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A golden token floats out. Above the token, three purple airflows, like a tiny Roaming Dragon, are constantly swimming on the token surface.

Human Sovereign Order!

One of the treasures of the Human Sovereign palace, it requires 3 emperors to take action at the same time, refining 3 prestige of emperors, and merged into the token to be successful!

The biggest effect of this order is that it can resist the 3 attacks of the powerhouse of Holy Emperor Realm, which is regarded as a defense against Spirit Treasure.

The appearance of this token suddenly made the whole hall, everyone’s eyes, shuddered together.

“Human Sovereign order, 10000 points!”

The Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign Palace raised his hand and waved, the token slowly flew out, landed in the middle of the temple, and suspended quietly.

The rich prestige of the divine emperor overflowing from the token, even the emperor thunder emperor as the host, all have a bright eyes.

Such a treasure, let alone these new members, even if it is the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, you must prepare more.

You know, what is the most precious thing about Ten Directions Star Domain! ?

Of course, his life is the most precious. If it is lost, no matter how great the treasure, no matter how strong the cultivation technique, no matter the cattle fleshy body and innate talent, these are all gone.

Only by saving your life first, can you discuss the future of Martial Dao, cultivation base promotion and others.

Therefore, in Martial Artist World, among the various categories of treasure, the most valuable is always the body protection Spirit Treasure.

The “Human Sovereign Order” in front of me is the top grade in the body protection Spirit Treasure!

Faced with such a treasure, the trading hall suddenly became agitated, and the eyes of all the new face members instantly turned red.

“God ah! Human Sovereign order ah!”

“Good thing ah! Can block the 3 attacks of the Holy Emperor Realm. With this Spirit Treasure, it’s not in Ten Directions Star Domain, horizontal!”

“That is, desperate situation fiercely, just go ahead, it is equal to 3 more lives!”

“Terrifying, 10000 points! This is too expensive !?”

“Expensive !? You know a fart, the” Holy Shield “sold by Chamber of Commerce outside, just a Holy Emperor defense, you need 500,000 Divine Crystal!”



The whole hall was full of the voices of the new members, a path of red hot eyes, cast on the Human Sovereign order, all with a look of regret.

Because, almost 90% of them have no points.

This kind of treasure appears, except for the eyes and the look, it can do nothing.

“I want it!”

Just as everyone shook his head and felt sorry, a voice sounded.

Everyone heard the voice and turned to look, but it was Chu Yan who had been silent for a while, speaking.

Uh …!

A wave of Jade Talisman in his hand fell into the hands of the Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign Palace. It was Chu Yan’s identity Jade Talisman, which had 100,000 points!

“it is good!”

The Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign palace, nodded, not to mention, Divine Consciousness sweeps away, deducts 10000 points from Jade Talisman, and throws the “Human Sovereign order” of Jade Talisman and in midair at the same time, and throws it to Chu Yan.

Starting with Human Sovereign, the rich prestige of the Holy Emperor makes Chu Yan’s spirit startled, his eyes flashing.

This token, according to the introduction of Hu Master, is not only for the purpose of body protection on the surface, its real use is far more powerful than the three defenses on the surface.

This point, if it is not Hu Master here, even Chu Yan himself has no way of knowing.

According to Hu Master, in this person’s emperor’s decree, the three emperors True Qi are not the ordinary Qi of Qi, but the original True Qi.

The so-called origin of True Qi is in Qi Sea, the last 30% True Qi that is always impossible.

Such True Qi is extracted and made into a Human Sovereign order. If others get it, extract 3 True Qis from this person’s royal decree and refining it, which is equal to the part of the 3 Holy Emperors Martial Dao experience.

It really is more cost-effective than using it as a body protection Spirit Treasure.

Therefore, even if it is 10000 points, Chu Yan also without the slightest hesitation, directly shot.

The Human Sovereign order was handed in, and the Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign Palace, which had received points, glanced at Chu Yan, smiled gently, turned directly, and backed away.

Originally, if it was the previous Golden Orchid, after the Human Sovereign order was issued, he would leave.

However, this time is different, he knows that the good show of Xuan Heavenly Palace and Demon Palace is afraid to be staged.

It is naturally unwise to miss such a good show.

“Next, we have the Devil Palace!”

Behind the great hall, the owner of the Earth Demon Palace is the A Avatar of the Emperor Ziyun.

After paying tribute to the magic thunder emperor nodded, Emperor Ziyun’s Avatar went directly to the crowd.

In the wooden case in his hand, the red cloth was picked up, and a broken page appeared in front of everyone.

“Blue wooden sword god, a volume of Sword Intent handbook left at that time, 30% of the remaining volume, 30000 points!”

The words of Emperor Ziyun were like a thunder, which caused all the new members in the whole hall to tremble, and his eyes glared at Boss. He looked straight at the remnants in the hands of Emperor Ziyun.

Green wooden sword god, Sword Intent handwriting! ?

What a joke! ?

That’s Sword God, the real Sword Dao powerhouse!

He left a handbook on Sword Dao cultivation, even if it is a broken volume, it is also an invaluable treasure.

Such a thing, I am afraid that except for the inside of Divine Dao, I have encountered it all my life outside.

The treasure left by the Shenjing powerhouse has never been heard. It has appeared in the Chamber of Commerce, and I have never even heard of it.

“Underworld Palace, so big!”

“En!? What is the Demon Palace doing, the treasures of the town palace are all taken out !?”

Not to mention the new members of the Mandian, even the Palace Lord of the Human Sovereign Palace, and the Emperor of the Thunderbolt, all have a look of shock, looking at the Emperor Ziyun, brows tightly knit.

The green wooden sword divine relics book collected by the Earth Demon Palace, of course, they know that normally, even if the palace masters go to borrow, they will not agree at all.

But today, the Earth Demon Palace actually took this thing out as a treasure of the Jinlan Society! ?

This is too strange!

However, at the next breath, a sound of excitement sounded, everyone looked at it, just a glance, and instantly understood the intention of the Demon Palace.

“30000 points, I want it!” The person who spoke was Chu Yan.

Among the new members of this time, there are so many points, except for Yue Linglong, there is only Fan Tianhua, so many points can be redeemed.

However, Fan Tianhua just exchanged a Spirit Treasure, and the points in his hand are only more than 30000.

And what he cultivates is not Sword Dao, use 30000 points to exchange a sword repair secret book, for him, of course, it is not cost-effective.

And Yue Linglong, from beginning to end, simply did not appear.

Therefore, in the great hall, the only possibility is that Chu Yan is the only one who can redeem this remnant!

The purpose of the Devil Palace is, of course, Chu Yan!

It is equivalent to giving Chu Yan a disguised gift in disguise, while others can only watch and swallow.

shua! shua!

Almost at the same time that Chu Yan threw out his identity Jade Talisman, the remnants in the hands of the emperor Ziyun also flew to Chu Yan.

Soon, the exchange was completed, and Chu Yan’s hands were a little trembling, and the remaining volume was carefully taken into Rakshasa Space.

didn’t expect, this time Jinlan will, so much!

“Magic Thunder Emperor, is it time for you to Heavenly Palace!”

Emperor Ziyun chuckled lightly and turned his head towards Emperor Lei Sheng. There was a hint of provocation in his voice.

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