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With the disappearance of the Fruit Tree, one after another, the sky was filled with anger, and it kept rushing away among a group of Saint emperors.

It was like a fire sea, ignited in an instant, a monstrous flame, sweeping all directions.

Every elder emperor, looking at the demon bear, moved towards the next Heavenly Devil Fruit Tree, all his face fiercely changed, very gloomy.

They know very well that this demon bear is really going to wipe out all the fruits of the heavenly demons here.

“This bear demon, courting death !?”

“Too arrogant, even want to take them all away !?”

“This is not compliant, so many of us, he wants to monopolize alone !?”

“This Fellow Daoist, have you heard clearly? I am Saint Heavenly Pavilion …”

“That’s right, give a face and leave some!”

“Fellow Daoist, don’t pull the tree, you can …”


At this time, even the Great Emperor Realm gangsters behind the Grand Emperor Realm gangsters could not sit still and shouted.

And those emperors of the emperor, all with blood on their faces, almost bleeding in their hearts, the corners of their mouths twitched, their noses crooked, and the anger in their hearts almost burned all the void around.

This is a few 100 Demon Fruits, and 100 Devil Fruit Trees!

In the entire Yellow Springs Road, no matter whether it is on Yellow Springs Road or under Yellow Springs Road, all the big brothers have investigated all the way and encountered the most, but only a few Demon Fruits.

Such a large sum of wealth, this invisible Half-God Realm powerhouse, even wanted to go it alone.

And in front of them, so unscrupulous, they did not give a trace of face.

The thing that made them suffocate the most was to vomit blood. They are now blocked by Spirit Peak Formation. They can do nothing but watch.

Just now, a group of big brothers talked openly and asked each other, and even their respective powers and prestige were lifted out, but the mysterious master of the demon bear was completely don’t give face.

This is too embarrassing!

Previously, those who looked far away from Spirit Peak Formation and could only watch the lively Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, at this time, hearing the sound from the front, all the complexion greatly changed.

One person exclusive! ?

Also … even pulling the trees away! ?

This is too tough! ? It’s amazing!

What a terrifying existence of a powerhouse that can do such a heaven defying move! ?


Gold Spirit Peak, underground three zhang, Antiquity palace.

For everything that happened above, Chu Yan through Avatar of Little White Bear, all watched, listened, and clearly.

However, Chu Yan is most concerned about the fruit of the devil.

“Done! Get it … haha!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness scanned the Rakshasa Space and saw that the fruit of the Demon that had just arrived was carefully planted, and his heart was full of ecstasy.

A Demon Fruit, worth 100,000 inverse Divine Dao member points, is extremely precious.

However, the Devil Fruit, only Yellow Springs Road can be conceived, unless it can be harvested when it is opened, normally, you can’t see it at all.

It ’s different now. With the Fruit Tree of Heavenly Devil and the birth of Rakshasa Space ’s rich Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, Chu Yan will have an inexhaustible amount of Heavenly Devil Fruit that can be harvested.

After all, Chu Yan not only wants to improve his own strength, there are more people behind him who need cultivation resources to quickly improve his strength.

Just like Little White Bear, Situ Yang, and 9 meditations, until now, Chu Yan is providing massive cultivation resources, so that they can far exceed the cultivation speed of Martial Artist of the same level, soaring like a rocket.

So, now that there are 100 Fruit Trees in the sky, how could Chu Yan let it go! ?

Although these Heavenly Devil Fruit Trees are only a few 100,000 years old, they are much worse than the two plants in the stone temple in front of them.

But there are so many …

There are more than 100 Fruit Tree Fruit Trees, and the number of fruits bred is more than ten times more than the two plants in front of me.

“With points, I can reverse Divine Dao’s reissue mission and let them help me collect 5 soul stones. As long as there are enough 5 soul stones and 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, I can continue to be promoted!”

In Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, his eyes are shining constantly.

According to what Qilin Martial Soul told him, although the 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls have all been promoted to the soul of war, they have also awakened the true Life Source Martial Soul skills of 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul … Five Elements Guitian Guidance!

However, without Qilin Martial Soul saying, Chu Yan knows that his 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, the ultimate polar form, that is Divine Beast!

The lowest level is Martial Soul!

Chu Yan has absolute confidence and waits for 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul to be promoted to the ultimate form. Not to mention Ten Directions Star Domain, I am afraid that in the Divine Realm to go in the future, they are all invincible!

Therefore, Chu Yan now needs a lot of 5 soul stones, the more the better.

“Boss, these 2 Devil Fruit Trees are at least 10,000,000 years old. They are ten times stronger than the one you just harvested. Hurry up and accept!”

Little White Bear naturally knew Chu Yan’s thoughts, and was also excited, aiming a pair of bear eyes towards the stone palace, and the two towering giant trees said.

“These 2 … big brothers! You have to be careful, I just checked. The spirit arrays on these 2 Fruit Tree Fruit Trees are extremely powerful! Not so good to deal with!”

Situ Yang has been studying the source of the spiritual river of Xiaoxuan. Those purple red altars, after conquering a few seats, heard the words of Little White Bear and hurriedly reminded Chu Yan.

“en! Good!”

Hearing the words of Little White Bear and Situ Yang, Chu Yan’s lips were lightly raised, and he slowly turned around, looking towards the stone temple, the 2 giant trees of heavenly demons with a full zhang high degree!

Not bad!

These 2 trees are the key …

I have been controlling Little White Bear Avatar all the time, robbing those Heavenly Demon Fruit Trees, and suddenly ignored these 2 Heavenly Demon Giant Trees.

Of course, Chu Yan also wants to try out the Fruit Tree of this day, and now he knows what to do.


With a word of drinking, Chu Yan pointed his hands together, pointing at the sword’s awn, chopping it out again, and chopped directly to the 2 Heavenly Devil Fruit Trees not far away.


Almost at Chu Yan’s finger sword, near the first 100 steps of the giant tree of the demon, the defensive prohibition on the tree body suddenly opened, blocking the finger directly.

It’s just that there is also a clear trace of defensive prohibition.

“Clear Sky Sword, come out for me!”

Chu Yan smiled slightly, without any hesitation, True Qi cited it, and the Clear Sky Sword behind it came out like a meteor, flying stabs to the prohibition of the devil giant tree that day, where the obvious crack was.

Ka cha !

There is no accident, the Clear Sky Sword sword edge refers to, the prohibition of the Demon Giant Tree’s forbidden defense, instantaneously burst, Clear Sky Sword with the sky shattered fragments of the spirit cover, in the sky a sharp turn, flying towards the second Sky Demon tree.

…… ..

At the same time, above the ground, the Golden Spirit Peak Formation.

A group of gangsters madly attacked Spirit Peak Formation, all with red eyes.

Although the demon bear in the Formation is lying on its prone, not at all continue to devour the celestial fruit, or continue to pull the tree, more like refining, the celestial fruit just swallowed.

However, the Emperor of Heavenly Disabled knew that a monster Emperor of such a huge size, Monster Beast, would not be long before they would refining and continue to harvest the fruits of these demons.

Therefore, time is running short and must not be delayed any longer. It must break through the gold Spirit Peak Formation as soon as possible and rush to grab it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A group of holy emperors, full of outbreaks, various holy techniques, hiding the sky and covering the earth, rushed to the formation of the Golden Spirit Peak.

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