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Facing the “Buddha’s radiance shadow sea”, Saint Heavenly Pavilion and a dozen people headed by the iron Elder flew at the forefront. And the spirit array, completely the same as the virtual height.

As before, within a moment, this group of people disappeared into the depths of the lake, and all the silhouettes were gone.

At this time, the scars and other cultivators who were still standing by the lake had a look of shock.

what’s the situation! ?

Today’s Tianze mountain range, is there any major event to happen! ?

The previous two people entered the “2 Sea Shadow Sea” and treated countless prohibitions and spirit arrays as if they had nothing.

Now, there is another group of Saint Heavenly Pavilion people, the same is unhindered! ?

Scar Man and a group of cultivators are all trembling and looking at each other, they can’t believe it.

You know, some of them have been in this Tianze mountain range for many years. They have been very familiar with this “Buddha’s radiance shadow sea”. They have never seen it before. Who can be so brilliant as they are!

And those monks are here, and the ban on attacking Buddha’s radiance shadow sea is almost a year later, and it has broken through less than 20%.

Therefore, you can think of it with your heels, whether it is the two people who went in front or the wave of Saint Heavenly Pavilion in the back, they are extremely powerful existence.

And these people, coming to Tianze mountain range, I am afraid not simple.

“Ken … there must be heaven defying Chongbao to be born!”

The leader of the Scar Scar’s gaze, after a long time of stagnation, finally violently, shouted loudly

“Quick! Quickly attack me!”

This shout out loudly, all the people who looked at the other side of the lake dullly suddenly awakened, turned their heads together, and looked towards the scar leader with a stunned face.

At the next breath, everyone’s eyes were all ignited by the greedy fire in the eyes of the scar leader, and at the same time roaring, mobilizing the whole body, began to attack the prohibition and spirit array in front of him.

heaven defying treasure!

They are the bottom Martial Artists, I am afraid that they will have such an opportunity in their lifetime.

Although the two waves before and after are extremely powerful, but 2 one! ? 10000 As soon as they got into the luck and got that heaven defying treasure, it might not be since then, it really flew into the sky and became the person of this Ten Directions Star Domain!

Martial Artist cultivation, this is heaven defying to change life!

How could I get lost if I was hit by such a chance! ?

Boom … rumbling!

In front of the shadow sea, Buddha’s radiance blasted the sky, blasting loudly.

These defying heavenly treasures, almost stimulating Heaven’s ringing horses and cultivators, almost even brought out the power of milk.

And at this time, on the other side, Canyon 9 Dragon Secret Realm …

On the huge stone palace square, looking at the nine dragon-shaped crystal pillars in front of me, I heard Hu Master’s explanation, Chu Yan pupil light, trembling.

Beast soul blood crystals, 9 huge crystal pillars of condensation! ?

You know, this is the blood essence and demon soul of Monster Beast of the Emperor Realm, and the blood crystal of the beast soul can be condensed out. What a terrible wealth! ?

And the next, Master Hu’s words, almost made Chu Yan’s blood begin to boil.

“Chu Yan, you sent … developed, really … really!”

Hu Master ’s voice was still trembling, obviously because of excessive excitement, a pair of shining eyes looked at Chu Yan and said

“Beast Soul Blood Crystal, the largest two uses, the first is to upgrade any Monster Beast demon cultivation base, the second thing …”

“That is, it can enhance the Martial Artist cultivation base that possesses the beast Martial Soul! Make the Martial Soul’s power of Martial Soul more powerful and refined, even when the bloodline is close, the variant directly occurs!”

“You should have heard about the Martial Soul variant !?”

Hu Master knows that Chu Yan is continent from the outer domain, so he is not sure if he knows that in the Ten Directions Star Domain, it is not a rare Martial Soul variant.

“Know!” Chu Yan nodded, looked towards Hu Master, said with a smile

“Martial Soul can be varied 3 times in total, also known as Martial Soul’s 3 awakenings. My beast Martial Soul awakened once!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Master Hu suddenly shined his eyes.

“That’s good! In this way, this beast soul blood crystal is very important to your role!”

Speaking of which, Master Hu laughed directly and shook the head.

“It’s a pity that my Martial Soul is not a beast Martial Soul, otherwise, even if I give up this old face, I will discuss with you one of them, a pity … pity …”

As if telling Chu Yan, and as if talking to himself, Master Hu looked at the nine dragon-shaped crystal pillars and gradually dimmed.

heaven defying rare treasure is good, but also depends on chance!

If the attributes do not match, the best rare treasure is useless.

“En !?”

Hearing Master Hu ’s words, Chu Yan ’s face started, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said

“Hu Master, you seem to be in the Heavenly Might building !? Such a rare rare treasure, you are not in love !?”

Heavenly Might Building is the famous Chamber of Commerce organization of Ten Directions Star Domain.

Hu Master is the Treasure Inspecting Maater of the small reputation of Heavenly Might, and also a Deacon Elder.

Such a rare treasure, he has no idea! ?

“Boy, didn’t you tell you !? Heavenly Might Lou is a member of the inverse Divine Dao, this beast soul blood crystal, this is your task of joining the inverse Divine Dao recruitment assessment treasure, how could I beat him idea!?”

Hu Master looked at Chu Yan with a speechless saying.

“And, as a part of the inverse Divine Dao, I certainly hope that all good things are reserved for my own use!”

“Furthermore, the Elder group against Divine Dao, using this place as your evaluation place, obviously is to use this beast soul blood column as a reward to you, you brat, which is a big advantage!”

With his face full of sighs, Master Hu kept explaining to Chu Yan.

Against Divine Dao, being in the dark of Ten Directions Star Domain and fighting Saint Heavenly Pavilion for so many years must have its advantages.

“En ?! Putting it that way, this is Emperor Ningtian and Senior Ouyang, specially selected for me !?” Chu Yan startled, asked.

“It should be, these 9 dragon crystal pillars were originally …”

Hu Master nodded, when I just wanted to continue to say and so on, suddenly, the place under my feet suddenly shuddered, and a violent aura swept the entire Earth Palace in an instant.


With a roar of shock, the Earth Palace exploded, like 100 thunder bombs sounded at the same time, shocking Chu Yan and Hu Master, and the eardrums were aching.

“Damn alien, step into my Monster Race Forbidden Land, die!”

With the sound of this sound, 9 dragon-shaped crystal pillars on the Earth Palace square burst into dazzling rays of light.

These different lights instantly condensed into a path of light and shadow in front of the 9 crystal pillars, and at the same time moved towards Chu Yan 2 people, coming straight out.

At the same time, in the entire Earth Palace, whether it is the void, the ground, or all around the walls, a large number of beast might, like a tide, continually gather and merge into the 9 crystal pillars.

For a time, the beast might be on 9 crystal pillars, getting more and more majestic and scary.

“Not good! This is an Antiquity demon formation!”

Hu Master’s face changed rapidly, looked towards all around, especially the 9 crystal pillars of the beast soul that seemed to be angry, anxiously reminded.

“The 9 crystal pillars are the formation eye. After the endless years, they have already produced demon consciousness!”

Chu Yan’s face plummeted, looked towards 9 crystal pillars.

As the saying goes, Fu Wushuang Zhi, misfortunes never come alone, just when Chu Yan and Hu Master stared at the nine dragon-shaped crystal pillars, the entrance of the stone palace behind them, a continuous burst of gas burst, a followed by a silhouette of a, sudden appearance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amidst the exploding air waves and dust mist, a silhouette of a dozen people at Saint Heavenly Pavilion also appeared in the Earth Palace.

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