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Chu Yan’s smile, not at all, gave Li Mingdao even more confidence.

Because, as Li Mingdao, who has been in the ghost town all year round, it is clear that Gamble Street hasn’t opened a rough stone with a difference of more than 3 crystals for almost 1000 years.

Today, in this fairy game, Dragon Sky Soul, for the sake of being irritated for a while, put on Fox Race sacred relic, simply to make blood.

Obviously, Long Tianhun is determined to win by betting.

Therefore, not only Hu Master from Heavenly Might, but also Lei Fa old man and Chen Qingqing were invited to set up the fairy bureau.

All of this is to target myself.

The most amazing thing about Li Mingdao didn’t expect is that the Master Hu of Heavenly Might building seems to have been opened today. The results of 3 original stones and opening stones almost broke the highest record in 3 years on Gamble Street.

Therefore, Li Mingdao obviously underestimated the Dragon Soul and the Immortal Bureau today.

However, for the entire Cloud Ghost Town, the only one who can stabilize the Hu Master is the building lord of the Cloudly City Heavenly Might Building.

The Heavenly Might Building and the Yunlong Saint Emperor family, simply wear a pair of pants. After all, the Yunlong Saint Emperor controls the entire Cloud Ghost City, and the Heavenly Might Building is divided into buildings. Naturally, they must have a good relationship with them.

Otherwise, Li Mingdao will not, and hurriedly went to Tubao Street to find a helper.

Originally, when meeting Chu Yan, Li Mingdao had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

But now, he finally gradually realized that this fairy game, the dragon sky soul with a smile from beginning to end, simply is determined to get.

“Brother Chu, you open it, and entrust you with full power!”

Li Mingdao’s complexion was so low that his speech became weak.

“Ai, lose if you lose, it is estimated that the father will be banned again!”

In his view, the defeat has been decided, and there is no hope at all. He is just constantly thinking about how to escape the penalty of father, or let the penalty be lighter.

After all, the meaning of 9 St. Foxtail is clearer than anyone else.

“Li Mingdao, it’s your turn, hurry up, do you think all of us have been waiting for you?”

A trace of anxiety appeared on Long Tianshun’s face, and he urged directly.

A word sounded, several people present, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Li Mingdao and Chu Yan, their faces were full of jokes.

Especially Master Hu and Chen Xuan, all eyes are proud and contemptuous.

In particular, Chen Xuan, as a priest, even lost to Heavenly Might Lou Hu Master. The kid found on this street had no chance at all.

At this time, facing the provocation of Long Tianshun, Li Mingdao did not react at all.

It was not like the previous few times. I jumped up and started scolding, but like frosted eggplant, it completely wilted.

“I’ll drive!”

Chu Yan glanced at Li Mingdao, and several others, with a slight smile, walked to the front of the 3 original stones, opened the mouth and said.

“Hurry up! Waste our time …”

Dragon Heavenly Soul Eyes glanced Chu Yan at the corner, and a contempt sound spouted from his nostrils, impatiently urging.

Ignoring the Dragon Soul, Chu Yan walked directly to the 3 original stones, right hand 2 pointed to the sword, Sword Qi poured out, and a sword was cut with a wave.


The bright silver Sword Qi is like a streamer, chopped on the surface of the original stone, and at the same time splashing a fire star, it made the sound of the golden spear hitting.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of ka cha sounded, and on the surface of the original stone the size of a human head, spider cracks appeared instantly, spreading over the whole original stone.


The intense Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is surging like a tide, making everyone’s face change at the same time.

“En!? Outstanding !?”

Long Tianshun’s face was full of unexpected expression, and a pair of eyes looked towards the original stone.

I saw that the bright silver sword light flashed over the original stone, as if peeling off the skin, revealing the Spirit Treasure in the original stone.

“Yuanzhu !?”

Reifa old man glanced at it and suddenly recognized Spirit Treasure from the original stone.

“Grade 4 yuan, worth 800 Divine Crystal!”

Heavenly Might Lou Hu Master, took a look at Chu Yan, and there were some unexpected expressions on his face.

The fact that the blind cat killed the mouse actually exists.

This Chu Yan was able to open Spirit Treasure, which was really beyond his expectations.

800 Divine Crystal!

If it is on the street of gambling treasure, it is definitely a treasure of big color, and it can even allow ordinary Martial Artist to make a big stone gamble result.

“Original stone price, 600 Divine Crystal, Grade 4 yuan beads, worth 800, the difference is 200 Divine Crystal!”

Yuanzhu is a common gemstone among Spirit Treasures.

Among the high rank rough stones, the probability of opening this gem is very high, but it is usually below Grade 3 and can reach Grade 4, which is already considered a top grade gem.

This kind of pearl, some people with rich and powerful status, like to refine it into jewelry and wear it on the body, which has a certain role in improving the cultivation base.

Without cultivation, the cultivation base can be improved, so this kind of Yuanzhu is very popular with you and is sought after by rich people. The price is naturally not low.

However, this time the Fairy Bureau, a total of 10,000 silver-level rough stones were produced.

With so many high grade rough stones, the chance of unearthing the Yuanzhu is really not low, so it happened that Chu Yan was hit.

“Dogshit luck!” Chen Xuan priest, coldly snorted, said everyone’s voice.

“Yuanzhu !?”

Li Ming said with a low face, seeing Chu Yan’s first rough stone, he opened Spirit Treasure, which was also eyes shined.

However, after Hu Master announced the price, his eyes that had just lighted up suddenly dimmed again.

What’s the use of the price difference of 200 Divine Crystal! ?

“Damn dragon bald head, at this time, even if I lose, I must tell my father, how did you pit me, hmph!”

Li Mingdao turned his head, looked towards Long Tianshun who had a smile on his face, his stomach full of anger and vigour.

“Want me Fox Race sacred relic, and see how my father cleans you up!”

Li Ming said that the grinded teeth clucked. After half a ring, he glanced at the Yuan Zhu in front of Chu Yan, hook the head, sighed and said nothing.

call out….!

In the next moment, Chu Yan waved his sword again, the sword light leaked like mercury, and drew a dazzling light that enveloped the second original stone.

This second rough, the same size as the previous one, is priced at 2 Divine Crystal.

Ka cha !

Passing the sword light, the original stone burst, and the majestic aura rushed out like a wave.

In an instant, the eyes of everyone present looked at them together, and his face changed at the same time.


“Again … it’s a treasure !?”

“Impossible, this kid can even hit 2!”

“Fuck, this luck is very good, right?”

“Yi !? This aura, what is Spirit Treasure !?”


The eyes of several people were all trembling, and some looked incredible towards the second original stone.

Only Chu Yan’s eyes lit up suddenly, and the color of surprise on his face suddenly appeared.

“Sure enough … Soul Stone!”

I saw that the second rough was like a transparent crystal, and it seemed that there was no trace of impurities. A path of airflow of different colors flowed in this transparent crystal.

Counting these various airflows, no more, no less than five.

The Spirit Treasure contained in this original stone is exactly the kind of Five Elements aura that Chu Yan just used Qilin’s pupil and Divine Consciousness.

didn’t expect, a sword went down, and it turned out 5 soul stones!

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