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Chu Yan’s quotation attracted a lot of attention, but there were very few bids.

After all, Guili mummies are materials for refining medicine pill, and the number of Golden Pill divisions present is extremely small, and it is even rarer to refine Grade 9 Golden Pill.

Even if someone is really interested in using it for it, it should be taken care of. The bidder is most likely a Grade 9 Golden Pill teacher.

Offending a Grade 9 Golden Pill teacher is more terrifying than offending a Holy Emperor.

Because, Martial Artist of the ordinary, cultivation base wants to break through to the realm of the emperor, it is almost only possible after 1000 difficulties and 10000 risks.

And after the Martial Artist cultivation base reaches the Great Emperor Realm or above, it is important to say that they do n’t continue breakthrough to the realm of the Holy Emperor, but …

Own life!

Cultivation is not easy. It is even more difficult to survive in Martial Soul World, especially the powerhouse as clouds like Ten Directions Star Domain.

Therefore, any Grade 9 Golden Pill is definitely a top priority for life.

“8000 Divine Crystal!”

In the second bid, Chu Yan directly raised the price by 2 Divine Crystal, quoted from the other party ’s 1000 Divine Crystal, and mentioned 7000 Divine Crystal.

In this way, everyone knows that the people in the box want to get the determination of this ghost.

Therefore, after Chu Yan’s second bid, no one was competing with Chu Yan.

After announcing the price, Chu Yan photographed “Ghost Limu” ​​at the price of 8000 Divine Crystal!

Afterwards, the beautiful waiter took the wooden case and sent “Ghost Limu” ​​to the box. After receiving Divine Crystal, she threw Chu Yan a charming eye and twisted her waist.

“Brother Chu, what use do you want this ghost to leave the wood !?” Li Mingdao was curious.

In his view, at the age of Chu Yan, the cultivation base is not weak, and Impossible is the Golden Pill teacher. Therefore, it took no use to spend 8000 Divine Crystal to photograph the material of the pill refining artifact refining.

In particular, this ghost wood is still the material used to refine Grade 9 Golden Pill, which is not even more useless for Chu Yan.

The Ten Directions Star Domain and Grade 9 Golden Pill divisions are very few. Almost every one of them is an old fogey child of 7 and 80. It is sought after by all influence and is like God’s worship.

“It’s just a collection …” Chu Yan smiled and replied at random.

Li Mingdao hearing this, brows slightly wrinkle, glanced at Chu Yan, naturally disbelieving what Chu Yan said, when he was just about to ask again, the direction of the rostrum, Long Ruotian’s voice sounded again

“The next Spirit Treasure, called Feng Tian Di, is a Peak Spirit Treasure with a starting price of 5000 Divine Crystal!”

Feng Tian Di, Wind Element Spirit Treasure, with Divine Soul attack ability, can be regarded as a top grade Spirit Armament.

Normally outside, this variant attribute of Spirit Treasure, with Divine Soul attack, is extremely rare.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, it caused a robbery.

This kind of Spirit Armament, as long as it is snatched, will be auctioned in the Heavenly Might building in the future, and it will definitely make a big profit.

With the piece of Spirit Treasure on the scene, the atmosphere at Divine Immortal’s meeting became more and more enthusiastic. The powerhouses of all parties constantly shot out and competed for piece of Spirit Treasure.

Time is fast, 2 hours have passed …

Except for that piece of ghost wood, Chu Yan didn’t need it, or he couldn’t see it, so he didn’t shoot again.

Finally, on the rostrum of the great hall, Long Ruotian’s face showed a smile. After looking around the audience, he announced loudly

“The last one, the final treasure treasure, 9 Dragon Order!”

The words shouted that the scene of 10000 people in the great hall suddenly became silent.

“9 Dragon Order !?”

“Oh myth, the legend of the 9-Dragon Secret Realm, holding the 9-Dragon Commander, can enter it to find the inheritance of Nine Dragons Saint !?”

“Yes, this is the thing, this is a good thing!”

“That is, good luck, it is a treasure of Nine Dragons Saint!”


The sound of discussion in the hall was instantly boiling, and everyone looked towards the golden token placed on the wooden table on the rostrum, all with fiery eyes.

“9 Dragon Order, starting price, 10000 Divine Crystal! Start now!”

Without much introduction at all, Long Ruotian directly announced the start of the auction.

On the rostrum, the golden token was wrapped in rich Spirit Qi, 9 colors, constantly changing, and the sound of dragons was constantly heard in the spiritual fog of the token.

Anyone who sees this token will know that this is by no means an ordinary product!

Moreover, 9 Long Ling is related to the Cave Mansion Secret Realm of a Legendary powerhouse in Ten Directions Star Domain. There are many people who want to get him.

“I’m out of 10000 1000 Divine Crystal!”

“10000 1000 500 Divine Crystal! I want it!”

“10000 2000 Divine Crystal, don’t fight with me …”


9 The appearance of the Dragon Order instantly ignited the crowd at the scene, and the price was soaring.

In the box, Chu Yan calm and composed, waiting patiently, only when the price rose to 15,000 Divine Crystal, suddenly shouted

“20000 Divine Crystal!”

Instantly the price was raised by 5000 Divine Crystal, which made the original hot bargain price suddenly stagnate.

Everyone turned around and looked towards Chu Yan’s secret box, all with a change of expression and a look of consternation.

“20000 Divine Crystal !? What a great deal!”

Everyone did not expect that someone would raise the price of 5000 Divine Crystal at once, which is not a small sum.

Chu Yan talked with Hu Master, and it is clear that the market price of these 9 dragon orders is at 20000 Divine Crystal, so I am too lazy to ask them again and again and directly call the reserve price.

Sure enough, as soon as the price came out, many bidders on the scene, while looking at the head, gave up the competition.

Although these 9 dragon orders are precious, they are not the only ones.

Almost every once in a while, Ten Directions Star Domain will have 9 dragon orders, and the number is also quite large, there are dozens of them.

Although dozens of people entered Nine Dragons Saint Secret Realm at the same time, of course it is not as good as one person to come in, but the price of 20000 Divine Crystal still makes them second.

However, just as others were discouraged, a cold sound rang in the other box.

“20000 1000 Divine Crystal! These 9 dragon orders, I Ji Kun, I want it!”

Leng Ran’s tone, directly reported the name, it is always silent … Ji Kun.

Ji Kun’s sudden shot made the last batch of Martial Artists ready to bid, and finally gave up completely.

Like Ji Kun, he directly reported the name, indicating that he was determined to get it. If he really robbed him, maybe annoyed the other party, it would not be worthwhile.

“Well, this name of Ji Kun has such a great formidable power !?”

Chu Yan was in the box, looking around the audience, and seeing everyone shrinking their necks, they obviously did not dare to compete with Ji Kun, and suddenly said lightly.

At the next breath, Chu Yan did not hesitate to quote again.

“40000 Divine Crystal!”

This sentence sounded, the audience counted 10000 eyes, and at the same time flashed a stunned color, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the box where Chu Yan was.

Not because Chu Yan directly doubled the price again.

It’s because this person dared to rob Spirit Treasure with Ji Kun. This is too brave! ?

Does this person do not know that doing so would offend Ji Kun and even Saint Heavenly Pavilion! ?

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