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Chapter 2269

On the ring, the white robe director presided over the next battle.

In less than one hour, 6 battles ended, 2 players in the 2nd round, and 6 people including Chu Yan.

Of course, Fan Tianhua is also among them, entering the 3rd round since the beginning.

After the lottery and the 3rd round, Chu Yan did not hit Fan Tianhua as others expected, but met an unknown player.

Ranked 3rd field, which is the last battle.

Fan Tianhua won the No. 1 sign against a player in the Demon Palace named Li Muran!

This Li Muran, Chu Yan had seen it. The last time he followed Ouyang Nantian to the inverse Divine Dao headquarters, this Li Muran, beside Ouyang Nantian, has been around the side, and seems to have some connections with Ouyang Nantian.

When Chu Yan walked down the ring and reached the player area, and looked up towards the rostrum, when he saw the low face of Ouyang Nantian, he looked at Li Muran on the ring and looked nervous.

On the ring, Li Muran was obviously more nervous than Ouyang Nantian, staring at Fan Tianhua on the opposite side, his eyes constantly flashing.

“Fan Tianhua! This is trouble!”

Originally, in the first 2 battles, Li Muran also tried his best to barely win.

It’s already extremely difficult to take the 3rd round. I wanted to fight a game. If good luck, maybe I can enter the top 3.

But he didn’t expect, 3rd round, the opponent is Fan Tianhua.

“Li Muran! Did you surrender !?”

Fan Tianhua looked at Li Muran, with a grin on his face, directly opened the mouth and said.

“I will only give you this time opportunity, otherwise, I will let you know the gap between the Earth Demon Palace and Xuan Heavenly Palace!”

Hearing Fan Tianhua’s words, Li Muran suddenly stunned, turned his head gently, looked towards Ouyang Nantian on the podium, a glance of decisive color flashed in his eyes.

Fan Tianhua, a poisonous calculation!

If he didn’t say this, Li Muran had really considered it and directly confessed.

After all, he had heard about Fan Tianhua and had watched his first two fights. He had to admit that he was an opponent of Fan Tianhua.

But now, Fan Tianhua put this battle directly to the level of the Earth Demon Palace and Xuan Heavenly Palace.

As a result, simply forced Li Muran to fight him.

After all, in the inverse Divine Dao, the battle between the 3 palaces is almost the same, no matter whether it is a big man in the 3 palaces or a member of the ordinary, no one, under any circumstances, can lose the face of any one palace. ,otherwise……

Therefore, as an important member of the Demon Palace, if Li Muran really said this after Fan Tianhua, he chose to admit defeat, not to mention the Devil Palace’s big brothers, will he punish him, I am afraid that the other Members will look down on him in the future.

“Fan Tianhua, fart less! Take me a knife!”

When True Qi broke out in the whole body, Li Muran raised his hand with a knife. If he wanted to seize the opportunity, the spirit knife slashed and the blade glow burst out of the air.

“hmph! ”

Seeing Li Muran shot, Fan Tianhua coldly snorted, his eyes swept sharply, the right hand lifted lightly, a white flame burst into flames.

“Soul Eater!”

Drinking it in one sentence, Fan Tianhua waved his hand, and a large white flame burst out like a tide.

This scene fell in everyone’s eyes and exclaimed in unison.

“God, it turned out to be Soul Eater!”

“Ten great strange fires, ranked No. 7’s Soul Eater Cold Flame, was actually obtained by Fan Tianhua !?”

“Yes, Martial Soul of Fan Family is Martial Soul of strange fire, didn’t expect, their bloodline Martial Soul, there is more than one kind!”

“The firepower of really strong! Across the Formation, I can feel it!”

“This Fan Tianhua, with Soul Eater’s Cold Flame, its strength is estimated to have improved a lot!”


All kinds of alarms sounded, everyone looked towards the ring, and a large white wave of fire was all look of shock.

You should know that among the top management of Divine Dao, the extremely high-level Xuanhuo Emperor was able to maintain a high position by virtue of the powerful different fire Martial Soul.

The Martial Soul of the Xuanhuo Great Emperor is known as “Martial Soul”.

Martial Soul, with the bloodline cultivation technique, once the cultivation reaches the top level, the firepower generated is said to incinerate everything in the world, even the False Divine Item can be burned into a liquid.

Moreover, bloodline Martial Soul is mostly growth-oriented, and Martial Soul is also growth-oriented.

Legend has it that this bloodline Martial Soul, from the red flame on awakening, to blue, green, blue, purple and other colors, reaches the highest flame color, which is white.

This white flame is called “Soul Eater”, which is the Peak State of Martial Soul.

Everyone didn’t expect that the “soul-eating cold flames” that Emperor Xuanhuo said every day would appear on his son Fan Tianhua.

Although now, Fan Tianhua’s “Soul Eater Cold Flame” carries several variegated flames, but after all, more than 70% of the Fire Body is already snow white.

It can be seen that the Old Ancestor lost by Fan Family is extremely profound in the cultivation of Martial Soul.

In the history of Fan Family, cultivation produced the “soul-eating cold flame” clansman. Since the record, there have been no more than ten people.

Therefore, Emperor Xuanhuo, who was on the rostrum, was very confident in his son Fan Tianhua from beginning to end, because he knew that his son had a “soul eater”.

With this extreme-level Martial Soul, no matter what attack and defense the opponent uses, as long as “Soul Eater” comes out, all will be burned into nothingness.

Such battle strength has exceeded the limitations of cultivation base and strength, not to mention the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse, even the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, in the face of this kind of fire, we must be cautious.

On the ring, Fan Tianhua raised his hand and waved, and the “soul-eating cold flame” surging all over the body moved towards Li Muran like a tide, and instantly hit Li Blade’s blade glow.

That a looks like might monstrous blade glow, just like a handle snow knife rushed into the fire sea, quickly melted, even Fan Tianhua’s first 100 steps, did not rush, then in the tide of fire, turned into nothingness.

The “soul-eating cold flame”, after melting the blade glow, not at all any stagnation, directly curling up to Li Muran with a dull look.


The wave of fire was like waves, fiercely patted Li Muran, and flew it directly.

Li Muran, who was thrown into the air, was wrapped in flames. If it was not the body protection Gang Yuan still supporting, I am afraid that like the blade glow, he would be directly “soul eaten cold” and burned into nothingness.

Frightened by Li Muran, True Qi broke out all over the body, desperately striking the body protection Gang Yuan against the strange fire that wrapped the whole body.

However, what everyone didn’t expect is that Li Muran, who was in flames all over the body, flew into the air and crashed on the Ring Formation. The whole body’s strange fire even burned the Ring Formation directly into a big cave.

And Li Muran braved the body of the fire, passed through the hole, and fell directly to the ground outside the ring.

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