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Chu Yan, 3 people, observing the stone gate and the stone bridge, after a while, after confirming that there is no difference …

Chu Yan and Little White Bear, two people, turned their heads at the same time and looked at Situ Yang.

“Fuck, big brother, Boss, look at me!”

Situ Yang has been hiding behind Chu Yan and Little White Bear. From time to time, he took out 2 magic symbols, crushed them, and enforced some Spirit Mark power on himself.

Suddenly, when I saw Chu Yan and Little White Bear, 2 eyes glared over, and Situ Yang shivered, his body shivered, and he turned and wanted to leave.

3 The time that people get along is not short, so, in the mind of fatty, subconsciously feel a trace of danger.

“Dare to go, just throw you here alone!” Chu Yan shouted

“Go, get that door open!” Little White Bear added.

“According to … well, I drive, I drive!”

I originally wanted to fight, but when I saw Chu Yan and Little White Bear, the cold light flashed in my eyes, the fat neck shrank suddenly, and my face was decadent moved towards the stone.

However, with a distance of 100 steps, fatty walked full breaths for a sufficient time before cautiously approaching the stone gate.

First, after pushing hard and finding that the stone gate did not respond, Si Tuyang began to look up and down from the stone gate.

“Yi!? Antiquity bans the Spirit Array !?”

With a glance, Situ Yang soon found something above the gate post on the side of stone gate 2 and said.

“Hehe, by coincidence, this Young Master did this!”

laughed, Situ Yang saw that the stone gate was controlled by the Spirit Array, and his mind was suddenly settled. He also deliberately looked back at Chu Yan and Little White Bear, his face proud, as if to say …

Look! Without this Young Master, you can’t get in at all.

“Less nonsense, break it quickly!”

Little White Bear raised his paw directly and threatened.

Seeing that Little White Bear had a bad complexion, Situ twitched his neck and quickly turned around. With a big hand flip, he took out 2 Spirit Marks, threw them left and right, and threw them at the two side post.

Just before Spirit Mark touched the doorpost, Situ Yang shot both hands forming seals, shot 2 Spirit Seals, blasted on Spirit Mark, and exploded directly.

Bang! Bang!

In the exploding Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, the power of 2 groups of Spirit Mark gushed out and rolled towards the goal post.

“Hehe, get it, this little … yi !?”

Pats hand, Situ Yang who was about to turn around and groaned. Before he finished a sentence, he suddenly saw that the power of the 2 groups of Spirit Mark, after pouring into the entrance column, just lighted up lightly, and there was no movement … .

The power of his own Spirit Mark was swallowed! ?

How can this be! ?

Situ Yang looked at the two very quiet door posts with a dazed look, and the whole person was completely stupid.

Your own Spirit Mark, even if you can’t break this Antiquity magic circle ban, but how can 2 completely different Spirit Power attributes be swallowed up!

As a Spirit Mark teacher, this universal Spirit Mark, Spirit Array, prohibition, hardly knows that Stuart did not know!

Among them, of course, including Antiquity Divine Realm and Antiquity Demon Spirit Array, prohibition.

Therefore, Situ Yang was full of confidence at first, without any trace of doubt, but now, this result makes Situ Yang completely ignorant.

“Fatty, what are you doing !? Will it work !?”

Little White Bear saw that Situ Yang was stupid. How could she let go of the opportunity and just laughed at said with a smile.

“En!? This … does not seem to be the evil power of the Demon Race!”

Chu Yan looked at the two door posts, brows slightly wrinkle, and also found a trace of anomalies.

“What!? What are you talking about??”

Hearing Little White Bear’s words, Stuart Yang in the dullness exploded, his eyes completely red, staring at Little White Bear and roaring loudly.

“I can’t do it !? I can’t do it !? I’m going to be the man of the first Spirit Mark division, dare you say I … no!”

There was a roar, with endless suffocation and rage.

Situ Yang, whose dignity was challenged, was completely angry!

“Yousha Earth Rune, break for me!”

In the scream, Situ Yang waved a big hand, a piece of extremely black, so dark Spirit Mark, appeared in the palm of his hand.

Fiercely bit his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood essence, smeared on Spirit Mark, between Stuart’s eyebrows, a Spirit Seal in the shape of an eye, emerged, cast a spiritual light, and shone on the black charm in his hand.

Buzz …!

Suddenly, a great force of power rushed out of the black Jade Talisman, a terrifying Spirit Power tide, rushing out of Spirit Mark, rushing to all directions in 4 directions.

Even Chu Yan and Little White Bear, swept by the tide of Spirit Mark, were all swayed, with the body True Qi and monster qi boiling at the same time.

“Really strong Spirit Mark’s power!”

“Ao ao…!”

Chu Yan and Little White Bear, heart startled at the same time, looked towards the piece of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman in Situ Yang’s hands, eyes sparkling.


Amidst the shocking eyes of the two, Situ Yang waved a big hand. In the black Spirit Mark, a large black frenzy rushed out, grabbing the monstrous Spirit Power tide, like a flood peak, directly hitting the stone gate in front of him.

With a loud bang, Hong Feng bumped into the stone gate and issued a continuous explosion. The forbidden force pouring out of the gate post collided with it.

As the 2 Fang Qiangjun fought in battle, the violent force exploded, and the ground beneath the feet of 3 people was shaking.

However, this time, Stuart Yang was obviously angered. The Spirit Mark that he took out was estimated to be extremely high in rank, and it has been decimated all the way, completely smashing the prohibition force on the stone gate.

In less than a moment, the ripples on the stone gate rippled open, and the Antiquity ban completely failed.


a light sound, the originally closed stone gate, suddenly opened a slit …

“Haha, fight this Young Master, do you know how powerful it is?”

Situ Yang was very proud, waved his hand, withdrew the Black Spirit Mark, lifted his feet and moved towards the stone gate.

However, when he touched the stone gate with a light push, all of a sudden, after the stone gate, a sharp flash struck and stabbed Situ Yang’s chest.

This is a black magic knife, stabbed out of the stone gate, with a knife that makes Divine Soul feel cold, it is extremely fierce.


Chu Yan, who has been alert all the time, has no hesitation, and shoots directly, with two fingers and a sword.


Blade Qi collided with Sword Intent, and he was so invincible that it stirred up the magic knife 100 10,000 years ago into nothingness.

Although the battle with the 2 Great Saint Emperor has not been completely recovered from the trauma, but it is still more than enough to deal with such an institution

Uh …!

Body flashed, Chu Yan rushed directly to Situ Yang, and would scare his pale face. Fatty who had not responded was behind him, raising his hands with a few fingers, stabting behind the stone gate.

After determining absolute safety, Chu Yan raised his hand and pushed hard, and the stone gate suddenly opened wide.

Chu Yan was in front, Situ Yang followed, and behind the Little White Bear Hall, the three carefully walked across the stone bridge and stepped on the opposite side.

Just reached the opposite side, 3 people looked up and swept, but their eyes were bright.

“Fuck, this … this …”

Situ raised his face with excitement and excitement. His tongue was knotted. In the eyes of a pair of fans, it was all polished.

Even if it was Chu Yan, this one glanced over and looked at shock all over his face.

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