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Twelve players, all with different faces, dropped out of the ring.

All eyes of the audience were gathered in the two silhouettes on the ring, Chu Yan and Lin Xuan!

This battle is even more exciting than the first battle!

“What the hell !? 2nd round again !?”

“Oh my god, Lin Xuan is playing against Chu Yan, the 2 Seeded Contestant, and the fuck is too exciting!”

“This battle, I’m afraid Chu Yan won’t do it! That is Lin Xuan, the first Battle General against Divine Dao! I heard that a few months ago, Lin Xuan and Wuliang Sect’s Huo Tuo Emperor’s battle, 3 moves lost! “

“That’s not that, that battle, it shocked the ancient territory. It is said that Lin Xuan’s cultivation base has reached the upper Martial Emperor Realm 7th Layer, and the battle strength has already advanced to the Great Emperor Realm, below the absolute Great Emperor Realm, the existence of invincible! “

“It’s worthy of me against the Divine Dao Battle General Number One Person! There is a good show!”

“Bah! Who said Lin Xuan must win, did not see, just Chu Yan, just defeated Chen Tianlu in one move !?”

“Battle General is a fart, but Chu Yan is still a warlord!”

“Chu Yan’s Battle Emperor is because of the natural phenomenon of 9 Star Yaotian, and it has nothing to do with his battle strength!”

“Okay, don’t be noisy, start!”


The battle on the ring hasn’t started yet, but all directions on the battle stage have already turned upside down.

8 Dao 20 4 palaces, divided into 2 factions, some people support Lin Xuan, some people support Chu Yan, the fire medicinal smell of the audience, reached the climax at once.

On the rostrum, Ningtian Emperor and Ouyang Nantian are a group of big brothers, but they are both tightly knit.

They did not expect that Chu Yan would hit Lin Xuan in the 2nd round battle! ?

Lin Xuan took over the mission a few months ago and went to Wuliang Sect to fight with Huo Tuo Emperor. This matter was not only known to the people below, but the people in the ancient territory knew that even the Ning Tian Emperor, these high-level Divine Dao , Also know.

why? !

Because, Wuliang Sect is the face of Sire, a very loyal force, and the Huo Tuo Emperor is one of the honorary Elders of Saint Heavenly Pavilion.

Being an Outer Sect and becoming the honorary Elder of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, by flattery, is fundamentally impossible!

Perhaps, throughout the Ten Directions Star Domain, not many people knew of the existence of the inverse Divine Dao, but Saint Heavenly Pavilion is extremely clear.

Therefore, Saint Heavenly Pavilion recruits disciplines and develops outside lines, all of which focus on strength.

Emperor Huotuo, a Fire Element cultivation technique and emperor technique, is among the top 100 in the ancient territory.

But no one thought that Lin Xuan only used 3 moves to kill Huo Tuo Emperor.

In front of a few 10000 Wuliang Sect, Lin Xuan cut off the head of Huo Tuo Emperor with one head, put it in his hand, and walked away.

Wuliang Sect, from top to bottom, no one dares to block!

After this battle, the legend about Lin Xuan was spread in the ancient territory of the heavens, and it was spread …

It is precisely because of this battle that Lin Xuan is completely against the title of Divine Dao’s first Battle General.

Lin Xuan’s powerful battle strength is definitely far beyond his current cultivation base.

“Master Baipao, your sign, okay?”

Ouyang Nantian brows slightly wrinkle, looked towards the white robe, asked.

“This sign was originally stored in the Lingtian Treasury. It took how many years. I have never had a problem! However, I need to check it!”

White robe director hearing this, of course, understand the meaning of Ouyang Nantian, apart from the explanation, the same slightly slightly wrinkle, said.

To be honest, he didn’t even think about these problems. Naturally, he didn’t specifically check them.

Only now, the situation really seems to be a bit wrong.

1st round, Chu Yan hit Chen Tianlu!

2nd round, Chu Yan vs. Lin Xuan!

There are only 4 or 5 Seeded Contestants in total. How could Chu Yan hit them all? The odds of 100/2 occur twice in a row, which is really unreasonable.

“Hmph! What could be the problem!”

Hearing everyone’s words, Xuanhuo Emperor was coldly snorted, with the face of disdain opened the mouth and said.

“If this Chu Yan is really strong enough, he will be up against them sooner or later.

The word fell to the ground, and the Ningtian Emperor, who was originally puzzled, looked towards Qi Xuanhuo Emperor.

The eyes of several people flashed together, all eyes full of doubt.

Judging from the current situation, the collision of several Seeded Contestant seems to be only Fan Tianhua, the son of Xuanhuo Emperor, and has not encountered any powerful opponents.

In other words, Chu Yan played Chen Tianlu and Lin Xuan successively, and the biggest beneficiary was … Fan Tianhua!

Therefore, as soon as Emperor Xuanhuo spoke, several people in Ouyang Nantian looked towards Xuanhuo Emperor’s eyes.

“hmph! ”

Seeing the glances of several big men looking bad, Emperor Xuanhuo’s face started, and he seemed to understand.

However, he was just cold-snorted and didn’t care at all. Instead, he blossomed in his heart.

“It seems that it is necessary to check!”

Emperor Ningtian turned his head and looked towards the head of the white robe. Two people had four heads facing each other and were nodded at the same time.

Then, the white robe director flew up and fell towards the ring, standing in front of Lin Xuan and Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, don’t be afraid! Just do your best, be careful not to get hurt!”

Chief Bai Bai looked towards Chu Yan and reminded him.

“Manager, I will show mercy!”

Hearing the words of Bai Pao, Lin Xuan smiled softly and opened the mouth and said.

“Well, I can remind you that this is my internal test against Divine Dao. The rules have already been said and no slaughter is allowed. If anyone violates the rules, even if they win, I can cancel his score!”

White robe director looked towards Lin Xuan, the same opening reminded.

“Yes!” Lin Xuan didn’t dare to say much, he quickly responded.

Chu Yan stood there, listening to the white robe manager and Lin Xuan, having a conversation, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

Then, the white robe manager announced that the match had begun, so he flew out of the ring, and the whole scene was quiet for an instant.

Everyone looked towards the ring, the upcoming battle between Chu Yan and Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan looked at Chu Yan, the pupil light flashed slightly, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Just before Chu Yan played against Chen Tianlu, Lin Xuanquan saw it all. To be honest, if it was Lin Xuan who met Chen Tianlu, I am afraid he would never be able to do the same thing as Chu Yan and defeat Chen Tianlu in one move.

I have to admit that Chu Yan’s Sword Dao cultivation base is probably the existence of Peak in the younger generation of the inverse Divine Dao.

However, Martial Soul World, divided into 9 lines, has never been the strongest Martial Soul and attribute, and is only good at interacting with each other.

Perhaps, his battle against Chen Tianlu, the outcome is unknown.

However, if it is Chu Yan who is good at Sword Dao, Lin Xuan is absolutely sure.

Including a few months ago, he took the task of hanging inside the sect for several decades. One person went to Wuliang Sect, killing Huo Tuo Emperor.

Because, his Martial Soul and cultivation technique happened to restrain the Martial Soul and cultivation technique of Huo Tuo.

Therefore, even if the cultivation base of Huo Tuo Emperor is higher than him, he can defeat the opponent and take his head.

Chen Tianlu’s Wood Element Martial Soul and cultivation technique can restrain himself. At the same time, his Martial Soul and cultivation technique can restrain Sword Dao.

This point, the Master Ruyi Lord said to himself just before playing.

This battle will win!

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