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Lei Yin is like a sword, and the trembling Heaven and Earth trembles into Chu Yan’s ears, directly enlarging his pupils instantly.

“Sword … Sword Intent !?”

Even when he turned around and glanced at the sound, it was too late, and Chu Yan was directly caught in the sudden enlightenment.

Compared with the cultivation base’s bottleneck, Chu Yan’s cultivation on Sword Dao has long been in the state of the dividing line.

In the dark, Chu Yan always had a feeling of being unable to control his own Sword Dao, or he felt a strangeness to Clear Sky Sword.

This is the first time Chu Yan cultivation Sword Dao has encountered such a situation.

However, Chu Yan is very clear that this is his own Sword Dao, the opportunity to break through, as long as you can seize this opportunity, perhaps your Sword Dao, Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes will occur.

“I have a sword that can cut Heaven and Earth …”

Chu Yan, whose eyes were hollow, repeatedly murmured this sentence, as if some magical power in it was attracting him.

“Not bad …”

The blue armor giant above the clouds in the distance, seeing his own words, let Chu Yan fall into Sword Dao sudden enlightenment, slightly nodded.

A wave of azure light poured out, and the five-color sky above the sky suddenly fell silent.

Only 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul remains, engulfing the sound of 5 colors of Profound Light.

This time sudden enlightenment, which lasted for one hour, Chu Yan woke up slowly from being distracted.

“many thanks Senior !”

As soon as he looked up, he saw that the blue armor giant had not disappeared, but he was helping himself to protect the law. Chu Yan warmed in his heart and quickly bowed to him.

Uh …!

Seeing Chu Yan wake up, the blue armor giant flashed back to the azure sky lotus.

“En !? It’s done!”

On the sky all around, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, the power of Martial Soul all over the body, the powerful aura, like the ocean tide rushing all four directions.

The original five-color sky covered the sky, but it has disappeared cleanly, and no trace of five-color Profound Light exists.

“Qilin Martial Soul….”

Under a light shout, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness turned into electricity, and his body flickered, and came to Qilin Martial Soul.

After some Divine Consciousness communication, Qilin Martial Soul told Chu Yan that the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul have some improvements, but with a single 5 soul stone, they want Qilin, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon breakthrough to The soul of war is simply impossible.


Chu Yan nodded, then the Divine Consciousness body dissipated and returned to Fleshy body true body.

What Qilin Martial Soul said, Chu Yan had already expected it.

The original, Chu Yan this time, just wanted to try it out. 5 Soul Stone really improves his Martial Soul and is helpful.

The result of the trial made Chu Yan extremely satisfied.

“Yi!? Fleshy body has improved so much …”

When he bowed his head, Chu Yan suddenly discovered that after devouring the spirit of Five Elements in 5 Soul Stones, his fleshy body had also undergone tremendous changes.

Among the whole body skin, blood, skeleton, there is a trace of Five Elements spirit aura, Fleshy body strength, directly from the lower Martial Emperor 9th Layer, breakthrough to the median Martial Emperor Fleshy body strength.

Moreover, there seems to be a little more sense of intimacy between him and Heaven and Earth 10000.

5 aura of Divine Beast Martial Soul is obviously stronger than it, a lot stronger.

You know, White Tiger and Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, but they have been promoted to the soul of war, the actual battle strength is comparable to a Great Emperor Realm powerhouse.

As a result, Chu Yan’s hole card is much stronger.

“Okay! Quickly consolidate!”

Chu Yan, in a pleasant mood, was in a good mood and sat directly cross-legged to start cultivation.

The entire temporary residence hall fell into silence again.

This time cultivation lasted for half a day. When Chu Yan eyes opened again, Master Hu had been waiting outside for a long time.

“En !? Coming so soon !?”

Chu Yan got up and walked outside the gate of the palace. The hand seal was shot to lift the ban on the palace.

“Chu Yan, there is news … yi !?”

Hu Master, who had just stepped into the hall door, hurriedly swept across Chu Yan, and suddenly the complexion changed.

“You … breakthrough !? How does it seem to be different there!”

Surprised, Master Hu looked at Chu Yan up and down, and clearly felt that the aura on Yang Yan had changed from before, but looking at his cultivation base, it did not change at all.

However, with his Treasure Inspecting Maater’s strength, he can be sure that Chu Yan’s strength has definitely improved.

“Ha ha….”

Chu Yan smiled gently, not at all intending to tell Master Hu about the 5 Soul Stone, so he asked directly

“Is it against Divine Dao’s side, I have my assessment task !?”

hearing this, Hu Master ’s face started, immediately nodded, and replied

“Good! At this time, there are ten to nine disciplines participating in the inverse Divine Dao assessment. Each person’s assessment task is different, plus you, just 9 people!”

Hu Master first introduced Chu Yan to the situation, then took out a piece of Jade Talisman and handed it to Chu Yan.

“Your assessment mission is in Yun Ghost Town! It requires you to get 9 Dragon Orders within one month! This is information about the mission!”

“9 Dragon Order !?” Chu Yan startled and took over Jade Talisman. Divine Consciousness stepped into it and looked closely.

Chu Yan was a little surprised, didn’t expect against Divine Dao’s recruitment assessment, it turned out to be this.

“Not bad!”

Hu Master saw Chu Yan’s face full of doubts, he smiled gently, and began to explain directly

“Cloud Ghost Town is a famous casino city that brings together Ten Directions Star Domain, a variety of rare heavenly materials earthly treasures, and even Supreme Treasure, which includes some family forces, will also appear frequently.”

“This, I’ve seen it before!” Chu Yan nodded.

Suddenly thought of Li Mingdao, even the 9 St. Foxtail was used as a bet. Presumably, like him, he was anxious, not a few.

“You have participated in the fairy bureau, maybe you know some inside stories about Yun Ghost City, but …”

Hu Master nodded, then said

“The fairy game in Cloud Ghost Town is not the highest rank game. The real Peak game is called” Divine Immortal Club “! Only the powerhouse with extremely high strength and status is eligible to participate.”

“And as far as I know, the 9 Dragon Order you need to find will appear at the Divine Immortal meeting a few days later!”

“And the Divine Immortal meeting at this time is one of the 7 ghost holy emperors, one of the double holy ghosts in the cloud ghost city, personally presided over!”

“Your Jade Talisman will allow you to enter the” Divine Immortal Club “, but whether you can get the 9 Dragon Orders, it is up to you!”

Hu Master told Chu Yan all the things he knew in one breath.

Obviously, he is helping Chu Yan.

“These nine dragon orders, about how much is Divine Crystal !?” Chu Yan thought about it and asked.

“20000 Divine Crystal!” Hu Master directly replied.

“Divine Crystal is a trivial matter, and the reverse Divine Dao doesn’t care about the money at all. Among Jade Talisman, there are 100,000 Divine Crystals that can be used for your tasks.”

Hu Master pointed to Jade Talisman and told Chu Yan.

“En !? So generous !?” Chu Yan froze.

“Oh, for a real powerhouse, money is just some numbers that’s all!” Hu Master said with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Master Hu’s face, Chu Yan couldn’t laugh.

For the tasks given to me by the inverse Divine Dao, I also provided Divine Crystal worth 9 times the price of 5 dragon orders. Such a good thing can only show that these 9 dragon orders are extremely difficult to obtain.

The task of this time, I am afraid it is a little troublesome!

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