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On the ring, a powerful aura, with Fan Tianhua Center, moved towards 4 rushes.

Then, with a grin on Fan Tianhua’s face, he looked at Chu Yan in a mischievous manner at the same time. At the same time, a big wave of his hand, a white fire wave around him, instantly moved towards his body.

Ka! ka! ka!

Those white fire waves, curled up to Fan Tianhua’s 4 limbs and body, from virtual became real, condensed into white chips, and attached to Fan Tianhua’s body.

In less than one breath, Fan Tianhua was wrapped in countless white chips.

Except for 2 eyes, the whole body has no traces exposed. From a distance, it looks like a heavy armored soldier in the ordinary person army.

This scene fell on other people’s eyes and caused the audience to seep.

“I … I rely on ah! What kind of stuff !?”

“Soul Fire armor !? There is such an operation, how is this possible !?”

“This … this is one of Antiquity’s soul techniques. I heard that formidable power is extremely strong, and only a few Martial Soul have this ability!”

“What is Antiquity !? Martial Soul is rare, why !?”

“It is said that during the Antiquity period, the types and number of Martial Souls at the source are not as much as they are now. After endless years of gestation, new Martial Souls are constantly emerging. However, these new Martial Souls do not have Antiquity Martial Soul at all. Great! “

“Putting it that way, Fan Family’s Martial Soul, is Antiquity’s Martial Soul !?”

“No wonder, this bloodline Martial Soul, really not simple!”

“This time, Chu Yan is in trouble. Soul Fire armor can not only improve the defense, but also greatly increase the power of attack, cultivation base, Divine Consciousness, Fleshy body, and make Martial Artist’s strength increase to one in a short time. ten times!”

“One … to ten times !? This …”

“However, looking at the thickness of Fan Tianhua’s soul armor, it should be about 2 times!”

“…… ..”

The people in all directions looked at Fan Tianhua on the ring, all with a look of shock.

This Antiquity, the origin of Martial Soul, and the Soul Fire armor, that is, in the inverse Divine Dao where the evil spirits gather, if it is outside, I am afraid that few people know.

The shocking argument, like a tsunami, quickly swept through 8 Taoist battle stages, almost everyone, understood Fan Tianhua, that layer of dazzling rays of light Fire Armor origin.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

Soul Fire armor possession, within ten steps of Fan Tianhua’s body, the void is trembling. With the constant urging of Fan Tianhua’s True Qi, that side of the void is vaguely unable to support, and seems to be a sign of collapse.

“Higher Martial Emperor 5th Layer cultivation base! Really strong imposing manner!”

“Sure enough, this imposing manner is not worse than the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse, then Soul Fire armor can really enhance the strength!”

“A full gap between the cultivation base of Heaven and Earth Realm, plus the increase of Soul Fire armor, this time, Chu Yan is finished!”


With the exclamation of all around, Fan Tianhua on the ring, the imposing manner keeps rising.

A pair of eyes, black pupils disappeared, replaced by a pair of white infiltrating flames, born in his eyes.

In that way, the golden pupils of the 8 Dragon Race guards in the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness World tower are almost identical.

“Antiquity Martial Soul !? Antiquity Soul !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, listening to the argument of all around, slightly hook the head.

What a dog, fart Antiquity Martial Soul! ?

Of the dozens of 10000 people present, is there anyone who knows Antiquity Martial Soul better than himself! ?

As the saying goes, Tai Chi produces 2 poles, 2 polarizations 4 images …

This is the derivation of the origin of the World. Among the Heavenly Dao origins of Martial Soul World, in addition to the Yin-Yang origin, the original World origin is the beginning of Five Elements.

In this Martial Soul World, is there more origin than Chu Yan’s Five Elements Divine Beast Martial Soul! ?

Moreover, the most important thing is that Fan Tianhua’s “Soul Eater Cold Flame”, Chu Yan has tried it, and has a deep heart.

Therefore, no matter what Fan Tianhua turns into “Soul Eater Cold Flame”, its essence is not Soul Eater Cold Flame! ?

Different fire list, ranked top 10, and Antiquity Soul Art!

This strength is enough to shock everyone!

Seeing Fan Tianhua’s imposing manner approaching Peak, Chu Yan also urged True Qi.


A fiery 5-color fire wave burst from Chu Yan like a volcanic eruption.

In the soaring fire wave, it turned into a 5-color Vermilion Bird illusory shadow, rushed to the sky, rushed out of thehundred zhang high degree, collided with the Ring Formation, directly melted a crack, disappeared under the gaze of more than 10000 eyes Above the sky.

In the next moment, a path of red flames on Chu Yan’s body appears constantly.

“Xuantian Fire Body!”

One of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul Life Source Martial Soul technology.

However, after Vermilion Bird Martial Soul was promoted to War Soul, the formidable power of Xuantian Fire Body could no longer be understood.

In less than 3 breaths, Chu Yan’s body was completely wrapped in Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, just like a Fire God, standing on the ring, and watching Fan Tianhua so quietly.

“Yi !? Chu Yan what is this …!?”

“It just seemed to be his Martial Soul Form Transformation. Is this Martial Soul fusion technique?”

“The fierce power of really strong, can’t stop the ring Formation!”

“God, this is the fusion of body refinement and Form Transformation, really strong!”


Chu Yan’s state, which fell on the 8 Taoist battle stage, was another wave of exclamation.

Unlike Fan Tianhua, even a group of gangsters on the rostrum, no one knows, what powerful soul surgery Chu Yan just performed.

However, based on the Divine Consciousness feeling, they can find out that Chu Yan’s Soul Art is very strong!

“This is the power of bloodline!”

Only Ouyang Nantian, with a smile on her face, looked at Chu Yan on the ring and opened the mouth and said softly.

“You mean, Martial Soul of this child is also bloodline Martial Soul !?”

Emperor Ningtian heard Ouyang Nantian’s words, and suddenly the complexion changed and asked.

“Ha ha….”

Ouyang Nantian just smiled, without an affirmative answer, and immediately made Ningtian Emperor’s brow furrowed tightly.

Of course, the relationship between Ouyang Nantian and Chu Yan, Emperor Ningtian knew.

Moreover, Ouyang Nantian is one of the few Half-God Realm powerhouses in the inverse Divine Dao.

And now, it is clear that Ouyang Nantian is optimistic about Chu Yan, what does that mean! ?

“Could this child be better than Fan Tianhua’s Soul Fire armor of Soul Eater !?”

With full of doubts, Emperor Ningtian’s Divine Consciousness surged out again, moved towards the direction of the ring, and the attention of the whole heart was compared.

On the ring, Chu Yan, ready to complete, has already shot!


Chu Yan raised his hand with a punch, directly hitting Fan Tianhua on the opposite side. This fist is no longer Golden’s Dragon Gang’s fist, but a blazing flame, like a Fire God bird flapping his wings, moved towards Fan Tianhua soared away.

“En !?”

Fan Tianhua saw that this fist had struck, and before he reacted, the oncoming terror heat wave suddenly frozen the smile on his face.

“break for me !”

Without a trace of hesitation, Fan Tianhua condensed his body with anger and was also punched out!

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