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Buzz …! Buzz …!

In front of the huge mountain range, there is a canyon, dividing the mountain range into two.

In that canyon, a small river meanders and overflows. It seems that it is naturally formed, but in the sky, there is a thick sword, which makes the flow of the void a bit chaotic.

And that knife-intent, from near to far, is the richest in that canyon location.

At the same time, the cliff on the 2nd side of the canyon is extremely straight and looks more like being cut by a knife.

“It’s really strong!”

Even if Chu Yan is a sword repairer, he feels that in the sky the sword intentions of unknown years are still left, it is still Divine Soul trembling, the whole body is boiling blood.

Obviously, what a horror the person who wielded the sword here was a cultivation base battle strength! ?

might of a single blade, millions of years.

The figure slowly fell from the sky, and Chu Yan and Yue Linglong landed on the cliffs on the two sides, looked towards all around.

In front of this mountain range, there is a dense forest that can’t be seen at a glance. The various large trees growing there are several hundred degrees high.

Many trees do not exist in the outside world at all. They are obviously the only species of Demon Domain.

In this forest, if you just glance at it, you can see that many heavenly materials earthly treasures and exotic flowers grow in the meantime.

However, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong are not far away. A group of powerhouses holding Spirit Armament are fighting in a frantic battle.

These powerhouses are divided into several camps, various secret skills of imperial skills, exploding layers of gas explosions, sweeping all directions.

Chu Yan carefully recognized, and soon, in it, found a silhouette of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, as well as Primordial Sect and Antiquity 7 Battle Clan.

In addition, there are several Loose Cultivator, also mixed in, to deal with people.

Not far from the battlefield, there is a glorious palace, living in the forest, which looks very green and mysterious.

In the palace, a more magnificent aura rushed out, a path of Profound Light shining on Heaven and Earth, wrapped in the terrifying True Qi power, soaring into the sky, burst into heaven.

The entire Spirit Qi palace, under the power of this horror, kept shaking.

Chu Yan’s eyes, five different colors flashing, and Qilin’s pupils were in operation, instantly penetrated the palace’s defense Great Array, and saw the battle scene.

I saw that among the 3 Holy Emperor Realm powerhouses, there is a person turned out to be Magic Thunder Emperor.

The other 2 leaps, one wearing a broken iron armor and a sturdy body, and the other wearing a panlong golden robe, with a pair of firebrows on his face.

“Heavenly Emperor Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and Panlong Saint Emperor of the Crazy Race!”

Chu Yan eyes froze, his face pale.

Chu Yan has detailed information about Ten Directions Star Domain, all the powerhouse above the Holy Emperor Realm, so as long as these Saint Emperors do not change the shape and aura, Chu Yan can recognize it at a glance.

Especially in the powerhouse above Saint Heavenly Pavilion, and in the internal data of Divine Dao, even if they changed aura, Chu Yan can recognize it with the eyes of Qilin.

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s, it was Yellow Springs Road!” Chu Yan murmured.

Needless to say, among the three emperors, Heavenly Paralympic Emperor, in his name in Saint Heavenly Pavilion “God Sinner”, I am afraid that the Heavenly Paralympic Emperor will chase himself crazy once he meets.

Both the relationship between Saint Heavenly Pavilion and the inverse Divine Dao, or the relationship between his Chu Yan and Saint Heavenly Pavilion, are irreconcilable.

And that Emperor of Lightning Thunder, because of some things in the inverse Divine Dao, is now also a relationship of opposition, and Chu Yan has already made up his mind, in Yellow Springs Road, as long as he meets, he will count with him. Settle accounts.

Therefore, the current situation is that of the three holy emperors, two have an enemy relationship with themselves.

“I don’t know, what are they fighting for?”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, while running Qilin’s pupil, looked towards all around.

In this Demon Domain, Martial Artist’s Divine Consciousness is not very useful because of the existence of magic energy. Only the pupil technique like Chu Yan has some exploration capabilities.

However, not every Martial Artist has a pupil technique.

In Martial Soul World, only Spirit Mark, such as Situ Yang, has a cultivation pupil technique, but did n’t expect. In this Demon Domain, it takes a big advantage.

Qilin ’s pupil moved sideways, only a few glances, and Chu Yan ’s face instantly changed, and a startled look rose in his eyes.

Because, outside the palace, several powerhouses are competing for a Yellow Springs Fruit Tree, as well as a blood Yellow Springs.

Within the palace, 3 Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses are competing for a jade box, which contains nearly 30 blood Yellow Springs fruits!

30 Blood Yellow Springs fruit, if you grab it, take back the Divine Dao, and the number of points exchanged is just enough to exchange for the next 5 Soulstones.

You know, the last 5 soul stone, but Chu Yan’s cultivation base skyrocketed, and Martial Soul improved a lot.

“No! I can’t come forward and snatch directly. I’m not afraid of dealing with those people, but the three emperors are simply impossible …

Chu Yan’s eyes wrinkled slightly, staring at that side of the jade box, thinking constantly in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, with both eyes and his eyes constantly flashing.

“Moon Girl, it seems that we have to join forces once again, maybe there is a chance …”

For a moment, Chu Yan looked towards Yue Linglong, softly opened the mouth and said.

As Chu Yan’s plan came out, Yue Linglong’s face suddenly appeared a bit of excitement, and the spirit eye shone.

“Hehe, interesting! Sounds fun …”

Regardless of Chu Yan’s plan, there is no chance of winning. In Yue Linglong’s big eyes, there is only anticipation and abuse.

So many Yellow Springs fruit and blood Yellow Springs, if they can grab the hand, especially with these people, it is also a very interesting thing for her.

Uh …!

The impatient Yue Linglong, hung up the white gauze on his face, a body, and flew directly towards the palace.

“En! Someone is coming !?”

Several Martial Artists in the battle immediately discovered this unexpected guest.

didn’t expect, and a new powerhouse has joined, so that the competition is not more intense! ?

Hearing the shout, Martial Artist in other directions turned his head.

Except for the three emperors in the palace, they didn’t care about the ordinary Yellow Springs outside, so they didn’t pay attention to the situation outside, nor did they find Yue Linglong’s appearance.

After all, the battle between the Holy Emperors, distraction, is not a good thing.

“Yue Luofanghua! Lead!”

Yue Linglong will take care of the eyes of these ordinary powerhouses. People are in midair, but they have already shot. The tide-like True Qi rushes out, releasing a vast silver light like the moon god’s sky, and the whole space is reflected. Silver white.

The small raised hand, the huge Yellow Springs Fruit Tree, suddenly trembles, and the silver index shrouded in it is uprooted, flying towards Yue Linglong.


A lot of powerhouses, seeing this scene are all complexion greatly changed, and they can’t believe it.

Actually … there are such means!

Even the tree called Demon God in the Antiquity era, a bark, is comparable to the Yellow Springs Fruit Tree of Emperor Artifact, so it can be uprooted so easily! ?

“Hugh think!”

Seeing the Yellow Springs Fruit Tree fly over his head, a group of Martial Artists suddenly woke up and shot together!

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