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Chu Yan’s suspicion is absolutely reasonable.

You know, in Ten Directions Star Domain, Half-God Realm powerhouse, what concept is that absolutely sweeps the existence of the heavens.

Even in the inverse Divine Dao, there is the existence of the Peak.

Such a powerful powerhouse would be so good to accompany himself to somewhere in Danger Land to find resources! ?

Even if the relationship between Chu Yan and Ouyang Nantian is good, Chu Yan has to consider how Ouyang Nantian’s move is related to the inverse Divine Dao.

In particular, after a battle before Xuan Tian Temple, Chu Yan of course also found that the competition against Divine Dao was extremely tragic.

“Boy, this matter depends on the chance, and it has something to do with the dream world. If when the time comes, I do n’t have to tell you, so do n’t ask! Just let me go with you Is that it !? “

Ouyang Nantian hooked the head with a firm attitude and obviously did not want to tell Chu Yan.

“This matter is related to some secrets in the inverse Divine Dao, it is really inconvenient to tell you …”

Seeing that Chu Yan was about to ask again, Ouyang Nantian hurriedly explained again.

“Boy, won’t you even worry about me !? I’ll hurt you!”

Ouyang Nantian smiled bitterly and looked at Chu Yan.

“Then … okay!” Chu Yan hesitated, slightly nodded.

For Ouyang Nantian, Chu Yan is certainly at ease, but for the inverse Divine Dao …

But now, when Ouyang Nantian puts his words on this, what can Chu Yan say, can only be nodded.

Moreover, such a place as Tianmeng Jue is full of dangers, and the rumors of the outside world that damage the Martial Artist among them have nothing to do with the strength of the cultivation base and are extremely strange.

Now there is a person Half-God Realm powerhouse, Chu Yan also has a guarantee, naturally there is no reason to refuse.

If you can get 5 soul stones, the breakthrough Great Emperor Realm, the opportunity is much greater.


Chu Yan nodded, together with Ouyang Nantian, went out of the earth demon palace and went directly to the teleport hall.

After the rays of light in the teleport hall flash, and the silhouettes of Chu Yan and Ouyang Nantian disappear, the main hall of the Heavenly Palace not far away …

“Reporting to, Grand Palace Lord, Second Palace Lord, 3 Palace Lord, that Chu Yan left the mountain gate, and according to the news that the temple was on duty, they went to the dream continent!”

Ge Hong stood first, his attitude was extremely respectful, and he told him.

“Tianmeng continent !?”

Above the throne, the Magic Thunder Emperor complexion changed.

“Does he want to go to the blue wolf extinction !?”

“Yes! It is very likely that the Continent of Heaven is a piece of 4 Star continent. Except for some indigenous and low rank Monster Beast, there are no resources at all, only the Ten Dream Forbidden Land ranked 3rd, which is a big start . “

Qingyang Shengdi is nodded, added

“Oh, this kid, the courage is not small …” Huang Fu Yi Tian sneaked, opened the mouth and said.

“In my opinion, this is a good opportunity!”

Keeping his head down, his eyes turned gu lu gu lu, the magic thunder emperor suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“what chance!?”

Qingyang Holy Emperor and Huangfu Yitian turned their heads at the same time, looked towards Magic Thunder Emperor.

“Tell this news to let the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, and all Great Influence know that that Chu Yan, who got a lot of Heavenly Demon Fruit and Antiquity Demon Supreme Treasure on Yellow Springs Road, arrived in the Heavenly Dream Territory, when the time comes … ..Hehe ”

The word fell to the ground, the two main palace owners started at the same time, and then brows slightly wrinkle.

This idea is naturally a good idea, but …

If this is the case, it will violate the rules of the reverse Divine Dao, and if exposed, it will be subject to ruling!

“Ge Hong, I heard that your Ge Family, in the 3 Mountains, is operating Chamber of Commerce !?”

Emperor Lei Lei looked at the faces of Emperor Yitian and Qingyang Emperor, and naturally understood what they were afraid of, then smiled gently, turned his head towards towards Ge Hong, and asked.

“Reporting back to Martial Uncle, yes!” Ge Hong started and quickly replied.

“Okay, great! It seems that you have n’t been back to your family in a long time. Today, you are allowed to leave the palace and go back to save the family. In addition, the order will continue. Xuan Heavenly Palace begins today. No one can find Chu Yan ’s trouble again. Palace regulations! “

Between the words, Emperor Lei Lei stared at Ge Hong tightly, then turned his head to look at Huangfu Yitian and Qingyang Shengdi, and smiled gently.

“Go home and save your friends … ah !? I understand, hehehe, Martial Uncle, rest assured, I know how to do it!”

Ge Hong, who was originally blank-faced, saw the grin on the faces of the three palace masters, and finally reacted. He bowed his hand in salute and turned and walked outside the hall.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, I won’t call it Magic Thunder without killing you this time!”

Looking at Ge Hong’s silhouette, he left in a big step, and the face of Emperor Lei Lei suddenly showed a murderous aura.

Thinking of myself, dignified a holy emperor and another Heavenly Palace Second Palace Lord, but was beaten by the Chu Yan in front of all the Sea Territory members.

This breath can’t be swallowed no matter what.

Not only the Magic Thunder, Huangfu Yitian and Qingyang Holy Emperor, but also the killing intent, wishing to put Chu Yan on Death Land in the next breath.

So, hearing the words of Emperor Thunder, they will naturally not object.

In particular, through Ge Hong’s mouth, the news came out, when the time comes, even if it is traced, they can completely push it cleanly.

As long as that Chu Yan died, Xuan Heavenly Palace, as well as himself, all of the lost faces came back.

“Ha ha ha… ..”

“hehe ……”

In the main hall of Xuan Heavenly Palace, on the dark and dull main seat, the three main masters laughed.

Of course, what happened in the dark corner of Xuan Heavenly Palace is nothing to Chu Yan who just arrived at the continent of Tianmeng.

From the Transmission Array of Tianmeng Continent, it takes 7 to 8 days to go to the location of Tianmeng Jue.

Although Chu Yan was a little anxious, Ouyang Nantian looked at the scenery all the way and told Chu Yan from time to time about things in the Antiquity era.

Originally, Chu Yan was also very curious about the Antiquity God and Devil era battle.

Therefore, 2 people flying all the way, chatting all the way, it is also easy, and Chu Yan also divided a part of Divine Consciousness, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, continue to study the handle of Heavenly Sword.

After breaking the Sword Spirit of Heavenly Sword, after being killed, the new Sword Spirit is reborn, but it is very closely related to the spiritual figure on the sword body.

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness wanted to peep into the mystery of it, but he couldn’t find a breakthrough.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, 8 days later, the two finally arrived at the entrance to the vast forest.

This is an extremely magical place. The endless forest is a dazzling sea of ​​rays of light.

The leaves and trunks of almost every big tree release a touch of rays of light. The light of countless trees is brought together, and the sky is almost illuminated, making it impossible to distinguish. It is still daytime. Night.

“Here, there is nowhere else in heaven!”

Chu Yan glanced across the big forest in front of him, his face full of consternation.

Not because of the spectacle of the glittering forest in front of me, but because of Chu Yan, in this forest, I felt the extremely rich Five Elements Spirit Power.

In one place, such a rich 5 Series Spirit Power appeared at the same time, this is also the first time Chu Yan encountered.

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