walking so confidently, is there any special hole card! ?

As a Ming Emperor, how could it be a fool, so when Chu Yan walked across the sky, he was cautious enough on his face.

“Good! Me alone!”

Chu Yan walked to a distance of 10000 steps, his eyes flaming with flames, sweeping in front of him, 8 imposing emperors of imposing manner, nodded, said.

“Hmph! That is really … courting death!”

Using the short conversation time, Beiming Emperor united with the other 7 emperors, carefully explored all the voids around, and also issued Emperor Art to completely ban it.

In this way, even if there is an inverse Divine Dao powerhouse, hidden in the sky, it will immediately reveal its body.

However, what surprised him was that this Chu Yan was right. In the sky within 10,000 li, no one was hiding.

“No! You are wrong!”

Chu Yan shook the head, between the chuckles, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Damn, it’s you!”

“Today, this is the time when your Nether Clan fell, including … him!”

Gently raising his head, the 8 Great Emperors, with a stunned face, followed the direction of Chu Yan ’s fingers, looked towards behind him, but found that Chu Yan ’s fingers were pointing, it was … Cangxue Shengdi!

what! ?

He … He wants to kill the saint! ?

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