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Boiling like tide, blood like sky!

The whole Xuantian Temple Square, the scene has been completely out of control, everyone is roaring, all roaring with their throats.

The scene has been completely out of control, even the big brothers present were all in a daze.

“Magic Thunder, can you dare to fight !?”

Chu Yan’s drink sounded again, and in an instant, the runaway boiling square suddenly became silent.

Everyone’s eyes, Qiqi looked towards the Magic Thunder Emperor …


She was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, countless pairs of crimson, but flaming eyes, Emperor Lei thundered, and Divine Soul was shaking.

what’s the situation! ?

What happened, I became the focus of the audience! ?

“Life … Life and Death Battle !?”

Seeing everyone staring at their eyes, they looked at Chu Yan who couldn’t see in the distance. Emperor Lei Lei’s body flicked, and his legs felt a little soft.

Others do n’t know, but he is clear and cruel. On Yellow Springs Road, that Chu Yan, with one person, can play against Saint Heavenly Pavilion 2 Great Saint.

This matter, because against the Divine Dao side, only he and a few emperors of Xuan Heavenly Palace saw that directly concealing it would not help Chu Yan to propagate at all.

Therefore, in the reverse Divine Dao, only a few people know this now.

At that time, Saint Heavenly Pavilion, a Celestial Emperor of the 2nd Layer of Saint Emperor Realm, plus the Yin Tianquan of the 1st Layer of Saint Emperor Realm, were not opponents of Chu Yan.

Moreover, the killing mission released by You Wuxue father and son was also completed by Chu Yan, which shows that Chu Yan will seal the right to heaven …. Killed!

Like his cultivation base, Yin Tianquan, whose battle strength is a little higher, died in the hands of Chu Yan. Now let him and Chu Yan play one-on-one with each other in the Life and Death Battle. What’s the difference! ?

However, just when the Holy Thunder Emperor, thinking like flying, thinking about how to refuse and get away, the Qingyang Holy Emperor of Heavenly Palace was laughing out loud, saying

“Ha ha ha, joke!”

“A Martial Artist with a superior Martial Emperor Realm 1st Layer dared to provoke the Holy Emperor Realm powerhouse, Chu Yan …”

“Where does such courage and self-confidence come from ?? Simply is arrogance …”

“I want to remind you that you are courting death!”

Qingyang Shengdi’s words, full of breath, full of arrogance, this voice sounded, the original noisy square, all the members of the inverse Divine Dao, at the same time stunned, his face changed.

That’s right …!

Martial Emperor Realm 1st Layer, challenge the 1st Layer of Saint Emperor Realm!

There is a gap between Heaven and Earth Realm, and it is still a huge gap between the Emperor Realm and the Holy Emperor, like a heavenly peak. Such a Life and Death Battle seems to be a little like courting death!

“Good! Chu Yan, are you sure, you want to talk to the Thunder … Holy … Emperor, Life and Death Battle !?”

Yi Tian, ​​who has been suppressed by 2 big brothers and is suffocating, is about to vomit blood. When he heard the words of the emperor Qingyang, he immediately smiled, with a bad breath in his chest, swept away, and looked very proud towards Chu Yan Road.

During the speech, the two words “Saint Emperor” were also deliberately drawn with a long tone.

You know, this is Chu Yan, courting death himself!

With such a good opportunity, the original failed plan is back on track again, which is very rare.

This Chu Yan is really young and young. Seeing Tiankun Shengzun and Ouyang Nantian, not far from 10,000 li, came to support him, and he was arrogant, almost Heaven.

That ’s all right, he spoke up and challenged Emperor Thunder, also as Loose Cultivator …

“I confirm!”

Chu Yan nodded, his face calm, without a trace of fluctuation.

“Okay! Phantom Thunder, answer …”

Huang Fu Yi Tian heard Chu Yan ’s answer, and the smile on his face was almost blooming like flowers. He turned around and said to the Emperor Lei Lei, but he did n’t wait for him to finish his sentence, but he saw the Emperor Lei Lei. After that, his face suddenly started.

“En !? What’s the situation !? Phantom Thunder, what are you shaking …”

“Yes, Second Palace Lord, have you recently cultivated any powerful imperial techniques, or Body Refining Technique, Fleshy body strength is about to increase, your legs, so trembling so powerful !?”

Not only the emperor Yi Tian, ​​but also the emperor Qingyang, looked towards the magic thunder emperor.

Because, at this time, the Holy Thunder Emperor, a pair of legs trembling, the whole face was twisted into a ball, it looked like constipation, faint smile, it seemed like crying …

“Magic Thunder, don’t be too excited. Although this time is a good opportunity to promote the prestige of Heavenly Palace, but after all, Chu Yan is a member of my class. You must not be too heavy. Do you understand?”

Even standing on the side, the Tianlin Lord who was born in the Xuan Heavenly Palace, was also looking towards the Magic Thunder Emperor, with a puzzled face, he reminded.


As a party, the face of the Thunder Thunder Emperor almost cried, almost wanted to say …

“Can I directly surrender?”

But this sentence, in his mind, Sea of ​​Consciousness, echoed a few hundred times, but he never dared to say it.

As the Heavenly Palace Second Palace Lord, in front of all the members, he confessed to a younger Martial Emperor Realm. The serious consequences of this behavior, he certainly knows.

That’s not as good as it is now, just go to Self-destruction Qi Sea.

How to do! ? How to do! ?

At this time, the Magic Thunder Emperor felt like an ant on the hot pot, no matter what, the result was the same …

“I … I … agree!”

In the last two words “Agree”, Emperor Thunder Thunder almost gritted his teeth and squeezed them out of the teeth.

There is no choice at all!

Promise to die! If you do n’t agree, you will die!

However, if you agree to Life and Death Battle, and do your best, maybe there is a glimmer of survival!

So, in the face of so many people, and in front of the other Heavenly Palace Xuan Heavenly Palace’s other eager looking forward to the gaze, what can the Holy Thunder Emperor say! ? What else can I choose! ?

The thing that made him vomit blood the most was that these people were all summoned by him using the “horn of the anti-God”

It turned out to let them see how Chu Yan was expelled from the inverse Divine Dao and raised his face well, but now the result is different from what he originally designed and imagined, how is it different! ?

“Okay! Emperor Phantom Thunder, has faced the challenge. Let’s prepare …”

Tianlin Saint Emperor heard the words of Emperor Thunder, nodded, turned towards everyone in the audience, and announced loudly.

However, without waiting for him to announce in a sentence, suddenly, Chu Yan spoke again, interrupting his words.

“and many more….”

This sounded, Tian Lin Sheng was stunned, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, his face stunned.

What the hell is going on with this kid! ?

Not only the Tianlin sages, including Huangfu Yitian, Phantom Thunder Emperor, Ouyang Nantian, Tiankun sages, all were stunned, looked towards Chu Yan, full of doubts, did n’t even know, Chu Yan called “wait “Wait”, what are you doing! ?

Including all the inverse Divine Dao members of the audience, like all the big brothers, they all looked stunned, looked towards Chu Yan, completely ignorant! ?

Is this Chu Yan, now I have to repent! ?

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