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The battle starts in an instant!

Whether it is Chu Yan or the 6th Emperor of the Ming Clan, they want to preemptively take advantage of the first attack.

Originally, before Chu Yan summoned the Demon King, the Black Marsh Lion Scorpion, and the Double War Souls, the 6th Emperor of the Clan did not think that Chu Yan had a threat.

But now, even blind can see that this battle has become evenly matched.

Moreover, judging from the initial collision, even Chu Yan still has some advantages, because, no one knows, whether Chu Yan now has all the cards.

So now, in the eyes of the six emperors, Chu Yan has been regarded as the opponent of the same rank.

I finally realized why Chu Yan would stop other people and come alone to challenge!


Ten silhouettes, just a flash, with naked eye speed almost impossible to see, fiercely collided together.

Chu Yan threw a punch that directly smashed the Beiming Great Emperor in front of him in more than ten steps.

“Sure enough really strong power! This child’s emperor body is at least on the emperor body list, within 100!”

The Emperor Beiming with his arms numb looked at Chu Yan with a look of consternation on his face.

Even if he prepared ahead of time, he raised his whole body strength and True Qi to Peak state, but this time he met lose force with force for the first time.

As an emperor, he was repelled ten steps by his opponent!

In the battle history of Beiming Great Emperor, there are absolutely few.

“Blood Haunting Soul!”

shout out loudly, in the body of Beiming Great Emperor, at the same time, the figure of Beiming Great Emperor, like a lightning with black smoke, moved towards the back of Chu Yan.

The speed is extremely fast, if it is not smoky, you can definitely see a long string of afterimages.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a huge ring of black smoke, completely closed, surrounded Chu Yan in it.

This black smoke ring, which is exactly 2 people high, is a silhouette of the Great Emperor Beiming, flying along the black smoke without turning around the circle, instantly caught in the black smoke, completely covered, completely unable to see where he is.

“En !?”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness immediately rushed out and swept a large circle of black smoke around him. However, after sweeping a whole circle, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness could not detect the whereabouts of Beiming Great Emperor.

In other words, because the speed is too fast, the Beiming Emperor is in any position of the black smoke ring.


Just at the moment of Chu Yan startled, the black smoke ring on the left broke open instantaneously, a silhouette rushed out, raising his hand was a blood palm seal, slamming straight into Chu Yan’s face.

“So fast!”

While Chu Yan turned around, the palm seal had almost reached the first three steps. Chu Yan only had time to urge the double body refinement and body protection gang yuan to strengthen the defense.


With a muffled sound, the blood palm seal was re-slapped on Chu Yan’s chest, colliding with the body protection Gang Yuan, exploding a bloody gas burst.

“Um hmph!”

Chum down, Chu Yan’s figure retreated suddenly, and after 7 or 8 steps, he stood firm.

This move, which greatly exceeded Chu Yan’s expectations, didn’t expect that the Beiming Great Emperor, even not playing against himself, played this kind of hide-and-seek trick.

“The pupil of Qilin!”

Since Divine Consciousness is useless, Chu Yan directly urged the pupils of Qilin, a pair of 5-color pupils swept through, instantly seeing through Peking Emperor’s “Wandering Soul Technique!”

I saw that Emperor Beiming was proud, like a bloody lightning, running in the black smoke ring, and the whole body of True Qi was condensing, and he was preparing to shoot again.

Obviously, just one blow succeeded, and the Emperor Beiming had some confidence.

This “blood ghost wandering soul technique” is his housekeeping emperor technique, not to mention a trifling subordinate Martial Emperor, even an emperor of the same rank can’t even see through it.

If you ca n’t see through it, you wo n’t know where he is, when he will shoot, and the battle will be grasped by himself.

When you have a skill, you can eat your fill!

This sentence, used in the Northern Ming Emperor, is absolutely consistent.

There are absolutely no less than 10000 people in the powerhouse that died under this move of Beiming Great Emperor, of which Guangdi Realm accounted for more than half.

After the Beiming Great Emperor, who was the head of the 8th Emperor of the Ming Clan, he rarely used this move.

A corner of the mouth twitched, and under the rush of speed, the afterglow of the corner of the eye swept through, and I saw Chu Yan still standing there, motionless.

True Qi has been promoted to the extreme Beiming Great Emperor, his body stopped instantly, his palm glow shot, and he took another shot.

At this time, he used 90% of his strength and was absolutely sure that he shot Chu Yan seriously.

You know, the tentative palm just used 50% strength, and took Chu Yan back 7 or 8 steps.

The subordinate Martial Emperor is, after all, the subordinate Martial Emperor. Even if the battle strength is stronger, I want to compete with the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse to cultivate base strength, which is fundamentally impossible.

Boom … rumbling!

The blood palm exploded, exploding the sound of a gas explosion, and instantly arrived in front of Chu Yan.

This scene is exactly the same as just now!

“En !?”

However, when Xue Ming thought that his palm seal was about to shoot Chu Yan, he suddenly saw a flash of fine light in Chu Yan’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Not looking at all, Chu Yan raised his hand as a punch and slammed to the left. The roaring Dragon Shadow fist, under the power, directly blasted the void into a big hole.


The pupil of Beiming Emperor enlarged instantly, and in the amazement pupil’s eyes, the golden dragon came straight.


With a shock of the weather, the Golden Dragon’s Fist of Fist collided with Beimingxue’s palm, and the explosive energy turned the entire void into powder.

In the waves of the weather, the silhouette of Emperor Beiming, like a kite with a broken line, flew into the air.

“pu …”

Just reaching the top, the anti-seismic force within the body exploded, and the fleshy body of the impacted Beiming was instantaneously injured, and a large mouth of blood mist was sprayed from his mouth.

“How do you … do you see …”

Smashing heavily on a mountain peak below, the mouth of Beiming Great Emperor was covered with blood stains, staring in horrified eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, and roared loudly at a disbelief.

“Hmph! I want to rely on this … um !?”

Chu Yan sneered, and answered, but, before finishing a sentence, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qilin Martial Soul gave a roaring sky.

At the same time, deep in Chu Yan’s heart, a cold death aura surged.

“Xuanshui Shield!”

Almost without thinking, Chu Yan shouted sharply, turned suddenly, and the power of black Black Tortoise rushed out of the body, condensing into a huge light shield.

The Ling Shield has just formed, and a black spear shadow in the black smoke ring behind him is stabbed on the Xuan Shui Shield.

Boom … Rumble!

2 black lights, annihilated at the same time, a terrifying wave of energy, swept through like a flood, slamming Chu Yan’s body directly and retreating a dozen steps.

“Cangxue, are you sneak attack !?”

Chu Yan, who stood in shape, suppressed the qi and blood rolling within the body, looked up towards the blood cloud above the sky, coldly said.

As a Holy Emperor, it was so shameless!

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