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Bang! Bang! Bang!

Almost at the moment of 2 Great Saint Emperor, and a group of big guys flashing back, 3 “Storage Jade Talisman” exploded into the sky.

Get 100 thunderbolt, roar and blast, and explode the whole sky.

A path of thick thunder and lightning, dropping from the sky, slashing down, the mighty Lewis, like God ’s wrath, will destroy the world.

Even Emperor 2 Great Saint, who reacted extremely quickly with a group of bigwigs, dodged ahead of time, but Lei Wei, who was still exploded, swept through the body and was shaken by his body, with the body True Qi and qi and blood, suddenly running backwards Almost spurting blood directly.

“Thunder … Thunder Tribulation !?”

It was difficult to suppress the True Qi who was retrograde with the body, a group of gangsters, turned around, looking pale towards the sky with a pale face, eyes full of shock.

How could they didn’t expect that in the 3 Jade Talisman, there was a piece of Thunder Tribulation! ?

Did n’t they just let them have one’s hair stand on end… ..

The Holy Powerhouse, in Ten Directions Star Domain, is almost the existence of the Peak Peak, which makes them feel dangerous, very few.

Of course, Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation is one of them.

This kind of Heavenly Dao’s ruling power, regardless of strength or weakness, regardless of cultivation base, any cultivation Martial Dao’s powerhouse, will be deterred by Divine Soul, from the bottom of my heart, a sense of fear.

Fortunately, the formidable power of Thunder Tribulation is not strong. It should be Thunder Tribulation of the cultivation base Martial Artist, so not at all does any substantial harm to the big brothers.

It’s just that they shocked them sturdily.

shua! shua! shua!

Another three Jade Talisman, flying in the sky, from Chu Yan’s location, shot straight into a distant mountain range.

There, the white skirt is like snow, and a pair of beautiful eyes with a light smile is looking at Chu Yan incarnation’s demon bear Avatar.

“Linglong, here is a thank you gift, please forward it to me! Anyone who has helped me, thank you!”

Chu Yan turned his head, looking towards Yue Linglong, opened the mouth and said.

“Yellow Springs Mausoleum, let me take a step first! See you later!”

The demon bear’s body began to dissipate slowly, and between the surging monster qi, Chu Yan smiled softly in the direction of the white skirt in the distance of the mountain range peak in the distance.

For those who have helped themselves, Chu Yan will never forget.

Therefore, Chu Yan took out part of the fruit of Heavenly Demon and gave it to Yue Linglong as a gift of thanks.

Qiu Yaobao, love must be returned, man can to support both heaven and earth, hate and resentment clearly!

“Chu Yan, you still want to go …”

In the distance, Heavenly Candidate Emperor and a group of bigwigs, because of the previous wave of Heavenly Thunder, escaped a full 10 li, saw Chu Yan going, suddenly angry, roaring again and again.

Chu Yan this move, they all played!

3 Jade Talisman, who hid the Thunder Tribulation, not only drove back a group of gangsters, got rid of himself, and left a gap.

At the same time, the piece of storage he gave to Yue Linglong, Jade Talisman, was also confused by Yue Linglong.

For a time, a group of gangsters flying into a rage out of humiliation came from the sky in the distance and wanted to kill Chu Yan.

However, they only saw that 3 stream of light, from the underground of Gold Spirit Peak, rushed out of the ground and shot directly into the depths of Gold Spirit Peak, the tall Golden Palace Heaven Sect!

“Tianjian, Yintianquan, you two heads, I want to make a decision! Ha ha ha, see you again …”

Chu Yan laughed loudly, the silhouette was like electricity, with Little White Bear and Situ Yang, passing through the sky, 3 silhouettes, disappeared directly in the Golden Palace Heaven Sect.

“Give me … die!”

The heavenly emperor who stormed out, looked at the silhouette of Chu Yan, disappeared in the Heavenly Palace, a pair of eyes, instant red blood, the body of the emperor’s prestige exploded, and directly smashed the cracked Formation with his body, While rushing to Heaven Palace Sect, raising your hand is punched out.

a Furious gang of fists, blasted out, blasted straight towards the Golden Palace Heaven Sect.

However, without waiting for the fist to approach, a terrifying might, rushed out of the Golden Palace Heaven Sect and instantly twisted the holy emperor fist to the powder.

At the same time, the golden light is like water, fluttering past, rolling over the body of the Heavenly Desolate Emperor, directly swallowing his whole body, True Qi, and completely engulfing it, even his body is frozen in the air, unable to move even a little bit .

Seeing the scene, the other big men who rushed in, all complexion greatly changed, where they dare to go forward again, hurry to turn around and retreat.

After enough time of ten breaths, with the golden water flowing back to the Golden Palace Heaven Sect, the emperor Tian Tian who was set in in midair only became soft and recovered again.

Uh …!

Drumming foot within the body The last broken holy element, the horrified emperor Tiantian, like a lightning, withdrew nearly 100 li, and stopped breathlessly.

But even so, a pair of horrified eyes stared at Heaven Sect, the tall and majestic Golden Palace, with a terrified expression on his face.

Too terrifying!

That kind of power is far beyond his imagination!

simply is not a level of power, just like the ants standing in front of Heaven and Earth, even Divine Soul must be melted.

“Then Heaven Sect, it hasn’t been turned on! Can’t break into!”

The Emperor of Heavenly Canal took out a handful of Golden Pill, swallowed it down, and restored the Holy Yuan that disappeared with the body, while opened the mouth and said.

“Not turned on !?”

“Impossible !? Just now …”

“Yeah, that Chu Yan 3 person, didn’t he go in ?!”


Hearing the words of Heavenly Disabled, the other gangsters were all stunned and their faces became extremely ugly.

In the scene just now, they also saw that Heavenly Desolate Emperor suffered a great loss, and the power surging from the Golden Palace Heaven Sect is obviously that Heaven Sect has not been turned on.

However, what they do n’t understand is that, since Heaven Palace Sect has not been opened, why can Chu Yan go in! ?

Previously, there were a few hundred pieces of Demon Fruit, but they didn’t get any of them, and it took a lot of effort to finally smash the Formation.

Now, that Chu Yan entered the tomb of Yellow Springs before them …

Could it be said that this Chu Yan really has any special means! ?

A group of gangsters looked at each other with a look of consternation and doubt, but they were helpless.

“hmph! ”

Even if he wanted to break his head, it was impossible to figure out, Yin Tianquan coldly snorted, his body turned, and the gold Spirit Peak moved towards the bottom fell.

Since the Golden Palace Heaven Sect hasn’t been opened yet, that Chu Yan has escaped again. It’s useless to watch here. ?

It’s better to use this time to go down and check to see if there is any Devil fruit and so on in this Golden Spirit Peak.

Under the gaze of a group of big brothers, Yin Tianquan’s figure moved towards a messy stone forest.

There were more than 100 Fruit Trees that were originally growing there. At this time, they were all uprooted by the demon bear, and the ground was full of gravel and tree pits.

However, I’m not sure, there are so two pieces of the fallen Demon Fruit …

shua! shua! shua!

The big brothers who reacted in an instant, all moved towards the direction of stone forest.

In the four directions of all directions, the other Martial Artists who are still watching are seeing a group of big men flying to the stone forest, but they are all different colors.

There were even a few people, their faces purplish red, and they almost laughed out loud.

What a joke! ?

A group of holy emperors, Chu Yan, a Martial Emperor Realm Martial Artist’s tatter! ?

If this comes out, the entire Ten Directions Star Domain will laugh at the big teeth …

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