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Long sword breaks the sky, Sword Qi swings 9 states!

When this sword comes out, Sun, Moon and Stars hang upside down, and the sky is full of colors.

Between Heaven and Earth, only this sword survives forever, within a radius of 100 li, and is swept by Sword Qi.


In the cultivation hall, Chu Yan was stunned, and he dare to hesitate. He suddenly threw the scabbard in his hand, put the Heavenly Sword suspended in midair, received the scabbard, and threw it back to Rakshasa Space.

If Heavenly Sword disappears, Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon will stop abruptly!

However, the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon of less than 3 breaths just made the entire Divine Dao Sea Sea Territory shake.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of horrible aura, exploded from the depths of the 3 giant palaces, a big man, rushed out, suspended, suspended, and looked around for 4 times.

“What happened !? What just happened !?”

Huangfu Yi Tian floated in midair, Divine Consciousness was like a tide, and instantly covered the entire gate of the inverse Divine Dao Sea Territory, but no trace of abnormality was found.

“It should be Sword Qi just now, very strong Sword Qi! Hey, look at the above …”

Emperor Lei Thunder followed Huangfu Yitian and looked at it for 4 times, but when he saw the sky above, the complexion changed suddenly and exclaimed.

Huang Fu Yi Tian, ​​Emperor Ziyun, and many other gangsters looked up in unison and swept across, but their faces changed.

I saw that, above the 10,000 zhang sky dome, a huge vortex like tornado, lying across the sky.

Like the big mouth of the ancient Ominous Beast of 10000, and it is like Heaven Beyond the Heaven, Space-Time is broken. Under the violent rotation, the entire World will be directly swallowed.

Seeing this scene, even the big guys who were against the Divine Dao and Sea Territory, were all stunned.

If all around in the sky, the residual Sword Qi is true, then just now, what happened! ?

When Sword God was born, a sword broke the sky! ?

This too too terrifying it! ?

When did Ten Directions Star Domain come out with such a stunning peerless sword repair! ?

On this day, the inverse Divine Dao sky Sea Territory, a sword across the sky, the sky dome, and the sun and moon, made the entire inverse Divine Dao shake.

Next, Huangfu Yitian immediately summoned the reverse of Divine Dao’s headquarters, and reported the strange scene that happened, but got a more shocking news.

Against the head of Divine Dao 3, the Heavenly Sword disappears!

The 8 houses and 20 4 houses, the entire reverse Divine Dao, was almost turned upside down. A gangster in the branch was constantly recalled to the headquarters to investigate the disappearance of Heavenly Sword.

On the other side, Chu Yan lives in the cultivation hall, but has already fallen into cultivation.

Up to now, Chu Yan finally found out that, as the bloodless father and son said, this broken Heavenly Sword’s scabbard is really more important than the broken Heavenly Sword.

With this scabbard, no matter who it is, it is impossible to perceive the slightest aura of Heavenly Sword.

So, just breaking Heavenly Sword and making such a big move really scared Chu Yan, and at the same time, let Chu Yan really see it, breaking Heavenly Sword’s formidable power.

After converging his mind, Chu Yan restored the restraint and defensive spirit shock of the palace, and immediately took out ten Tianmu fruits and began to cultivate.

Ten Devils fruits, swallowed, turned into a majestic Spirit Power, rushed to Qi Yan of Chu Yan.

Unlike what Chu Yan originally expected, among the fruits of Heavenly Demon, simply is not magic energy, but extremely pure Heaven and Earth Spirit Power.

However, what makes Chu Yan even more unimaginable is that among the fruits of the heavenly demon, in addition to the incomparable Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, there is a mysterious power that is extremely mixed.

The mysterious force on this thin water rushed into Chu Yan’s meridian, making his heart beat and accelerate.

Even the whole body’s blood began to boil!

“En !?”

Suddenly, in Sea of ​​Consciousness, two consciousnesses sounded almost simultaneously, making Chu Yan startled.

Immediately, Chu Yan waved his big hand, 2 long swords appeared at the same time, left hand Clear Sky, right hand cut off the sky!

“you guys….”

It is the two Spirit Armaments in the hand that are sure to send the summon of consciousness, which also includes the Heavenly Sword that has just been subdued.

“The Spirit Power in the fruit of the Devil you want !?”

After induction for a long time, Chu Yan finally figured out what 2 long swords meant.

“it is good!”

For such a request, Chu Yan will not refuse, especially Clear Sky Sword, which is different from the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, it is the first time that it has actively asked itself.

Therefore, Chu Yan impossible rejected them!

Divine Consciousness attracted, spreading the whole body, 64 inner cores were in operation, and the Spirit Power transformed by the fruit of the Devil was swallowed up. The mysterious power shared was also introduced into the long sword of both hands.

In an instant, a very strange feeling suddenly grew in Chu Yan Divine Soul.

It seems that the two swords in his hand are completely connected to himself at once, and they are no longer separated from each other. Even in Divine Soul, there is a trace of branding.

Clang! clang!

2 sword whisper sounds at the same time, one left and one right, floating up.

The sharp Sword Intent sweeps the whole cultivation hall at the same time. All the items in the cultivation hall have been turned into powder.

Moreover, on the sword body of 2 long swords, 2 fuzzy patterns began to slowly condense.

“this is….”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly looked awkward, and was immediately ignorant!

He has never seen it before, Spirit Spirit can also conceive a spiritual figure …

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!…!

The trembling sounds continued, and the Sword Qi became more intense as the double sword pattern continued to appear.

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, shocks like heaven falls and earth rends came, making Chu Yan’s brain buzz and almost collapsed.

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness turned into a Sea of ​​Consciousness, looked at it at once, and hurried out a look of shock.

“St … St Spirit Mark !?”

In the eyes of Chu Yan, on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, Saint Spirit Mark, which had been silent for a long time, was shaking wildly, splitting from one piece into two pieces.

On the road to Martial Dao cultivation, this Spirit Mark has saved his life more than once.

However, from the beginning to the end, Chu Yan has not figured it out. Who is you, St. Spirit Mark?

But now, St. Spirit Mark actually has a feeling with 2 outside of Spirit Sword, and is evolving madly.

shua! shua!

Finally, under Chu Yan’s astonishing gaze, Saint Spirit Mark turned into 2 groups of sun-like spheres of light, rushed out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and ran into the patterns above the 2 handles of Spirit Sword.

The next moment, the 2 dao chart case above Spirit Sword, shuddered suddenly, and the final pattern shape finally appeared completely.

On Clear Sky Sword, there is a vast expanse of black stars, where countless stars shine.

On the other hand, the Heavenly Sword is a killing intent!

Boom … rumbling!

2 Handle Spirit Sword, at the same time burst out a powerful force, moved towards all around stormed away.

These two streams of air merge with each other, and the formidable power continues to increase. The entire cultivation hall, whether it is the wall of the great hall or the restrained spirit array, has collapsed.

Just in the blink of an eye, when Chu Yan reacted, looked towards all around, the residence of Fangyuan Several Li turned into a ruin directly.

“Go back!”

Chu Yan, who suddenly awakened, made a big call and withdrew 2 Spirit Swords.

At this time, in the distance to the horizon, in the direction of the Xuan Tian main hall, a path of with bloodshot eyes, Qi Qi looked.

“Chu Yan, you actually demolished your residence !?”

The roar of the magic thunder emperor shouted, resounding throughout the day Sea Territory against the Divine Dao sky.

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