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The dazzling Profound Light, the eerie death, swept through the great hall.

In the mid-air purple and black two-color light group, a gray robe young man like a handsome like a jade tree strode out.

This silhouette, which appeared in the air in the hall, made the entire void tremble, and the rich death in the entire great hall was solidified.

Between hands and feet, the 10000 method follows, just like the master of this piece of Heaven and Earth.

“En !? Scourge …?!?”

However, when Chu Yan’s eyes fell on the young gray robe, especially the faucet and pestle held by his right hand, his face suddenly started.

This silhouette, which Chu Yan has absolutely seen, is in front of the Yellow Springs Styx, and there are two magic pictures on the wooden door. One of them is this natural disaster.

Accurately speaking, it should be the Yellow Springs mother-in-law who did not know that predecessor.

What makes Chu Yan didn’t expect is that the Scourge turned out to be one of the Demon 3 Great Demon Venerable, this status …

It seems that the current mother-in-law of the Scourge has just been taken as a servant by himself, didn’t expect, and even met his former true body! ?

What worries Chu Yan most is that if this natural disaster is the first natural disaster, the big brother known as one of the 3 Great Demon Venerables will let him know what he did to his successor, and the result …

“Participate in Demon Sir!”

Yin Tianquan grinned, his eyes squinted at Chu Yan, and the young gray robe walking down the sky, saluted.

“Magic Lord Sir !?”

The corner of Chu Yan’s face suddenly twitched twice.

I’m really afraid of anything, so come on, this gray robe young man, really is the Scourge Deity!

“Who … wake the true body’s will !?”

Scourge Demon King, the sound is like metal friction, just like the pig iron rusted together because it has not been used for a long time, but it gives people a feeling of extreme fear.

“It’s me! It’s me! Mozun Sir, when you left your decree, anyone who awakens your will can respond to one thing! Don’t know if it counts !?”

Yin Tianquan seemed to be afraid of being robbed, and quickly replied


Scourge Demon Lord nodded, a pair of eyes looked towards Yin Tianquan, purple and black pupils, different colors flashing.

“Please give the Lord Mozun a shot and kill this man!”

In Yin Tianquan’s eyes, a flash of killing intent flashed, and he lifted his finger to Chu Yan, with a grin on his face.


With the direction of Yin Tianquan’s finger, Scourge Demon turned around and looked towards Chu Yan, just glanced at it, and the purple and black pupils flashed at the same time.


The lightly exclaimed exit, in the eyes of the Scourge Demon King, two bright glow burst out and shot directly at Chu Yan’s eyes.

All of a sudden, scenes that happened inside Yellow Springs Road continued to appear in front of Scourge Demon King.

This is a very powerful secret skill. You don’t need to invade the other party’s Sea of ​​Consciousness at all. You only need the aura remaining on the other party to know what happened in the past.

Of course, this secret skill can only be used if the natural disaster is within the range of Yellow Springs Road.

With the rapid flashing of these pictures, the brows of the Scourge Demon King lightly wrinkled lightly.

“Haha, Chu Yan, you’re dead! Scourge Demon Vengeful is angry, and will let you eliminate Soul Destruction immediately, life is better than death!”

“Oh, let you deliver the fruit of the devil, if you don’t, please go die for me now!”

Looking at Chu Yan, Yin Tianquan was full of laughter, secretly said in one’s heart.

However, after waiting for some time, the smile on Yin Tianquan’s face gradually solidified.

Because, the originally angry Scourge Deity, after recovering the secret technique, glared at Chu Yan for a long time, it was nodded … smile! ?

“pay respects to Senior !”

Chu Yan stepped forward and saluted.

“You and me, don’t have to pay more!” Scourge Sovereign waved his hand, nodded said with a smile.

“Pu…! Since…. Yourself !?”

Hearing this, Yin Tianquan’s eyes bulged, almost a piece of this, and a spit of blood came out directly.

what’s the situation! ?

That Chu Yan, know the Scourge Sovereign! ?

And it seems that the relationship is not so shallow, it is actually called … oneself! ?

How can this be? !

This ray of Remnant Soul’s will of the Scourge Sovereign was definitely awakened for the first time, and he got this key, which is the only one in the world.

How could this Chu Yan know Antiquity God and Demon Great War …. Scourge Deity! ?

Staring at the eyeball that was about to fly out, wide open the mouth showing the back molars, Yin Tianquan seemed to see a ghost, glaring at Chu Yan and Scourge Devil Venerable.

It seems that this World in front of him is not the World he is familiar with at all! ?

“Why do you have those auras on your body !? Who are you !?”

Scourge Deity turned around, looked towards Yin Tianquan, the smile on the original face disappeared and asked coldly.

“I … I … I am …”

Hearing the problem of Scourge Demon King, Yin Tianquan’s face suddenly changed, and a large drop of sweat on his forehead began to roll off.

“Senior, this immortal right, is Saint Heavenly Pavilion Elder!” Chu Yan replied

“Saint Heavenly Pavilion !? Huh …!”

Hearing the name of Saint Heavenly Pavilion, the face of the Scourge Demon King completely chilled.

At the beginning God and Demon Great War, Saint Heavenly Pavilion was Divine Race’s biggest help, how could the Scourge Demon Lord not know.

“Break the soul!”

Not talking nonsense with him at all, Scourge Sovereign directly a finger pointed, a black line like an arrow, directly shooting Yin Tianquan’s heart.


The mournful scream sounded through the great hall, and Yin Tianquan instantly fell to the ground, and the crying ghost cried and waved.

Divine Soul’s trauma is 100 times more painful than Fleshy body creation!

Although the Scourge Demon King is now only a ray of Remnant Soul, before the damage, the strongest is the power of Divine Soul, so it is not easy to deal with a seal of heaven.

“Senior, he needs his head below!” Chu Yan arched his hand.

“Take it!” Scourge Sovereign waved.


sword light like electricity, slash down, blood splatter 3 feet, head tossed …

Just a flash, Chu Yan was admitted to Rakshasa Space, and he was relieved.

didn’t expect, this time kill Yin Tianquan, with the help of Scourge Demon Lord, it was so easy to succeed.

In this way, my mission to Yellow Springs Road was finally completed.

“many thanks Senior !”

“Don’t thank me! Since you have something to do with the Yellow Springs Scourge, I’m also a half of the Devil!”

Scourge Devil looked at Chu Yan, pondered for a moment, then said

“Your identity is special. I am afraid that those magical sticks will treat you as a serious problem. Be careful yourself!”

“This Tomb of Yellow Springs is not for you, I will send you away!”

When the words landed, the Scourge Demon King waved his hand directly, and the dark black ink demon swept through, including Chu Yan’s body, and disappeared directly on the spot.

After 3 breaths, the heavenly great hall slowly returns to calm …

“Yin-Yang’s reverse cultivation, Five Elements is so amazing … didn’t expect, after millions of years, there really exists such a Martial Artist!”

“The one from the 9th Layer in outer space, I’m afraid I can’t stand it anymore … Oh, Interesting!”


With a long sigh, the body of Remnant Soul, Scourge Sovereign, slowly disappeared, turned into a faint black smoke, and returned to the scroll in midair.

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