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Tian Gu first will collide with 9 Star’s Chu Yan, imposing manner, burst into sparks, and instantly ignite the audience.

All of them were moved towards 2 people, with a look of surprise on their faces. Didn’t expect these two Seeded Contestants just met, and they met. This time, if they really meet on the ring, there must be a Battle.

Against the Divine Dao, it is a dark force, which has always been uncontested with the world, and even all its members are pure-hearted and have little desire to fight.

But in recent days, the atmosphere inside Divine Dao has slowly changed.

8 divisions, 3 competitions between the giant palaces are in full swing, and even several big palace battles have erupted.

Several thousand people held the Spirit Armament and opened the scene, killing the sky and the darkness, regardless of the outcome, never give up.

If it is not in the Divine Dao, the most loyal and unity is the most important, even if it is such a large palace fight, and no one will die, I am afraid that in the past few years, the reverse Divine Dao has been a civil war, and the lost members account for many to make.

Therefore, between Chu Yan and Lin Xuan, the moment when the battle intent was ignited, between the Ancient Sovereign Palace of Human Sovereign and the Sea Territory Demon Palace, a group of gangsters also stared fiercely at each other.

Lord Tian Kun stared at Lord Ruyi, his two nostrils were breathing heavily, and his eyes were reddened.

The atmosphere of the whole scene, because of the confrontation between these two palaces, suddenly became tense, and a thick fire smell of fire filled the air.

The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections battle, although only a battle between 20 4 Battle Generals, is actually a battle of strength between 20 4 houses.

Get one of the 8 Heavenly Dragons, it is only 1st Step, and the whole army will be followed, if the strength is not enough, in fact, the palace also has a chance to replace it.

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, above the sky, a cloud of thunder, suddenly appeared, moved towards the square below, exploded directly to explode a thunder, causing everyone to tremble at the same time Divine Soul, looked up towards the sky.

“That’s … The 3 Great Palace of Hunyuan Domain is here! There is also the Dark Demon Domain …”

“These 2 palaces are extremely powerful. Look, Devil Palace Master in the dark Demon Domain. The skin is really dark. Is the legend true !?”

“Legend !? What legend !?”

“Haha, I don’t know. It is said that the Devil Palace Master in the dark Demon Domain is in the eclipse of the sky. There are half of the demon bloodline on his body. It is said that he is a descendant of the demon!”

“God, Mozu !? There really exists a Mozu !?”

“Nonsense, do you think who joined me against Divine Dao? Who is the enemy of Divine Realm! Of course, this eclipse, was condemned by Holy Day Sire more than ten times by Oracle . “


Dark Demon Domain The appearance of a group of gangsters, because the Legendary characters eclipse the sky, all the eyes of the audience, all gathered on them.

On the other side, a group of gangsters who arrived at the same time with them appeared extremely low-key, fell down, and went directly to the battle stage. They were silent from beginning to end.

However, there is a young man in the Hundred Yuan Domain, whose eyes are swept through Chu Yan and Lin Xuan.

After the arrival of the 2rd house in these 3 domains, all of them diverged against Divine Dao at 8 and all arrived!

“Everyone, I announce that 8 Heavenly Dragon battles, start!”

On the rostrum, a white robe in charge of the white robe came straight out. The powerful Diwei swept the audience and announced loudly.

“20 4th Battle General, come up to draw!”

With an order, all directions looked at the battle stage, 20 4 silhouettes, and at the same time they flew out and landed steadily on the rostrum.

Fan Tianhua, Chu Yan, Lin Xuan, You Tianxue, Zeng Bu2, etc. and the others, immediately in the ring, moved towards the other 23 people and looked away.

In front of them, there are 20 4 jade signatures prepared long ago.

“Let’s draw!”

True Qi came out of the crowd, raised his hand, and a jade sign fell into his hand.

Chu Yan lowered his head, looked towards the jade sign in his hand, his face suddenly started, and then the corner of his mouth lightly raised, showing a smile.

No. 2!

didn’t expect, I’m lucky, First Stage fight!

However, for him, whether it is the First Stage battle or the last battle, there is no difference.

A glance at Lin Xuan, the first of the ancients, Chu Yan hoped that he would collide with this Lin Xuan.

However, obviously, there was no such coincidence, but another coincidence that made Chu Yan didn’t expect appeared.

Because, the No. 1 sign was drawn, it is from the Hundred Yuan domain … Chen Tianlu!

Chen Tianlu!

Gold List Number One Person!

At the same time, it is also the inverse Divine Dao Huang Gold List Number One Person!

Among the younger generation of inverse Divine Dao, Chen Tianlu ranked Supreme, the strongest strength.

No. 1 signing and No. 2 signing match is Chen Ni, the No. 1 Divine Dao Huang Gold List, against Chu Yan!

When the 20 4 signings were announced to the all directions view of the battle stage all around, it suddenly caused an uproar.

All the gangsters and all ordinary members of the 8th road were all excited in an instant.

This battle is probably more interesting than Lin Xuan’s against Chu Yan!

“Next, announce the rules!”

Director Bai Bai glanced at Chu Yan and Chen Tianlu, then loudly said.

“In the Asura part of the Heavenly Dragon, the battle for the ownership of the Commander will be eliminated. 8 20 into 4, 2 into 2, 6 will be produced, and finally 1st place will be generated to obtain the commander power of Asura!

“Slaughter is not allowed in this battle, not allowed …”

Facing the 24 players, the white robe director carefully read out various rules.

“En!? Asura, one of the 8 Heavenly Dragons!? Only one !?”

Chu Yan’s face, however, was frowned. He slowly looked back towards the battle stage and glanced at the Heavenly Sovereign.

Seeing Chu Yan’s eyes glared over, Heavenly Kun Shengzun quickly pushed a smile on his face, nodded, and raised his finger again.

That means nothing more than telling Chu Yan that if you take the first place, you can get Heavenly Sword!

“Old fox!”

Chu Yan scolded secretly in his heart, no wonder that Tian Kun Shengzun was so happy that he had promised.

Although Chu Yan was originally strange, after five years of inversion to Divine Dao, he will have to fight against Saint Heavenly Pavilion. How could he set up a sect army now?

Now I finally understand that the 8 Heavenly Dragon squads of Divine Dao are originally 7, but only the last one, the Asura department has not yet been established.

So this battle is actually just fighting for the qualification of a Heavenly Dragon.

No wonder, the big brothers of the 20 4th house are gathered together, so valued!

The stinky and long rules, read the little one hour, including all around watching the big brother, when the 24 players were impatient, the white robe manager finally waved his hand and announced the start of the first game.

The 20 4 players all glanced at Chu Yan and Chen Tianlu, and they all retired from the ring.

At this time, only two of them were left on the ring, as well as the white robe manager.

“Chen Tianlu, Xuan Gong in Hunyuan Domain, play against, Chu Yan in the Sea Territory, now!”

In a word, the white robe director stood up and flew to the podium behind him. At the same time, a hand seal was shot and blasted on the Ring Formation to start it.


The full 9-Layer Ring Formation is all started, and the 200 meter size ring is wrapped tightly.

In the middle of the ring, Chu Yan and Chen Tianlu are facing each other, looking at each other.

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