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With the order of Yang Huang, the guards behind Tiandong Aristocratic Family swarmed up, and various spirit knives pulled out of their sheaths.

These guards, all of which are strong cultivation bases, are at least the median Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base.

All around the crowd, Qi Qi complexion changed, they didn’t expect, this Yang Huang, actually would actually order to kill! ?

The target of Chu Yan, however, was indifferent, and the expression on his face did not even change a little.

To deal with this group of rubbish, Chu Yan didn’t even bother to move his hands, or that these people were not worthy of him.

Standing in command, Yang Huang saw that Chu Yan was surrounded by a group of guards, but there was no change in his face, and he did not kneel to ask for mercy.

A little scattered, even dare to look down on Tiandong Aristocratic Family, this is absolutely unforgivable.

You know, Tiandong Aristocratic Family is Tian Sea Territory, the largest Aristocratic Family force.

Even among all Aristocratic Family forces in Ten Directions Star Domain, they can be ranked in the top 10.

Yang Huang ’s father is the Emperor of Heavenly Wheel, and his grandfather is a Saint Venerable Realm powerhouse that has lived for 100,000 years.

Do n’t say that on this day, Sea Territory, even in Ten Directions Star Domain, when is Aristocratic Family afraid of who? ?

Therefore, today Yang Huang wants to stand up for prestige!

Let everyone know that the might of Tiandong Aristocratic Family cannot be violated. Everyone must prostrate in front of Tiandong Aristocratic Family.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just as Yang Huang pondered, suddenly, behind Chu Yan, a large void collapsed, and a tall silhouette appeared constantly.

Holding 3 points with 2 pointed and 9 bladed spear, the golden light shining Dragon Race battle guard, as well as the tall mountain and huge scorpion, appeared at the same time.

For a time, the violent monster qi and Yin Fiend Qi grabbed several rushing weather posts.

Disregarding those dumbfounded Tiandong Aristocratic Family guards, 9 big hands waved, Dragon Race guards and lions and scorpions, directly shot.

ah! what…! what….!

The 8 Dragon Race battle guards are like 8 black lights, rushing past, like a tiger like a flock of sheep, a large group of Tiandong Aristocratic Family guards, flying into the sky.

The lion, scorpion and beast that have been preparing for a long time are a long snake-like tail, twitching constantly.

Any guard guarded by the 8 Dragon Race and hitting off the ground will be thrown into the sky by its snake-like tail, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Various screams sounded, and in less than a breath, they were completely cleared.

Sudden changes, suddenly the entire scene, for a moment!

Everyone looked at the sky dull, and each and everyone’s Tiandong escorts turned into black spots, all stupid.

Especially Yang Huang, his eyes wide and his mouth wide open, the whole person was ignorant.

What … what happened! ?

The guard! ?

The powerful guard of Aristocratic Family of Tiandong! ?

Was n’t it just there? It’s just that a few puppets have rushed by, why are they all gone! ?

Sea of ​​Consciousness A messy Yang Huang, Divine Consciousness can’t even keep up with the speed of change. When he slowly turned his head and followed the eyes of others, when looking towards behind, what he saw was … blank.

There is not even a ghost shadow, all the guards of Tiandong Aristocratic Family are all flying!

After a full 3 breaths time, Yang Huang finally reacted. In a pair of dull eyes, 2 groups of anger suddenly exploded.

“Chu Yan, you are done, you have a major event!”

Yang Huang stepped out, raised his finger to Chu Yan’s nose, and his saliva almost sprayed directly on Chu Yan’s face.

“Dare to shoot people from Tiandong Aristocratic Family, you are dead, I will never let you go! Tiandong Aristocratic Family will never let you go!”

“Whether you are a Loose Cultivator or not, who is behind, whether it is in the Sky Sea Territory or the Ten Directions Star Domain, no one can protect you, even God can’t do it!”

Yang Huang, who was extremely angry, roared repeatedly, and the void that exploded all around hummed.

At the beginning, Chu Yan just resisted paying taxes, and things were not serious.

But now, he attacked the guards of Aristocratic Family in Tiandong, and the nature of the matter completely changed.

Not far away, An Luhai, who was hiding far away, heard Yang Huang’s words, but he was taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune with a smile on his face.

didn’t expect, the result was so perfect, not only provoked the contradiction between Yang Huang and Chu Yan, but even angered Yang Huang completely.

Others do not understand this Yang Huang, but An Luhai is very aware of him.

This Yang Huang is very famous in the 2nd generation circle of the Sea Territory.

Of course, he is famous not because of how high his cultivation base innate talent is, but because of his careful eyes.

These Saint 2 generations with Saint Emperor, almost no one, concentrate on cultivation, grew up by various heavenly materials earthly treasures and top cultivation technique martial skill.

In their eyes, cultivation simply is a simple matter, there is no need to waste precious time.

On the contrary, these 2nd generations are more concerned about who has more face!

And Yang Huang is one of the most important faces of these 2 generations.

Chu Yan didn’t understand Yang Huang at all, and didn’t even fully understand Tiandong Aristocratic Family. He dared to shoot directly and offended Yang Huang and Tiandong Aristocratic Family.

This situation is definitely the most wanted situation for An Luhai and Fan Tianhua.

At this moment, Chu Yan, who was watching in everyone’s eyes, stepped out and walked in front of Yang Huang.

“You … what are you doing !?”

Suppressed by the aura of Chu Yan’s body, Yang Huang was suddenly taken awake and suddenly sober.

It seems that throughout the scene, Tiandong Aristocratic Family is left alone, and the Chu Yan in front of him seems to have extremely strong battle strength!

Therefore, when Yang Huang saw Chu Yan approaching, her face changed instantly, her terrified eyes looked at Chu Yan, and her voice trembled.

“Ha ha….”

With a grin, Chu Yan didn’t answer. Instead, it was a golden fist, directly facing Yang Huang’s chest and blasting out.

In Chu Yan’s view, to deal with this kind of 2nd ancestor, it is best to be able to use your hands as little as possible, and simple and direct is the best way.


A record of 10000 dragons struck Yang Huang ’s chest, even though Yang Huang ’s urge was so strong that he strengthened the body protection Gang Yuan, but the strength of the violent boxing Gang completely exceeded his expectations.

With just one punch, Yang Huang was smashed and flew out, hitting a rock in the distance and falling to the ground like a dead dog.

This Yang Huang, although the cultivation base has reached the median Martial Emperor Realm Peak, but all the cultivation base is piled up by heavenly materials earthly treasures.

From the time he started cultivation, to the current cultivation base, the number of shots to fight with people, a hand can be counted.

Such Yang Huang has a monstrous cultivation base, but the battle strength is not even as good as the lower Martial Emperor Realm Martial Artist.

What’s more, even if he really has the battle strength of the median Martial Emperor Realm Peak, in the face of Chu Yan, there is no chance at all.

Boom … Rumble!

Almost at the moment when Yang Huang was blown away by Chu Yan, the direction of Tianlun City in the distance, a purple light, soared like a purple electricity, moved towards the entrance of Gu Fo mountain range, and flew out.

Just in the blink of an eye, the purple electricity turned into a silhouette, dropping from the sky, and fell beside Yang Huang.

shua! shua!

In that silhouette, when looking down towards Yang Huang on the ground, there were two silhouettes, flying, and simultaneously shua shua landed around the purple silhouette.

In an instant, 3 extremely powerful mights swept the audience!

“En !? Shengdijing powerhouse !?”

When the purple robe old man had a ruddy face and looked up towards Chu Yan, the prestige of his emperor suddenly broke out, making Chu Yan’s face suddenly change.

didn’t expect, Yang Huang had just taken a trick, and there was a Saint Emperor Realm and 2 Great Emperor Realm 5th Layer powerhouses in Skywheel City.

This speed is really fast enough!

“Young Master, are you okay !?”

The eyes stared at Chu Yan, the purple robe old man spoke, but asked Yang Huang who was struggling on the ground.

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