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The Yellow Springs fruit is extremely precious, and the Yellow Springs fruit is even more precious.

However, comparing them with the Devil Fruits is like the difference between ordinary fruits and Immortal Grass.

In the Antiquity era, the demon floating period had the strength to fight against God World. At that time, the Demon Fruit, even in the Demon Realm Imperial Family, was not available to every Imperial Family clansman.

“Yellow Springs Mausoleum, where ?!” Chu Yan asked.

“Lord, come with me, I will take you to …” The mother-in-law of the Scourge quickly agreed and flew forward.

For her, as long as Chu Yan no longer plays that magic tripod, everything else is easy to say.

Wait for Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, follow the natural disaster mother-in-law, out of the Magic Temple Formulation, turn over the mountain range, and then look up …

I saw that on the far side of the sky, ten or two streamers of different colors were gathered together at this time, forming a huge sea of ​​colored clouds.

This natural phenomenon, which appears in the realm, gives a strange feeling.

After all, Caiyun Pixia, this is a natural phenomenon unique to Divine Realm, how could it appear in the realm.

Since ancient times, everyone knows that Demon Realm has always been covered with black magic energy. Various monsters are rampant. In addition to black and red, other colors rarely appear.

But it was didn’t expect, the natural phenomenon opened by the Demon Emperor’s Mausoleum, it was like the opening of Secret Realm somewhere in Divine Realm.

“Luck is very good!”

The mother-in-law of the Scourge looked at the sky.

“This Yellow Springs mausoleum has not been opened for 100,000 years. It seems that there are people from the Imperial Family of the Devil!”

“People of the Devil Imperial Family !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

At the beginning, Divine Dao’s eclipse and bloodless father and son were said to be only descendants of the Demon Race, which is already considered to be in Ten Directions Star Domain, which is extremely rare.

But now, there are actually people from the Devil Imperial Family! ?

Could it be that the people of Saint Heavenly Pavilion came to Yellow Springs Road to chase down the Imperial Family of these demon races! ?

However, in the end who is a member of the Demon Imperial Family and why he will appear on Yellow Springs Road again, is he not afraid, Saint Heavenly Pavilion! ?

Chu Yan didn’t understand it. Too many doubts could not be explained.

“Forget it, it’s important to get there as soon as possible. If you have a chance, you can kill Yin Tianquan!”

Shook the head, Chu Yan no longer thought much, took Yue Linglong, and followed behind the natural disaster mother-in-law, turned into 3 flying rainbows, moved towards the Xiayun area on the horizon, and hurried at full speed.

At the same time, the entire Yellow Springs Road, everywhere …

All the forces and powerhouses who entered the Yellow Springs Road, when they saw ten or two Profound Lights, gathered together and evolved into a cloud, they all boiled.

Although most people do n’t know that this is the opening of the Yellow Springs tomb, they can all guess that this sudden natural phenomenon must have a major event.

And such a major event may be a great opportunity.

“Look! What was that day !?”

“Wow, what a big piece of cotton candy …”

“Are you a pig? Is that cotton candy? That’s the Yellow Springs tomb!”

“Didn’t expect, Ten Directions Star Domain, even the Demon Realm Imperial Family exists, and dare to appear on Yellow Springs Road !?”

“Ha ha ha, luck very good, didn’t expect this kind of 100,000-year event will also make me encounter, this time developed!”

“Yi!? Senior Brother messaging, let us gather together quickly!”

“Hurry, hurry up.”


With all kinds of surprises and excitement, the entire forces and powerhouses on Yellow Springs Road all moved towards the Yunxia Land and gathered together.

And somewhere in the hidden corner of the mountain range, Little White Bear and Situ Yang, also glaring at the round eyes, looking at the colorful cloud natural phenomenon in the sky.

“Boss, went in that direction …”

Very terrifying aura, my whole body blood and Divine Soul are shaking, there … dangerous! “Situ Yang’s face was pale as paper, and his whole body was shiver coldly.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, talk nonsense again, beat you!”

Little White Bear heard Situ Yang’s words, and raised Yang’s thick bear’s paw, grinning.

“Uh … okay!” Situ Yang wailed with tears, and he didn’t dare to hard-top Little White Bear.

So, one circle and one fat, 2 silhouettes, moved towards Yunxia on the horizon, and hurried away.

In the next hour, all the powerhouses on Yellow Springs Road were moved.

Even if they are in Secret Realm Danger Land or are collecting heavenly materials earthly treasures, they all give up the treasure in front of them and moved towards the same direction.

Secret Realm and heavenly materials earthly treasures can be missed. The great opportunity is never to be missed.

Another hour later, Chu Yan 3 people have arrived.

Standing far from the top of a mountain peak, Chu Yan and Yue Linglong, as well as the natural disaster mother-in-law, looked up towards the distant cloud-covered range.

There is a golden mountain peak, up to 10,000 zhang. On top of the mountain peak, a golden Profound Rank forms a semicircle and surrounds the mountain peak.

Golden’s Spirit Peak!

Chu Yan has seen countless Spirit Peak fairy mountains, but what is certain is that so far, Golden’s Spirit Peak is definitely the first time I saw it.

Of course, this Spirit Peak, impossible is made of gold.

In Martial Soul World, whether it is Martial Artist Sect or power, I am afraid that no one is interested in gold. The lowest rank treasure, at least Spirit Stone.

Therefore, this Golden Peak Peak represents not that it has a special material, but that its status is unique.

Especially in places like Demon Realm, there are many mountain peaks in all directions on 4 sides, although there are many green peaks, but the whole Demon Realm is still seen in the black abyss and the red lava river in 4 places.

Looking at such a Golden Spirit Peak from afar, it suddenly gives a sense of majesty and solemnity.

However, there is a trace of doubt in Chu Yan’s heart.

Caixia Cloud, Golden Spirit Peak, Majestic …

This is really the Imperial Family of Demon Realm… lost place! ?

You know, here is the abyss Demon Race, God and Demon Great War back then, represented the evil side!

Even from the earliest time, when he first entered the abyss, he saw blood-thirsty monsters all over the ground, and ghosts and ghosts. At that time, Chu Yan was sure that this was the abyss.

But now, when looking at the golden Holy Mountain in front of him, Chu Yan’s heart was puzzled, and even a little trance.

“These noses are very spiritual!”

The natural disaster mother-in-law looked at the golden Spirit Peak from afar, and a large group of Martial Artists had gathered, and coldly snorted could not help making a noise.

The Mausoleum of the Imperial Family cannot be blasphemy, it is who can enter! ?

At the foot of the Golden Spirit Peak, there are a large number of Martial Artists and genius gathered, some are together, and the greetings are discussed, and some are starting to clear the mountain range forest all around.

Kill powerful monsters all around, take their magic cores, and even some teams, because of the uneven distribution of dirt, will also make a big shot.

At the foot of the Golden Spirit Peak, Emperor Thunder, Emperor Tian Can, Emperor Panlong, Emperor Kongtian, Emperor Ling, Li Mingdao, Ge Hong, etc., a large number of powerhouses.

These powerhouses represent Ten Directions Star Domain, such as Divine Dao, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, Primeval Beginning Palace, 7 Battle Clan, and several top powers.

This time, it is really lively!

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