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A sword came out, it was cold!

The magic thunder emperor pointed by this sword light only felt cold all over his body, just like being in an ice cellar.

“No … not good!”

Even the teeth were a little trembling, and the hallowed Thunder Emperor’s scalp exploded, and under a strong sense of danger, Sheng Yuan exploded directly.

“Thunder Moving Nine Heavens, illusion!”

Both hands forming seals, Gang Yuan boiling like water, broke out around him.

“The sky is cursed, the sky is boundless!”

Not far away, Qingyang Saint Emperor, also complexion greatly changed, didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s sword, it was so horrible.

2 Great Saint Emperor, unique skill urged at the same time, not dare to be indifferent, the majestic Saint Emperor attacked, like the sky falling down, enveloped Chu Yan.

Uh …! Uh …!

Faced with the attack of the emperor hiding the sky and covering the earth, Chu Yan ’s eyes turned to Qilin ’s pupil, piercing all the attacks directly, with a figure like black lightning, flashing between them, there were constantly a large number of attack frenzy, walking through Flying edge.

In that way, it is like how to wind and torrential rain, a calm boat will be swallowed by immersion at any time, so that all the people watching the battle, a heart, all mentioned the throat.

You know, this is the attack wave of the Holy Emperor, how powerful the formidable power is, Chu Yan is so shuttled like this, it is tantamount to dancing on the tip of the knife, how to take the millet in the fire sea, how can it not be called have one’s hair stand on end.

However, regardless of the onslaught of oncoming attacks and the horror of the momentum, Chu Yan stared straight at Phantom Thunder Emperor, regardless of being in danger, he continued to charge.

“You … are you crazy !?”

Seeing Chu Yan getting closer and closer, in the heart of Emperor Lei Thunder, the coldness kept rising, the pupil trembling, and the heart exclaimed.

This Chu Yan, simply is a deadly tactic!

Although there is a dazzling sword light in front of him, which has been breaking the way, but under the large-scale attack of the 2 Great Saint, the might of the sword light is also weakening.

It seems that 2 Great Saint Emperor wanted to rely on this attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth to block the sword light and Chu Yan’s charge, there was no possibility at all.


With a loud noise, azure sword glow rushed nearly 1000 steps in the sky of the divine power, and finally could not bear the crazy attack of the divine power, and spread out.

Chu Yan Qilin’s pupil was running, his eyes passed, his body turned sharply, and he walked on the edge of the gas explosion, his body became more erratic, and he passed through the air, leaving a long afterimage.

“Also … come back !?”

Divine Consciousness locks Chu Yan, his face trembling.

Without that sword light to open the way, that Chu Yan did not retreat, but still moved towards himself.

In this case, don’t say that the savings forbidden technique is a big move, even if you want to escape, you have a little soft legs.

This is regarded as a target, staring at you, no matter what you do, a pair of eyes on both sides, just like a wolf, just staring at you tightly and constantly rushing towards you.

This feeling, the fear in people’s hearts, is constantly born.

“Emperor … Huangfu Palace Master, save … save me …”

Emperor Lei Thunder turned to escape, but suddenly found that behind him, a twisted void directly blocked the way. When he wanted to fly to the left and right sides, he found that the distortion was not the void at all, but Space- Time.

Space-Time is distorted. Even if you are the Great Principle Golden Immortal, you can also teleport with impossible. You can only use True Qi to fly under the pressure of the sky that has increased tenfold.

In that case, the speed will be greatly reduced, if you want to escape quickly, it is simply impossible.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the fear in Saint Lei’s heart has risen to the apex. No matter what, he spoke directly, and his voice was trembling. Before the Temple of Xuantian, the iron-faced Huangfu Yitian asked for help.

“Bold Chu Yan, courting death!”

Huang Fu Yi Tian suffocated his stomach and heard the words of Emperor Lei Lei, and he still held it there. With a loud curse, he would rise up into the sky and join the battle circle.

At this time, even him, he no longer considered the face of Xuan Heavenly Palace, just wanted to save the magic thunder Emperor, Fiercely’s lesson Chu Yan.

Therefore, before speaking to Chu Yan, letting the three emperors go together, they did not care about it, and laughed aloud, but now, they really have to evolve into three Martial Emperor Realm … .. Chu Yan!

Anyway, I have lost my face today, and I do n’t care about losing more.

“You try one!”

Not waiting for Huangfu Yitian to leave, not far away, a coldly shouted sound sounded, and at the same time, a came with a golden light of thunderbolt momentum.

“Not good !”

Huang Tian, ​​who is urging True Qi and Divine Consciousness, only feels a sense of crisis in his heart, and it bursts in an instant. His scalp is tight all over. He dare not have a slight hesitation, just a teleportation, moved towards the rear. Ten steps.

Tom …!

A loud noise sounded, accompanied by dust, just where he had just stood, a turbid iron rod, inserted on the ground, the rod body was still buzzing and trembling.

“Tian Kun, you …”

The armored iron rod is the Great Killing Artifact of the Lord Kun Kun. The formidable power of this rod is extremely terrifying. Of course, Huangfu Yitian knows it.

“Do you want a face !? You guys in Heavenly Palace want to have no shame !?”

With a disdainful face, Tian Kun Shengzun both hands crossed near chest, cold eyes looked towards Huangfu Yitian, asked.

The sound fell to the ground, all directions in four directions, without eyes, and looked over together.

Huangfu Yitian was swept by these eyes, his face suddenly started, his body suddenly stood still on the spot, where he could move even a minute.

Countless pairs of eyes, with a variety of complex expressions, anger, ridicule, disdain, and contempt. Most of their eyes are almost exactly the same as those of Tian Kun Shengzun.

Want a face! ?

You Xuan Heavenly Palace, you want to have no shame! ?

Among the crowd, there are many members who are blushing and unable to lift their heads. These people are basically all members of Xuan Heavenly Palace.

What a shame …!

This is too shameful …!

In this battle, Xuan Heavenly Palace first sent a holy emperor to deal with a Martial Emperor in the Earth Demon Palace. However, he had another holy emperor. Now, even the main palace master must go up to form 3 dozen One situation.

If you continue to develop like this, if the three Saint Imperial Capital can’t beat it, do you want to call on all the members of the entire Heavenly Palace to deal with one other! ?

Such shameless things, not to mention in the inverse Divine Dao, even in the ordinary Sect forces outside, simply happen.

Therefore, the members of the Xuan Heavenly Palace simply couldn’t raise their heads in the crowd at this time, and even many people began to move towards the edge of the square, ready to slip away at any time.

After all, standing here is really shameful.

Huang Fu Yi Tian had just stunned his head with anger. At this time, he suddenly woke up and suddenly his face turned red. He coughed twice and lowered his head slowly.

“hmph! ”

Seeing that Huangfu Yitian came down honestly, Lord Tian Kun didn’t say much, coldly snorted, and continued to look up towards the sky, paying attention to the war situation.

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