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The natural disaster mother-in-law was savvy, did not lose money at home and abroad, lost to him as a discipline, and won to be his grandson.

But is this trick useful to Chu Yan?

Of course not, and Chu Yan also gave her a trick, recognising Master!

Chu Yan raised a corner of his mouth, looking quietly at the natural disaster mother-in-law, her eyes flashing slightly.

Mentioning such conditions, it is not that Chu Yan really wants to take this natural disaster mother-in-law servant, but wants to try out what this natural disaster mother-in-law wants to do! ?

You must know that the natural disaster mother-in-law has a special status. I think her existence is more important than dignity.

Therefore, the conditions proposed by Chu Yan, if under normal circumstances, the natural disaster mother-in-law is absolutely impossible to agree, and even directly desperate to Chu Yan.

But then, the reaction of the natural disaster mother-in-law made Chu Yan stunned.

“Okay! Okay! Okay! That’s what you said, that’s it! Let’s make the Heavenly Dao vow!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the mother-in-law of the Scourge was extremely excited, her face full of light, and she nodded her head, and at the same time, she agreed directly. That look was as if she was afraid that Chu Yan would die, and she would regret it.

Heavenly Dao oath! ?

What did the mother-in-law of this day want to do! ?

With doubts, Chu Yan and the natural disaster mother-in-law took the Heavenly Dao oath respectively.

The content, as Chu Yan said, lost to the natural disaster mother-in-law as the discipline, if you win, the natural disaster mother-in-law recognized Chu Yan as the main.

After the oath was completed, the natural disaster mother-in-law walked to the corner of the devil’s hall with a smile, looking at Chu Yan on the stairs, said with a smile

“Disciple, don’t blame me for not reminding you, that Demon God Avatar is very strong!”

“So, you either have to admit defeat, or else when the time comes bloody nose and swollen face beaten by it, don’t cry! Don’t find a teacher to help you get revenge!”

“Because, I … couldn’t beat him! Ha ha ha …”

The laughter of the mother-in-law of the Scourge resounded through the devil’s palace.

Above the stairs, Chu Yan, who was standing opposite Demon God Avatar, heard this, but it was complexion changed.

This Demon God Avatar is so powerful! ?

Not even Scourge’s mother-in-law is his opponent! ?

You should know that this natural disaster mother-in-law is at least the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, plus she carries destiny, there are always some special means to suppress the Yellow Springs roads.

If she is telling the truth, how strong is this Demon God Avatar in front of her! ?

However, strong! ? Is it not good! ?

Chu Yan’s within both eyes, the flames of battle intent, ignited.

Just now, the mother-in-law of the Scourge not only didn’t scare Chu Yan, but aroused Chu Yan’s heart of war.

In addition, Chu Yan also heard a meaning, that is, this Demon God Avatar has no killing intent!

Then, fight!

See how strong the Demon God Avatar is, one of the 100 10,000 Demon Gods, 2 1 years ago! ?

“St. Rakshasa field!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan came up and urged the realm of St. Rakshasa. The violent Rakshasa True Qi, like a black cloud surging, instantly covered the entire space and covered the entire space.

St. Rakshasa field, not only can suppress opponents, but also improve their battle strength.

The most important thing is that Chu Yan is very sure that Avatar, even God’s Avatar, is capable of performing in the field.


Almost in the Rakshasa field of Chu Yan, the moment that enveloped the tall Demon God Avatar, as if the Demon God Avatar was activated momentarily, issued an angry roar, and the entire demon temple trembling.

The right arm was raised, soaring over the top, a black sword, broke out of the air, exactly the same as the sword held by the statue next to it.

The shadow of the knife fell, dark and silky, silent and silent, but as fast as a flash of electricity, just a glance made Chu Yan’s scalp numb.

“Good knife!”

Chu Yan can clearly see that this blade was cut off, and even the realm of St. Rakshasa was directly split.

The thick black cloud, divided into two, flashed with cold glow, cut straight to Chu Yan’s body.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan pulled his backhand, Clear Sky Sword unsheathed, Sword Qi stirred, swung up, and collided with the magic knife fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The fierce violent battle unfolded in an instant.

Holding a long sword, Chu Yan rushed forward and fought with Demon God Avatar, only visible, countless afterimages, flying around Demon God, flying up and down.

Every time the afterimage is crossed, it is accompanied by a collision of blade light sword shadow, the fire star exploded like a steel furnace, a meteor sky, and 4 splashes.

Demon God Avatar’s battle method is simple, straightforward, and crude …

There is no unique skill at all, only a knife!

No matter how Chu Yan puts it on, Demon God Avatar stands still, blade after blade, and keeps chopping off.

With each knife, the tremor in the void is so powerful that it exceeds Chu Yan’s imagination.

The most frightening thing is that the perfect fusion of power and skill, even if the great power is cut, as long as Chu Yan moves, the magic knife will stagnate instantly and move with it.

This kind of retractable, compared with “Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light” that Chu Yan had realized before, has “lifting weight as much as possible”, and even more high rank.

“White Tiger Martial Soul, come out!”

Chu Yan long sword slashed, battle intent like a tide, a tall White Tiger Martial Soul behind him, roaring the void, a pair of tiger eyes golden light Cancan, glaring at the Demon God Avatar opposite.

The prestige of Tiger God, War God, and the battle of Demon God Avatar suddenly collided, in the sky, exploding a circle of air waves.


Seemingly irritated by the might of White Tiger Martial Soul, Demon God Avatar turned his head and looked at White Tiger Martial Soul with a loud roar.

At the same time, with this roar, a large amount of golden light poured out from the Demon God throne below, quickly integrating into Demon God Avatar within the body.

In an instant, the original illusory Demon God Avatar instantly became solid.

On the black skin, the Golden Spirit Mark is tangled, and the steel-like muscles contain the wild power that seems to break Heaven and Earth.


With a firm grip, the magic knife trembles, and Blade Qi emanating from the blade, like a wave, swept across the great hall.

“En !? Three times stronger than before !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept across, suddenly looking awkward, looking at the Demon God Avatar in front of him, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

didn’t expect, this Demon God Avatar, can actually improve the battle strength.

Moreover, Chu Yan is very clear that this is not the improvement of cultivation base strength, but only the improvement of battle strength.

To be precise, it is the single attribute promotion of the way of power!

Tom …!

Demon God Avatar, armed with a sword, stepped out and walked straight down from the in the sky on the throne of Demon God.

The moment the feet landed on the ground, a circle of fluctuations rushed away in an instant.

Moreover, this Demon God Avatar’s body is all around, a large piece of void continues to tremble, and a tiny void crack appears constantly

The power of fleshy body alone is enough to smash the void! ?

This is still the case, it is just accumulating …

“More and more interesting …”

Chu Yan looked at the Demon God in front, with both eyes red light and Xinguang flashing at the same time, the blood pupil and golden pupil shot out the magical pupil light, looking directly at the tall Demon God Avatar.

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