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Originally, Yue Linglong saw Chu Yan and was swallowed by the Holy Emperor Spirit Hammer, and the whole person fell into tremendous grief and disappeared instantly.

Like 2 Great Saint emperors, other Great Emperor Realm above cultivation base gangsters, Yue Linglong immediately found out that the dust filling the sky exploded and the energy, not at all Chu Yan Divine Soul.

So, Chu Yan … is still alive!

Just now, the moment of Chu Yan might be reflected in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Yue Linglong has moved the heart of the slaveter, preparing to mobilize the Dark Moon Hall of the Dark Temple, and let everyone here be buried for it.

Now, with all her energy out, Yue Linglong finally calmed down.

“Good! Very good! The Lord is fine!”

Next to Yue Linglong, her mother-in-law’s natural disaster is like a little girl, but she has an old Zhang face, and she is also a long relaxed.

“Moon Girl, shall we leave here first!”

However, next moment, Divine Consciousness of Tian Can and Yin Tian Quan, moved towards mountain range, the scalp of the natural disaster mother-in-law exploded instantly, turned her head towards towards Yue Linglong, opened the mouth and said.

After all, just now she used secret techniques to help Chu Yan and her whereabouts have been exposed.

Unsurprisingly, the two emperors couldn’t find Chu Yan, calculated the account on her head, and destroyed her Divine Soul body.

After all, the mother-in-law of the Scourge is no better than Yue Linglong’s identity before the loss. In the face of the 2 Great Saint, there is no resistance at all, only evasion.

At this time, among the crowd below, a group of gangsters and genius gradually reacted, all looking at shock.

All pupils contracted sharply, their mouths gaped, and their faces were incredibly moved towards the direction of the mountain range.

However, after exploring for a long time, except for the Young Lady of the Dark Temple, the silhouette and aura of Yue Linglong, nothing could be detected at all.

Put it that way, that Chu Yan, really escape alive! ?

A path of thunderclap, exploding in everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, let them completely lose self-control!

You know, among the powerhouses here, the weakest cultivation base is also about Martial Emperor Realm.

And just now, that Chu Yan, also Martial Emperor Realm, demonstrated the strength and actions that made their entire Martial Dao World view completely subvert.

The same is the Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base. Do n’t talk about the two saints of the war, even if you let them speak, and say a word “No” to the emperor, I ’m afraid they will scare them to pee pants.

At the scene where countless people gathered, there was no trace of sound, everyone stood on the spot, and Sea of ​​Consciousness was messy.

After a long time, someone slowly spoke, saying

“This Chu Yan, so innate talent battle strength, if you let him break through to the real Great Emperor Realm, then …”

The word fell to the ground, like throwing a small stone into a calm lake, and immediately a large ripple rippled, followed by a complete boiling.

“Just … just now, what I saw was real, right?”

“Nonsense! Of course it’s true, I also saw that Chu Yan is really alone in 2 Great Saint emperors!”

“Still the 2 Great Saint emperor of the Saint Saint Heavenly Pavilion, this is too awesome!”

“That Heavenly Disabled is Saint Emperor 2 Layer, Heavenly Power Saint Emperor, Saint Emperor Realm 1st Layer, this strength, tsk tsk tsk!”

“Although Yourong ah! Wait and see, if that Chu Yan proves the Great Emperor Realm, don’t say the two in front of me, I am afraid that the powerhouse of the 2rd Layer of the Holy Realm is not Chu Yan’s opponent!

“St. Emperor Realm 3rd Layer!? Hehe, I think, St. Emperor Realm 4th Layer, not necessarily!”


The whole crowd, about Chu Yan’s voice, kept ringing.

These people, before they knew, Chu Yan was just a Martial Emperor Realm Loose Cultivator, and he was simply disdainful to him, but now, in addition to awe, there is no other heart in his heart.

The tidal waves below reached the sky, and the Heavenly Candidate Emperor and Yin Tianquan heard it, and suddenly turned black.

Let him escape!

At this time, that Chu Yan, in front of the forces, let Saint Heavenly Pavilion face away!

“hmph! ”

In the heart of Saint Tiandi, the emperor was full of unwillingness and hummed again.

“I still want to prove the Great Emperor Realm! Even if you can escape the first day, you can still escape from Yellow Springs Road !? This time, you will never be allowed to leave Yellow Springs Road alive!”

With a word, the Heavenly Desolate Emperor turned directly, moved towards one direction, and flew away.

“Damn ….. abominable!”

Yin Tianquan saw that the Emperor Tian Can left, listening to what he meant, it should be to track down the Chu Yan, and immediately stomped and scolded.

Like Tian Can, Yin Tianquan had to admit that everything is now foregone. If he wants to kill Chu Yan, he can only find another chance.

However, unlike Tiancan, Yintianquan came to Yellow Springs Road this time with a clear purpose.

Therefore, he hesitated for a long time, but still gave up with Tian Can, lowered his body, and fell to the formation in front of the Golden Spirit Peak.

The purpose of his trip is the Mausoleum of the Demon Emperor in the Yellow Springs!

Yin Tianquan and several great emperors, after a slight shock adjustment, began to attack Formation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a loud blast, resounding through Heaven and Earth, like a path of heavy hammer, slamming in everyone’s heart.

Immediately afterwards, the people who gradually reacted also began to join the ranks, moved towards the formation of the Golden Spirit Peak, and began strikes up.

After this battle, some of the other powerful men present on the Saint Heavenly Pavilion’s perception and attitude have changed in the heart.

Especially in the end, when the evil spring tide of Yellow Springs appeared, the two emperors, Tian Can and Yin Tian Quan, moved towards the crowd in order to protect themselves, and even scared everyone’s face green.

Fortunately, the last ones are all illusory images, not really a wave of evil spirits, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, no matter how powerful it is or how powerful it is, it is unreliable.

In this Martial Soul World where weak are prey to the strong, the only thing you can rely on is your own strength. Like Chu Yan, the battle strength of one person fighting alone and two saints!

“Improve strength! This is the key!”

“Good! Only strength is the foundation of everything!”

“I also want to be a man like Chu Yan!”

“Quick, attack! Heavenly Demon Fruit, right in front of you!”


A Martial Artist, who constantly reacted, looked behind the golden Spirit Peak Formation, and the golden fruit in the stone forest instantly raised his spirit.

More and more Martial Artists are joining the team attacking the Golden Spirit Peak Formation.

Over time, 100 years away from the Golden Spirit Peak Formation, in an underground ruin, Situ Yang and Little White Bear are putting Golden Pill in front of their eyes, sitting cross-legged, traumatized, eyes tight Closed black robed youth mouth.

At the same time, Situ Yang continually laid down various spiritual arrays, and was so sweaty.

And Little White Bear, has been staring closely at Chu Yan with closed eyes and adjusting interest rates, anxious to contorts one’s face in agony.

I do n’t know how long after that, black robed youth, frowning frown, trembling suddenly …

A pair of black pupils deep like the sea of ​​stars, suddenly opened, and 2 shots with endless battle intent and angry eyes, burst into the void!

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