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After leaving Court Heavenly Pavilion, Chu Yan went straight to the “Treasure of Spirit Heaven”!

The Lingtian Treasury is located deep in the mountain range, as far away as possible. Even if it is within the Divine Dao Sky Sea Territory, Chu Yan flew for nearly 2 hours before arriving at the mountain peak where the Lingtian Treasury is located.

“so many people!?”

At a glance, Chu Yan’s face suddenly started, didn’t expect, this celestial treasure trove was so lively.

Mountain peak is not high, but 10,000 zhang, in the tall mountain range in the vicinity, seems unremarkable.

However, in addition to the mountain peak, the defensive spirit array of the inner 3 layer and the outer 3 layer is extremely strict guarding. I am afraid that no one can easily break in.

Moreover, at the foot of the mountain, at the golden gate, there are constantly members of the inverse Divine Dao, and there is a lively scene in and out.

This Treasure of Heaven is different from Court Heavenly Pavilion and even different from other halls.

Because, the members in the reverse Divine Dao, in addition to the tasks in normally, want to earn points, most of them are exchanged by Spirit Treasure and heavenly materials earthly treasures.

Such accumulation of points is relatively safe, so the members who adopt this method are the most.

Because of this, the Lingtian Treasury will become the most lively mountain peak in the inverse Divine Dao Sky Sea Territory.

With his identity as Jade Talisman, Chu Yan successfully entered the golden gate and traveled all the way. After many prohibitions and spiritual arrays, he arrived at the great hall where the Lingtian treasure house is located.

Stepping into the hall, dozens of members saw Chu Yan and quickly saluted.

“Have seen the war emperor!”

“Have seen the war emperor!”


Facing everyone’s saluted, Chu Yan also smiled politely and nodded in return, and soon walked to where Deacon was.

“Emperor War, what do you need !?”

Lingtian Treasury, Xuan Heavenly Palace in charge, this Deacon met Chu Yan, suddenly complexion sank.

A few days ago, Chu Yan at the trading peak, with his own strength, the Xuan Heavenly Palace magic thunder emperor, almost spitting blood, has long spread to the reverse Divine Dao.

So, no matter which member of that house, when you see Chu Yan, they are all respectful.

Only the members of Xuan Heavenly Palace, when they see Chu Yan, will look black.

Because Chu Yan not only made Xuan Heavenly Palace ashamed, but also Xuan Heavenly Palace lost a lot of wealth, which will affect the entire Xuan Heavenly Palace members.

Today, it was Shao Lifu’s turn to be on duty. Chu Yan appeared here, naturally to exchange Spirit Treasure or points. Of course they have a good face.

“I heard there are 5 soul stones here, can you check it !?”

Chu Yan didn’t care about the other party’s attitude and asked directly.

“5 Soulstone !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Shao Lifu started, and then a pair of triangular eyes looked at Chu Yan. The fine mang flashed for a long time before speaking.

“Yes! Come with me!”

So Shao Lifu turned around and moved towards the depths of the Lingtian Treasury directly.

After he turned around, Chu Yan looked at Shao Lifu’s background, eyebrows slightly frowned.

This Shao Lifu is a member of Xuan Heavenly Palace, and his eyes just showed a strange color, which made Chu Yan’s vigilance even heavier.

However, Chu Yan was not afraid of him, and lifted his feet directly along along.

One after the other, 2 people had just left the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion great hall. Several members of the Heavenly Palace who had been busy in the temple were watching Chu Yan and Shao Deacon leaving, and their faces started at the same time.

“Yi !? That direction, wrong ah!”

“5 Soul Stone, I cleaned it a few days ago and placed it in the East Pavilion. Shao Deacon didn’t you know ?!”

“Nonsense, of course I know, don’t talk, do your work!”

“hehe, have a good show!”


Several members of Xuan Heavenly Palace watched Shao Deacon take Chu Yan to the West Pavilion, just a moment’s surprise, and they reacted instantly.

After whispering a few words, all pretended to be an expression that had never been seen before and spread out 4 times.

Chu Yan, followed Shao Lifu, moved towards the West Pavilion of the Lingtian Treasury, and it didn’t take long before he arrived.

I saw a huge palace gate standing at the front, with the four characters “Lingtian West Pavilion” on the door, golden light.

“The Warlord, enter the palace gate, pass through the Tibetan soldier cave, and then arrive at the Xi Pavilion, where there are 5 soul stones.”

Standing in front of the palace gate, Shao Lifu stopped directly, pointed to the palace gate, and told Chu Yan

“Under the limits of my duties, I won’t go in, please!”

“Good!” Chu Yan nodded, moved towards the palace gate and strode away.

Holding the identity of Jade Talisman, just before reaching the palace gate, the palace gate opened 2 minutes, Chu Yan raised his eyes, glanced at the long cave in front, and entered directly.


When Chu Yan walked into the cave, the huge palace gate was closed directly.

“Give me a seal!”

Standing in front of the palace gate, Shao Lifu saw that the palace gate was closed, and suddenly his hands turned over, resulting in a hand seal, which was photographed on the palace gate.

With a hum, the spiritual array on the palace gate opened, and the palace gate was completely sealed!

“Hmph! Chu Yan, insult me ​​Xuan Heavenly Palace, and dare to come to” Treasure of Lingtian “, let you know how powerful!”

With a playful smile on his face, Shao Lifu turned around and walked away quickly.

The Lingtian Treasury is the land where the Sea Territory is against the Divine Dao. Whether it is defense or layout, it is extremely delicate.

When Chu Yan enters this west pavilion, a tunnel of Tibetan soldiers is arranged in the passage. On the one hand, it is used to store the powerful Spirit Armament, and at the same time, it also has a strong defensive ability.

If there is no special token, anyone who wants to pass through this Tibetan soldier ’s cave and reach the West Pavilion is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

However, Shao Lifu deliberately refused to give Chu Yan a token, and also closed the palace gate, simply breaking Chu Yan’s retreat directly.

Although the Spirit Armament of this Tibetan soldier ’s cave is the Antiquity Spirit Armament that has been conquered, most of them have already produced Spirit wisdom.

Killing Chu Yan is not enough, but giving him a fiercely lesson and hitting his Fleshy body or cultivation base harder is easier.

Therefore, when Chu Yan said he was looking for 5 Soulstones, Shao Lifu’s eyes turned and he developed a poisonous plan and brought him to the West Pavilion.

In the West Pavilion, simply does not have 5 soul stones!

Of course, all this, Chu Yan knows impossible, after all, this is his first visit to the Lingtian treasure house.

Although he also knows that this Lingtian treasure house is under the jurisdiction of Xuan Heavenly Palace, but since the 5 soul stones are here, Chu Yan impossible will not come.

After entering the palace gate, in front of Chu Yan, there is a large underground cave, and the stone tablet beside the cave reads “Tibetan Cave”

3 characters.

One after another Thick Spirit Armament aura, which poured out from the cave entrance, revitalized Chu Yan’s spirit.

“Good Tibetan cave, it seems that this is the trap he laid!” Chu Yan smiled gently, stepped directly, moved towards the Tibetan cave.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan never believed Shao Lifu, especially his attitude was harmonious and obviously wrong.

After the Jinlan Conference of the Trading Peak, Chu Yan and Xuan Heavenly Palace had concluded Liang Zi. This Shao Lifu, seeing himself, how could he be so polite.

Therefore, Chu Yan can guess without thinking, there must be something wrong with this Tibetan cave.

But what about that! ?

“Oh, I would like to see, in the Divine Dao, in addition to breaking Heavenly Sword, what other powerful Spirit Armament!”

On the ground, Chu Yan with a smile, strode into the Tibetan soldier cave.

As soon as he entered, one after another, the majestic and fierce aura, kept exploding like an Antiquity Ominous Beast, waking up from a deep sleep.

The entire Tibetan soldier cave trembles instantly.

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