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After staring at Chu Yan ten breaths for a long time, the misty Holy Emperor’s shadow, the aura surging all over the body, gradually calmed down.

A pair of black flame pupils flashed for a long time, seeming to ponder something.

“You guys, want to enter the Sacred City !?”

His eyes glanced at Little White Bear and Situ Yang, and the Holy Emperor Shadow asked.

“Good! Hope Senior allows!”

Chu Yan nodded, bowed his hand again, either servile nor overbearing said.

“Three of you …”

Saint Emperor smiled slightly, nodded, his eyes fell on Little White Bear, his mouth lightly

“Bloodline is almost a little bit, but it’s barely, but …..!”

“Everyone pays 10000 Divine Crystal, so you can barely let you in!”

The word fell to the ground, and the two demonic weapons beside the shadow of the Holy Emperor were also buzzing and trembling, and seemed to echo the words of the Holy Emperor.

Obviously, two other demonic weapons, not at all, gave birth to the body of Divine Soul, but already had spirit wisdom.

“Bloodline… !? 10000 Divine Crystal !?”

Chu Yan 3 people heard, all stunned, staring at the Holy Emperor Shadow with a stunned face. For a time, some reactions could not come.

I have never heard of it, even if the ruins of the ruins still have to be paid! ?

This holy demon city is just an empty city, and there are no forces at all, why should it be included in the city tax! ?

Could it be that these 3 handles of demonic weapon, which are blocked at the gate of the palace, are dedicated to collect tickets! ?

What surprised Chu Yan the most was that this Holy Emperor’s Shadow, even saying that the bloodline of their three people, was a little bit worse! ?

He and Situ Yang, fortunately, could not even bloodline Little White Bear! ?

This exceeded Chu Yan’s expectations.

“Should all the people who have entered have to pay !?” Chu Yan asked when Situ Yang saw the look thrown at him.

“of course!”

Holy emperor shadow, the answer is extremely simple.

“Okay! This is 30000 Divine Crystal!”

As soon as Chu Yan raised his hand, the large Divine Crystal flickered and flew towards the Holy Emperor Shadow.

“Ha ha ha, good! Very good! Human boy, you are very sensible, you can, go in!”

At a glance, I saw a few 10000 Divine Crystals flying, and a pair of purple pupils of the Holy Emperor Shadow, black flames roaring, very roaring with excitement.

Not only it, but also the demonic weapon on the two altars next to it trembling violently.

Divine Crystal !

For Chu Yan now, it’s really nothing.

Moreover, Situ Yang hinted at Chu Yan, these three altars formidable power horror, the strength of the Holy Emperor Shadow, I am afraid that has reached the Holy Emperor 3th Layer.

When it is an Altar Great Array, the Divine Soul body bred out has all such strength. The formidable power of these three altars is beyond imagination.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to fight hard, then simply is courting death!

30000 Divine Crystal!

For other powerhouses, even the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse is probably a great value.

However, for Chu Yan now, it really is nothing.

There is a saying that the problems that can be solved with money in this World are not big problems.

Therefore, pay 30000 Divine Crystal and avoid playing a game with a 5th Layer of the Holy Realm. Chu Yan doesn’t even have to think about this choice.

Looking at the three demonic weapons, where there were 3 Divine Crystal, Chu Yan smiled gently, took Little White Bear and Situ Yang, moved towards the palace gate.

However, just three steps after they had just walked, a reminder came behind them.

“Boy, go wrong, over there!”

On the purple altar, the Holy Emperor’s Shadow was nibbling Divine Crystal while raising his hand, pointing to the small wooden door of an ordinary building on the left, opened the mouth and said.

“En !?” Chu Yan startled.

Looking across the Central Square of the city, the whole house collapsed on the street on the left, but only a bare wooden door stood up, and Chu Yan was suddenly stunned.

Take the wooden door that doesn’t even have a house! ?

Looking back at the palace gate, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Holy Emperor Shadow.

“Boy, think about it, the real Yellow Springs mausoleum will be in the center of the city !? If you want to enter, I will never stop, let you …

Sacred Emperor Shadow said, there was a trace of triumphant expression on his face.

“Is this … a trap !?”

Seeing the look of the Holy Emperor’s Shadow and the meaning in his words, this is obviously a problem.

“Boy, I’m reminding you of your happy payment. Hehe …”

Saint Emperor Laughed, turned around and bowed his head, floated over the side altar, and was curling into a ray of red airflow at his feet Divine Crystal, one foot stomped into powder, and waved his hand, swallowed all his 10000 Divine Crystal.

Obviously, the Holy Emperor Goblin doesn’t plan to say anything, but Chu Yan already understands.

The city of the Holy Emperor, as well as the palace in the center of the city, are basically blindfolded.

How can the Yellow Springs Mausoleum, the Imperial Family Mausoleum of the Antiquity, be so simple! ?

At the same time, Chu Yan also fully understands why there are 3 demonic weapon altars, specifically to collect tickets here.


With Little White Bear and Situ Yang, Chu Yan turned away from the palace gate, moved towards the left side street, and walked to the wooden door among the ruins.

At a distance of 10000 steps, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness has been exploring the wooden door …

When he approached, Chu Yan still did not detect the wooden door in front of him, there was nothing special about it.

It seems that the building collapsed, leaving only the wooden door attached to the half of the wall, which was an ordinary ruined door.

However, when Chu Yan stepped forward and pushed the wooden door open, the World behind the door left Chu Yan 3 completely blinded.

This is a forest of endless, primitive forest with tall trees everywhere.

Chu Yan hasn’t been moved by 3 people, and even Chu Yan kept holding the door handle and opened the door halfway …

But 3 people are already in this primitive forest.

“Yellow Springs forest!”

With a glance of his eyes, Chu Yan discovered that in front of them a 100-step position, in front of a bush, a small stone tablet was engraved with 4 large characters.

“This … this is Yellow Springs forest …!?”

deng deng deng’s little short legs ran a few steps, and Little White Bear rushed in amazement, staring at Boss’s bear eyes with her bear mouth wide open, her face full of surprise in front of a stone tablet about her height.

“You know this place !?” Chu Yan asked in a daze.

“I only know that during the Antiquity period, this Yellow Springs forest was the entire Demon Domain, one of the 5 Danger Lands!”

“According to legend, under Demon God, there are 2 out of 5 devil ancestors. It is in this Yellow Springs forest that the Demon God realm was broken through!”

Little White Bear turned and explained to Chu Yan.

“Ten 2 Mozu !?”

Chu Yan startled, didn’t expect this piece of Yellow Springs forest, it turned out to be so powerful.

Putting it that way, the 3 handles of demonic weapon in front of the palace gate, really didn’t lie to yourself, this is really the core of Antiquity Demon Domain.

From beginning to end, a series of things made Chu Yan think of it now, and she was a little afraid.

If you don’t pay money, fight with the Holy Emperor Shadow, regardless of winning or losing, enter the palace in the center of the city, what will be the result! ?

As a result, I am afraid that when the Golden Spirit Peak is opened, the Golden Palace Heaven Sect is opened, and a large group of powerhouses will flood into the city of Sacred Devil. When it reaches the square in that city, it will understood.

Don’t think about it, I am afraid that scene will be very exciting!

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