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After ten breaths, Long Tianshun’s eyes suddenly illuminated and reacted instantly.

Turning his head, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, just like the wolf!

Not only Long Tianshun, Lei Fa old man and Chen Qingqing also reacted suddenly, and finally understood the meaning of Hu Master ’s sentence.


How stupid!

Why are you so stupid! ?

As Li Mingdao said, Divine Spark is a fart. Compared with the Chu Yan in front of you, don’t say that one Divine Spark, it is ten Divine Sparks, it is simply not comparable.

You can think of it with the heel, as long as there is Chu Yan, similar to Peak Grade Supreme Treasure like Divine Spark, it is not as much as you want to open.

As long as the original stone is sufficient, Supreme Treasure is still a problem! ?

In Yun Ghost City, the most important thing is the original stone, not to mention the original stone of silver rank, even if it is the original stone of gold rank, you can find a lot.

Just move Chu Yan and find as many high rank rough stones as possible, then …




The picture that appeared in Sea of ​​Consciousness made Long Tianshun, Lei Fa old man and Chen Qingqing 3 people at the same time suck in a breath of cold air.

Therefore, when their three people looked towards Li Mingdao again, the jealous fire in the three pairs of eyes could almost burn Li Mingdao to ashes.

This kid is really luck heaven defying!

On the street, you can also find such a scary treasure genius!

It is a pity that after this fairy game came down, the dragon three souls their three people already had some gaps with Chu Yan. It is extremely difficult to repair the relationship again.

Just when several people gritted their teeth and thought about their twisted faces, Chu Yan smiled lightly, opened the mouth and said

“Brother Li, you and I agreed that if I helped you win this round, you promised me a condition!”

“Of course, as long as I can do it, just mention it!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Li Mingdao patted his chest all day long, solemnly vowed.

At this moment in Li Mingdao’s heart, as Long Tianshun and several of them expected, as long as Chu Yan spoke, this Divine Spark would definitely not hesitate.

Because, Li Mingdao has made up his mind to make this Chu Yan in front of him.

“Well, I’m going to …”

Chu Yan nodded, then turned his head, looked towards the direction of jade table.

In an instant, Long Tianshun waited for several eyes, following Chu Yan’s eyes, all looked towards the direction of the jade table, and fell on the Divine Spark that Heavenly Might was surging.

Ten 50,000 Divine Crystal ah!

This kid definitely created the miracle of Yun Ghost Town!

“I want that … 5 soul stone!” Chu Yan raised his hand and opened the mouth and said.

The word fell to the ground, everyone’s body shook, almost fell to the ground, each and everyone stared at the cow-like eyes, opened their mouths wide, looked towards Chu Yan, look of shock all over his face.

what! ?

This kid actually wanted that 5 soul stone! ?

The value is only 500 soul stones of 5 Divine Crystal. This price, even a fraction of Divine Spark, is not enough.

“You … you want this 5 Soul Stone !?”

Even Li Mingdao didn’t even think of the stunned face.

“Not bad!”

Chu Yan nodded, directly replied.

“I came to Cloud Ghost Town just to find 5 Soulstones!”

Hearing this, Li Mingdao was started first, then fiercely twitched the corner of his eye twice, and looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze, flashing again.

Although I do n’t know, the reason why Chu Yan is looking for 5 soul stones, but Li Mingdao at least understood one more thing.

In the fairy board just now, Chu Yan selected one of the three original stones, which he wanted, and one that could help him win.

In other words, 3 of the 2 original stones selected by Chu Yan are extremely accurate.

“Then … that Yuanzhu, you … why did you choose that original stone !?”

With a shocked face, Li Mingdao said, 10000 thunder in the Sea of ​​Consciousness thundered, with a shock and a trembling voice.

“Uh … Yuanzhu, it looks pretty good!” Chu Yan chuckled, shrugged, and randomly replied.

Bang! Bang!

Hearing Chu Yan ’s answer, Li Mingdao ’s 10000 thunders in Sea of ​​Consciousness exploded wildly, shaking Li Mingdao ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness into Heaven and Earth turning upside down, a mess.


Not only Li Mingdao, but also the general Hu Master, also heard the meaning of the conversation between the two, and suddenly stared at Chu Yan with a black line.

3 original stones, 2 accurate hits, the last one added, it was just because … good-looking!

If it was before the start of the fairy bureau, Chu Yan said this, I am afraid everyone will laugh.

But now, some people are simply impossible, and Chu Yan said it was false.

Otherwise, if Chu Yan wanted Divine Spark with a value of ten 50,000 Divine Crystal for Divine Crystal, he did n’t want it, but wanted the 500 soul stone of 5 Divine Crystal! ?

It can only be explained that this Chu Yan, who has never seen in Yungui City, really came to find 5 soul stones.

“5 Soul Stone is a special Spirit Stone that combines 5 series of extreme strength. What does it do …”

Hu Master looked at Chu Yan, his eyes were shining, and he looked up and down. He suddenly understood why Chu Yan was looking for 5 soul stones.

Uh …!

Li Mingdao raised hand and beckoned, the 5 Soul Stone above the jade table, came from the radio, and fell into his palm.

Immediately, Li Mingdao presented it with both hands and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Nothing, 5 Soul Stones belong to you!” Li Mingdao smiled, and the Chu Yan in front of him looked more and more pleasing.

“many thanks !”

Chu Yan took the 5 Soul Stones and looked at them, a look of joy on his face.

5 Soul Stone is in hand, let’s verify it and improve the cultivation base.


Putting the 5 Soul Stones into Rakshasa Space, Chu Yan is ready to leave immediately.

“and many more….”

Chu Yan had just walked out of the great hall, the Hu Master in the Heavenly Might building, and he chased it directly.

“En!? Something !?”

Chu Yan stopped and looked towards Master Hu with a puzzled expression.

The fairy tale is over, this Hu Master, what else do you want to do! ?

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I have something to tell you, it’s about …”

Seeing Chu Yan’s vigilance, Master Hu quickly explained, but he didn’t finish one sentence. The last few words were Divine Consciousness sound transmission, which sounded directly in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“It’s about … inverse Divine Dao!”

“En !? You …” Chu Yan startedled, looked towards Hu Master’s gaze, suddenly awkward.

Inverse Divine Dao! ?

How can this Hu Master know about the inverse Divine Dao! ?

“It’s not convenient to speak here, please follow me!”

Hu Master smiled softly, turned directly, and took Chu Yan, moved towards Heavenly Might Building Lord in the distance.

Chu Yan looked at the silhouette of Hu Master and groaned slightly, still followed along.

Soon, two people one after the other went directly to the 2th Layer of the Heavenly Might Building Lord, in a huge secret room.

Just the various prohibitions and spiritual arrays outside the gate, there are 7 Layers!

Under such strict defense, this secret room, even if it is the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, can’t peep.

“What’s the matter, say it!” Chu Yan opened the mouth and said directly.

“Emperor God God, must Brother Chu Yan know !?” Master Hu asked with a gentle smile on his face.

“Good! I know!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Emperor God God, rumors a few days ago to each category of Heavenly Might building, as long as they meet Brother Chu Yan, will let you participate in this recruitment test against Divine Dao!

“Enrollment assessment !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! The reverse Divine Dao will hold a recruitment assessment regularly, and the number of people recorded will not exceed ten! The South God Emperor said, Brother Chu Yan, there must be no problems, let us classify and give convenience!” Hu Master .

“En !? This Heavenly Might House and the inverse Divine Dao …!?”

Seeing Hu Master’s expression, Chu Yan’s face started, and the voice opened the mouth and said.

“Oh, Heavenly Might building is the industry of Divine Dao!” Master Hu replied with a chuckle.

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