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Blood Yellow Springs fruit looks very beautiful, even with a fascinating power that makes Divine Soul tremble.

This kind of fruit produced in the Demon Domain core area, which was used to enshrine the Imperial Family before the Antiquity era, not only has a precious effect, but also has a stunning appearance.

Therefore, when Yue Linglong saw the “blood Yellow Springs” in Chu Yan’s hands, his eyes glowed, and he was also pleasantly surprised.

“cough cough …”

At this moment, the black night not far away, slowly turned his head, his eyes twitched twice, and quickly coughed twice.

The sound sounded, Yue Linglong was full of small surprise faces, instantly frozen.

“hmph! ”

Some unhappy Yue Linglong, looked towards Black Night, made a grimace, and the smile on his face began to converge in an instant.

As the Young Palace Lord of the Dark Temple, in front of so many subordinates, of course, pay attention to it.

Although Hei Xiao was helpless, she still had to remind her.

Although he likes the temperament like Yue Linglong very much, he knows that one day, sooner or later, Yue Linglong will be in charge of the Dark Temple. This kind of character has no benefit for her!

“Little Chu, if you have a conscience, you still know to give me a gift!” Yue Linglong looked at Chu Yan, his eyes slightly curved, directly Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“Wait, little … Chu !?”

Chu Yan, who was stunned by Yue Linglong, suddenly stared at Yue Linglong, this girl, why every time he met, he gave himself a new name hu! ?

“It’s up to you …”

Slightly pondering, Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong, 2 eyes full of little stars, suddenly the head, gave up the fight.

Because, Yue Linglong’s eyes clearly had a trace of expectation, as if waiting for Chu Yan to argue with her.

“Blood Yellow Springs Fruit !?”

Not far away, Hei Xiao turned his head and glanced at the dark golden fruit in the hands of Young Palace Lord, and he smiled and shook the head.

Such heavenly materials earthly treasures may be considered precious in the eyes of ordinary Martial Artist.

But who is Yue Linglong! ?

That’s the Young Palace Lord of the Dark Temple. It can be said that even the top-level heavenly materials earthly treasures of Ten Directions Star Domain are not in front of her in piles.

However, the night is rarely seen, because some kind of heavenly materials earthly treasures, Young Palace Lord will be so happy.

“Little Chu, this drop of blood essence of Demon Race, give you!”

Seeing that Chu Yan did not respond, Yue Linglong was slightly disappointed, and then smiled gently, took out a small jade bottle and handed it to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan shook his head gently and said, “Devil blood essence, I have it!”

“En!? You have, why not enter Demon Sect !?” Yue Linglong asked curiously.

When I first saw Chu Yan, Yue Linglong saw Chu Yan staying near the Demon Sect, thinking that he had no blood essence of the demon, so he didn’t enter the Demon Sect and went up to Yellow Springs Road.

But now, when I heard Chu Yan say he had blood essence of Mozu, he asked unexpectedly.

“I am and the others!” Chu Yan replied.

“En !?”

The spirit eye lifted slightly, and Yue Linglong was easy. From Chu Yan’s eyes, he saw a trace of killing intent, and suddenly understood the reason why Chu Yan stayed here.

“No need to wait, the person you have to wait for has already entered Yellow Springs Road and will not show up here in Demon Sect!”

Yue Linglong smiled lightly, opened the mouth and said.

“So, why don’t you go with me now and go straight in!”

“What !? You have to go too !?” Chu Yan hearing this, suddenly surprised, looked towards Yue Linglong, shook his head and said

“That will not work, absolutely not!”

Chu Yan didn’t expect, Yue Linglong will propose to go to Yellow Springs Road with himself.

You know, he came to Yellow Springs Road this time to deal with Yin Heaven Elder of Saint Heavenly Pavilion. Therefore, Chu Yan did not want to involve Yue Linglong. After all, his opponent is Saint Heavenly Pavilion, which may cause trouble for her. And danger.

“Young Palace Lord….”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, even the night of the night not far away, she turned back, just about to discourage, but saw that Yue Linglong ’s face had changed, hurry to shut her mouth, turned back, when she heard nothing. .

As the night of watching Yue Linglong grow up, I understand Yue Linglong’s character better than anyone else.

As long as it was her decision, it was almost impossible to change, and now, looking at the expression of the Young Palace Lord, you know that the matter has been resolved, and it is useless to say more!

“Hmph! I said yes, yes! If you dare not listen to me, today I will let you go!”

Yue Linglong’s mouth puckered into the sky, directly revealing a sloppy side, and that expression was so bad that he put his hands around his chest.

“This one….”

Chu Yan was a little embarrassed, but when he saw the distance, the Emperor Heixiao secretly cast a look, and he let go of his heart, nodded

“okay then!”

Since Imperial Capital has no opinion, it is not convenient for me to say more. After all, this big Young Lady has just helped himself.

“Hehe, you are obedient!”

Yue Linglong’s complexion became better in a moment, and the smile on his face made the dirty magical energy of all around seem thinner.

Boom … Rumble!

At this moment, on the Demon Sect sky above the head, a thunder sound sounded, and the whole sky shook suddenly.

Looking up, I saw a golden thundercloud, carrying dozens of silhouettes, moved towards the already opened Demon Sect, and rushed straight in.

“Primeval Beginning Palace !?”

The Emperor Heixiao released the identity of the Golden Thundercloud at a glance, and suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

This time, Yellow Springs Road is really lively!

Not only the inverse Divine Dao, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the Dark Temple, and the 7 Battle Clan, even Primeval Beginning Palace, all sent genius to come.

“Chu Yan, I remind you, no matter what happens in Yellow Springs Road, I do n’t want to see Young Palace Lord, less a hair!”

At the time of speaking, the Black Night Emperor, flashed with powerful Diwei, although not enveloped to Chu Yan, but the invisible majestic aura still shocked Chu Yan Divine Soul.

“Black Night Senior, please rest assured that anyone who wants to hurt Moon Girl must step through my corpse first!”

Chu Yan’s face was firmly replied.

Hearing this, the aura on Hei Xiao quickly converged, with a smile on her face, slowly nodded.

Although the safety of the Young Palace Lord has been guaranteed, but hearing this remark from Chu Yan, Hei Ye was very satisfied.

“Little Brother Chu, let’s go!” Yue Linglong said softly, with a faint smile on his face.

“En !? How can you be so polite all at once !?”

Chu Yan looked at Yue Linglong with a smile on his face for a moment.

Just now Little Chu Little Chu’s scream, Kung Fu in the blink of an eye, even called the brother.

“Nothing! Hehe!”

In a word, Yue Linglong stood up straight, and in a white dress, like a white cloud, Demon Sect moved towards the sky and flew away.

Chu Yan slightly startedled, without hesitation, quickly flew up, moved towards Demon Sect direction, chased to Yue Linglong.

“Protection Sir, don’t we really follow along !?”

A powerhouse in the dark temple came to Heixiao and asked.

“No more! Everything is up to the Young Palace Lord, after all … Such days are not much for the Young Palace Lord!”

Heixiao looked up at the two silhouettes on the sky and slowly took the head.

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