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The sudden abnormal sound exploded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of several Elders, making everyone’s face change in unison.

Living Spirit Mark, broken!

In other words, the discipline of there is a person Saint Heavenly Pavilion is broken!

For a few moments, some of Elder’s reactions were overwhelming, and he even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

However, next, two crisp bursts sounded, echoing in the empty Holy Spirit Pavilion great hall.

ka cha! ka cha!

These 2 jade broken sounds sounded, 8 guarding elders, eyes shrank at the same time, almost at the same time, jumping from the ground.

“Not good! There are really disciples!”

8 silhouettes, turned into 8 rainbows, rushed into the depths of Saint Spirit Pavilion.

After one hour, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, boiling!

“Send me an order and immediately find out who killed me Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, execute without any mercy!”

In the Temple of Heaven, a golden robe old man looked at the 8 Spirit Pavilion Elders kneeling down at their feet, and the 3 broken life Jade Talisman they held in their hands, roared loudly.

For hundreds of years, some people dared to take a shot at Saint Heavenly Pavilion ’s discipline, which was in courting death!

Is it because the several decades of Saint Heavenly Pavilion are so low-key that these mortal people have forgotten the heavenless power of Saint Heavenly Pavilion! ?

In this case, let’s kill!

Uh …!

At this moment, a silhouette, hurried into the hall.

“Reporting to 9 Elder, I just received the news, kill me 3 people in Saint Heavenly Pavilion, whose name is Chu Yan! I’m fleeing to the Sky Sea Territory, the mountain range behind Cloud Ghost City!”

Under the rush of annoyance, the 9 Elder before the gold level, a pair of eagle eyes, burst into flames instantly.

“Chu Yan !? God of sinners !? He … came to Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

As soon as he heard the name, 9 Elder’s complexion suddenly dimmed, and a few questions flashed on Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Submit the order and let Heavenly Punishment go, all will be dispatched!”

Until now, Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s detached position in Ten Directions Star Domain has given every Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple a kind of fanaticism.

Acting on behalf of God, ruling the world for the sky!

This is the pride of every Saint Heavenly Pavilion disciple, carved in the bones.

Only they are the master of this Martial Soul World, the master of all living creatures, but now, some people dare to desecrate the majesty of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

He is equivalent to profaning the majesty of God!

It must not be cold, it must be obliterated!

shua! shua! shua!

After hundred breaths, among the towering Holy Mountain of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, there were more than a dozen silhouettes, rising into the sky, moved towards the direction of the Sea Territory, and flew away.

At this moment, on the other side, in the cloud ghost city mountain range.

Chu Yan and Hu Master, one after the other, moved towards the depths of the mountain range, constantly exploring and advancing.

“Cross this mountain range, and then cross a sea of ​​sand, you can’t go far, it is 9 Dragon Secret Realm!” Hu Master Divine Consciousness sound transmission, said to Chu Yan

“Nine Dragons Saint, what is the origin !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This Nine Dragons Saint is really a Legendary! Our Martial Soul World has come and gone for millions of years. Like him, there is one of them now!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Master Hu explained with his eyes glowing.

“Million years, just one of him !? What is that !?” After hearing Master Hu’s explanation, Chu Yan suddenly became interested and asked.

“Legend this Nine Dragons Saint, there are 9 Martial Soul!” Hu Master said.

“What !? 9 Martial Soul !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! At the time of Antiquity God and Demon Great War, Nine Dragons Saint with 9 Martial Soul, Divine Race powerhouse killed, there is no 100, there is also 80! You know, it can be a powerhouse above the cultivation base above the Holy Emperor Realm! “

Hu Master said, his face was full of sighs, and the different colors flashed in his eyes, as if he was constantly recalling the rumors of Ten Directions Star Domain.

“Martial Soul World, there are 9 Martial Souls!”

Upon hearing Master Hu’s words, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed suddenly, his face full of excitement.

Originally, he thought he had 5 Martial Souls. He was already considered alien. Didn’t expect, there were still people, more than his Martial Soul!

“He is against Divine Race !? Is he the abyss demon !?”

Chu Yan opened the mouth and said suspiciously.

“No!” Hu Master shook the head.

“En!? Then why did he help the demon !?” Chu Yan stopped his body and looked back towards Hu Master, while Divine Consciousness spread out and began to explore this mountain range.

Not far ahead, I can already see that a yellow line on the side of the skyline clearly has entered the sand sea area.

“This Nine Dragons Saint, after breaking into the realm of the Holy Emperor, the temperament changed a lot and became an enemy of God World. It has nothing to do with the Demon Race!”

Hu Master also exudes Divine Consciousness at the same time, and began to scan all directions.

“Besides, the enemy against God World is the Demon Race !? You must know that we are against Divine Dao, and we also use Divine Race as our enemy! There are a lot of luck in waiting for you to become an official member of the inverse Divine Dao, You will know some! “

“Isn’t it count now !?” Chu Yan shook out the 9 Dragon Order, looked towards Hu Master, and asked with a smile.

“Oh, that’s so easy …” Hu Master smiled bitterly and took the head.

Of course it is not easy, Chu Yan knows clearly.

The task of this time, although Chu Yan finally succeeded, got 9 Dragon Orders, but at the same time offended 2 Saints and stabbed Ma Honeycomb.

I can think of it with the heel. At this time, Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s killing horse may have quickly approached Yungui City.

However, Chu Yan felt extremely interesting about the task of this time!

This anti-god cultivation is completely different from other Sect forces. It has a somewhat different feeling. Is it called inverse Divine Dao.

Next, the 2 people chatted while Divine Consciousness was fully opened, moved towards 9 Secret Realm, flying fast.

In less than a day, two people turned over the mountain range, crossed the 2 li unmanned sand sea area, and appeared before a majestic mountain peak.

This mountain peak is extremely dangerous, with a peak height of 100,000 feet. All around is a dense forest, during which all kinds of Monster Beast roar, monster qi soar into the sky.

Eight mountain ranges of various sizes surround the main peak and a waterfall that falls down from the main peak. The sound of oh la la sounds through the sky.

“9 Dragon Order, there is a response!”

In the hands of Chu Yan, the nine colored air flow on the dragon order, while moving towards the side, flames, clearly in the direction.

“Okay, let’s follow 9 Dragon Order, he is the key to the Secret Realm of 9 Dragon!”

Buzz …!

Chu Yan nodded, and then a majestic aura rushed away, moving towards 4 all directions swept out.

In an instant, the original 4 directions of all directions gathered, and the various powerful Monster Beasts hidden in the dark seemed to have seen ghosts, and 4 fled away.

In a blink of an eye, within a radius of 100 li, it was quiet for a moment.

“It’s a real evildoer!”

Seeing this scene, Master Hu’s face showed a look of surprise, and looked at Chu Yan with a low voice.

This guy, how many cards are there! ?

“En!? Someone came over there!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan complexion changed, looked towards the forest on the right, and his steps were stagnant.

“Who !?” Hu Master hearing this, while complexion changed, asked in horror.

It stands to reason that Cloud Ghost Town is 108,000 li from Saint Heavenly Pavilion, people from Saint Heavenly Pavilion, impossible come so fast!

“Oh, we … seem to be surrounded!”

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched slightly, looking back towards Hu Master, shrugged.

I didn’t even wait for Chu Yan’s words to land. In the depths of the mountain range in the distance, a flashing silhouette was flying.

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