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The sky full of purple monster qi, rushing past, on the opposite bank, condensed into a bear body of nearly 5 10 zhang size.

It is only a few laps smaller than the Little White Bear true body, but the overall appearance is a super bear demon, and the cultivation base is also around the 3rd Layer of the Monster Emperor.

Little White Bear hasn’t learned the art of Avatar, but the art of Avatar that he will possess after reaching the upper Martial Emperor Realm.

Therefore, the differentiated body of the Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear, regardless of body type or monster cultivator, must be much weaker.

However, Chu Yan did not want this Avatar to fight, so it was enough.

“Heaven Sealing, a placeholder, show!”

Situ Yang, who was next to him, had been ready for a long time. With a big wave of his hand, purple Jade Talisman flew out, and the hand seal touched it, breaking Jade Talisman to pieces.

The power of the Purple Spirit Mark swept through the blockbuster, completely enveloping the Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear Avatar.

“Jade Beetle, come on!”

Chu Yan’s two-eye spiritual glow flickered, raised his finger, and the jade beetle on his shoulder flew out, shooting at the position of the brow of Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear Avatar, and it came in.


The Jade Beetle releases the Antiquity War Beast aura, which quickly merges with the Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear Avatar.

3 Ways in One, Perfect Avatar is born!

Not bad ~!

This time, Chu Yan is not going to use his own Avatar, but the Little White Bear’s Avatar, the purpose is to hide, how long it can be hidden.


Chu Yan and Little White Bear have a spiritual bond, and its Avatar and Chu Yan are free to manipulate.

And Little White Bear, grinned, sank into the spiritual river of Xiaoxuan again, closed his cultivation, and as for what Boss wants to do, it was already clear.

Even Situ Yang, next to him, just froze for a moment, when he saw Chu Yan instructing that Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear Avatar, soaring into the sky, his figure disappeared directly in the upper soil layer, before his eyes shined, and suddenly he suddenly felt.

“Hehe… there is a good show now!”


Abyss, Yellow Springs Road, Gold Spirit Peak …

The formation of Yellow Springs Mausoleum is getting thinner and thinner, which is less than 30% of the original thickness.

At this moment, all the eyes staring behind the golden Formation, the stone forest full of heavenly demon fruit, all became hot.

At the same time, the eyes of some bigwigs have slowly become strange.

“Everyone, beware of the Panlong Saint Emperor, he is a madman, and he just opposed me with Saint Heavenly Pavilion …”

Yin Tianquan swept the corners of the eyes hidden in the crowd, basically did not shoot Panlong Saint Emperor, Divine Consciousness sound transmission, and Tian Can, Magic Thunder and several other emperor big brothers, opened the mouth and said.

“Wait a moment, the Formation is broken. Let’s take some shots and deal with this Panlong Emperor first. When the time comes, there will be one less fruit of the devil, how?”

For the help of Pan Yan, Emperor Panlong, he has always been holding a grudge against him. At present, the gold Spirit Peak Formation is about to be broken, and he starts to calculate, first to eliminate the difference, how to get a bigger harvest.

“Okay! Just do it!”

Heavenly Candidate Emperor hearing this, glanced at Panlong Saint Emperor not far away, also flashed coldly in his eyes, directly nodded.

Just like Yin Tianquan, the emperor Tian Can also had a stubborn affair with Chu Yan escape alive.

This is not the case of Panlong Shengdi who helped Chu Yan. Perhaps, he had already killed Chu Yan, and it would be so embarrassing there.

“En! Yes, one less person is always good! Agree!”

Emperor Lei Lei grinned, of course, would not object.

Compared with Yin Tianquan and Tiancan Shengdi, he wanted Chu Yan to die more, so he was extremely unhappy with Panlong Shengdi.

However, he is very clear that behind the Panlong Saint Emperor, there are not only the crazy races of one of the 7 Battle Clan, but also the Dark Temple.

But now, when Saint Heavenly Pavilion comes forward, he is of course willing to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, and at the same time, he has his own plan.

“Hehe, wait a minute, as soon as the Formation is broken, when they fight, I can use that trick to take away most of the fruit of the Demon, when the time comes, and go back to Divine Dao, I see who has mine Many points, ha ha ha… .. ”

In his head, he dreamed of the scene where he boarded the position of the Master. Emperor Lei Lei was extremely happy, and his mouth almost reached the ear.

As long as he climbs to the position of the master, when the time comes, although it may not be possible to drive Chu Yan out of the reverse Divine Dao, it is very easy to clean up him.

Suddenly, a saint emperor, each with their own thoughts, apparently attacked the gold Spirit Peak Formation, but secretly, they were quietly preparing their respective killing tricks and emperor art, ready to shoot at the moment when the Formation broke open.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place!

Boom … rumbling!

a Loudly loud, sudden sound, dull sound, not at all like the sound of attack gas attacking Spirit Peak Formation.

The explosion exploded, and all the emperor kings started at the same time and looked up together.

With this glance, all the big brothers in front of Holy Powerhouse and Spirit Peak Formation changed their faces.

I saw that behind the Golden Spirit Peak Formation, in the stone forest infested with the fruit of the heavenly demon, the weather dust and debris suddenly exploded.

The whole stone forest was trembling and dusty, and a tall Monster Beast body appeared in the stone forest, surging with Monster Beast, waving his palms, and grabbing the golden fruits flying all over the sky, one by one, directly Swallow the belly.


“Not good, Monster Beast broke into the stone forest!”

“God, it … it’s snatching the fruit of the demon!”


Everyone saw this scene for a moment, then immediately, an exclaimed sound exploded at the same time, just now the attack was striking strikes the Formation, at this time all stopped, looking at the back of the Form with horror, it happened Incredible scene.

How could Monster Beast appear in the Tomb of Yellow Springs! ?

This is the Antiquity era, the Mausoleum of the Devil, for nearly a million years, has been sealed by Formation and prohibition.

Although it has been opened a few times, but within a limited time, all life will be expelled from the tomb of Yellow Springs, simply impossible to stay inside.

More importantly, here is the Demon Domain abyss, monsters and evil spirits rampage, then come … Monster Beast! ?

This simply doesn’t make sense!

The most important thing is, how does this cultivation base but Monster Beast of the higher Monster Emperor environment cultivation base get into the Formation! ?

The most … the most important thing is, how can it, in front of everyone, swallow the devil fruits directly! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion of the weather echoed in the Formation, the sound was very loud, shaking the Nine Heavens ten places, even the Golden Spirit Peak, trembling slightly.

The Monster Beast, the bear’s body, blasted away a large area of ​​Stone Forest, and suddenly revealed one after another Heavenly Devil Fruit Tree hidden in the Stone Forest.

At a glance, there are ten Heavenly Devil Fruit Trees, each of which has nearly ten degrees high.

The celestial demon fruit originally suspended on the stone forest seemed to be frightened, and all fell from the sky and hid in the canopy of the celestial fruit.

All the emperors of the emperor present were froze directly.

Because, Monster Beast, the bear body, is pulling out the fruits of the heavenly demons constantly from the crown of the tree and stuffing it into the big mouth of the blood basin.

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